Books to be read soon for my #readtheworld #readingtheworld challenge. Can‘t believe I am already close to finishing letter M!!
Books to be read soon for my #readtheworld #readingtheworld challenge. Can‘t believe I am already close to finishing letter M!!
I love books with #unreliablenarrators This one is about the demise of a marriage from first the husband and then the wife's perspective. I loved trying to guess how much was accurate or biased in each of their narratives! #maybookflowers
I absolutely loved this book! The book is divided into two parts, one told from the perspective of the husband, a painter whose name is never given and the other from the perspective of his wife as both endeavor to tell the story of what went wrong in their marriage.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#riotgrams #booksandtreats I'm trying to avoid treats right now but my book club meets monthly at Panera so I have to have a cookie!😄🍪