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Fates and Furies
Fates and Furies: A Novel | Lauren Groff
A FINALIST FOR THE 2015 NATIONAL BOOK AWARDSHORTLISTED FOR THE 2015 KIRKUS PRIZELauren Groff is a writer of rare gifts, andFates and Furiesis an unabashedly ambitious novel that delivers with comedy, tragedy, well-deployed erudition and unmistakable glimmers of brilliance throughout. TheNew York Times Book Review (cover review)Elaborate, sensual...a writer whose books are too exotic and unusual to be missed."The New York Times Fates and Furies is a clear-the-ground triumph. Ron Charles, The Washington Post From the award-winning,New York Times-bestselling author ofThe Monsters of TempletonandArcadia, one of the most anticipated books of the fall: an exhilarating novel about marriage, creativity, art, and perception. Fates and Furiesis a literary masterpiece that defies expectation. A dazzling examination of a marriage, it is also a portrait of creative partnership written by one of the best writers of her generation. Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. And sometimes, it turns out, the key to a great marriage is not its truths but its secrets. At the core of this rich, expansive, layered novel, Lauren Groff presents the story of one such marriage over the course of twenty-four years. At age twenty-two, Lotto and Mathilde are tall, glamorous, madly in love, and destined for greatness. A decade later, their marriage is still the envy of their friends, but with an electric thrill we understand that things are even more complicated and remarkable than they have seemed. With stunning revelations and multiple threads, and in prose that is vibrantly alive and original, Groff delivers a deeply satisfying novel about love, art, creativity, and power that is unlike anything that has come before it. Profound, surprising, propulsive, and emotionally riveting, it stirs both the mind and the heart.From the Hardcover edition.
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This was definitely a book of two halves but in the best way - I loved how the two parts focused on the different perspectives from Lotto & Mathilde and the things they keep hidden, didn‘t know about each other and their feelings about their marriage. I thought it was such a brilliant character driven novel despite the fact the protagonists weren‘t always likeable.

Caroline2 I‘ve had this one on my shelf for agesssss. Sounds like I need to move it up the pile. 👍 4mo
youneverarrived @Caroline2 same - it had been on my shelves for ages. I‘m glad I finally got to it although it‘s a slower sort of read and seems to be a love it or hate it sort of book. I hope you‘re in the love it camp if you do get to it 😁 4mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 I loved this one 👍🏻❤️ 4mo
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts she‘s such a great writer 🩷 4mo
Suet624 I was so surprised when I would see that folks didn‘t like this book - and there were many. I loved it. 3mo
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Another good month for my challenges and buddy reads. I didn‘t finish two of my rolled #Roll100 books but The Goldfinch is one of my March #ReadOrDonate books. At 800+ pages I‘ve started it now.
#AuthorAMonth #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #TBRtarot #Roll100 #ReadOrDonate #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD #LittensLoveRomance #LitsyLoveReads #NoPlaceLikeHolmes #NancyDrewBR #childrensclassicread2024

Librarybelle A great month indeed! Congratulations! 5mo
Cuilin What a fabulous month!!! 🎉 5mo
dabbe #yahooyou! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Fantastic progress!! 5mo
julieclair Great month! 👍 5mo
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2nd reading of this one, first in print several years ago and now on audio. I was in love with this the first time I read it. Not as wholly captivated the second time around but still a solid 4-star. It‘s a heavy book but Lauren Groff‘s writing is superb, as always.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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I‘ve only read Matrix by Groff (loved it!) but this feels so different. It‘s a slow read but I‘m really enjoying it. Almost at the second half which I‘ve heard changes things up a bit.

Ruthiella The second half will make you rethink the first half. I‘m glad I stuck it out, because I‘d had more than enough of Lotto! 5mo
LeahBergen I liked this one, too! 5mo
squirrelbrain Yes, the second half is 🤯 5mo
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Megabooks The second half is like a totally different book! 5mo
youneverarrived @Ruthiella I‘m definitely at that point with Lotto 🙈 5mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen love her writing! 5mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @Megabooks I‘m really intrigued! 5mo
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This was the 3rd Lauren Groff book I tried and I just couldn't get into it. I really tried to get into this one. I read almost halfway through but I simply did not care about Lotto and his wife. Honestly, I didn't like Lancelot much. I heard that things go crazy with Mathilde's side of the story, but sadly, I couldn't force myself to read any more.
#authoramonth @Soubhiville #bookspinbingo #3 @TheAromaofBooks

azulaco I remember that the first half was not that impressive to me either. Oh well, life‘s too short and our TBR lists are too long to slog through books that bore you, waiting to get to the good part. 5mo
LiteraryHoarderPenny This was one of Groff‘s I definitely did not like either. ☹️ 5mo
TheSpineView I bailed on this one too. 5mo
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HeatherBookNerd Not for me either. 5mo
Ruthiella I‘ve read three of her novels and not really liked any of them. I just don‘t enjoy her writing style. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't a match!! Off the list and onto the next!! 5mo
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While the hubby went to his father's to watch the game, I've been doing some much needed self care: eating Chinese food (Happy Lunar New Year!), watching Ever After, listened to Fates and Furies while doing my nails, and started an ebook (Alpha Daddy).

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds lovely 🥰 5mo
dabbe #metimeismuchneededmetime ❤️💜🩷 5mo
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So it‘s a pick — I think. Definitely made me feel things. At the beginning I was hoping I‘d make it through without bailing. Then I started realizing why people love this book. Then I just sat here wondering what I just read and how it all changed mood so quickly.

#AuthorAMonth #BookSpinBingo #ReadAway2024
@Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Great 6mo
Soubhiville It‘s got really mixed reviews. Glad you ended up liking it. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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Just can‘t do this for another ten hours 😴😴😴

Silverneurotic I bailed on it too. 6mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
RebelReader I‘ve tried to read this one 3 times and have bailed every time. Just picked up Arcadia and Matrix at the library to give this #authoramonth another try. 6mo
Bookwormjillk @Silverneurotic @dabbe @RebelReader I‘m glad I‘m not alone. I hate bailing on an #AuthorAMonth read, but when I saw I still had 10 hours left… 6mo
dabbe @Bookwormjillk I bailed last year on Ursula Le Guin; I tried 3 different books and just couldn't with any of them. Some authors and/or books just don't float our boats, so it's time to move on! 🤩😍😃 6mo
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This book really pissed me off the first time I read it nearly 10 years ago. I just couldn‘t process the abrupt shift from the kind largesse of Lotto‘s story in fates to the downright cruelty in Mathilde‘s story in furies. Groff proves to be wonderfully frustrating and evocative of emotion from me. She‘s truly a brilliant writer. I have to give the reread 5⭐️. Looking forward to getting to two more by her this month!

Note ⬇️

Megabooks Ann Patchett announced the other day on instagram that Groff is opening a bookstore soon in Gainesville, FL. She plans to focus on banned books (big deal there), emerging voices, and writers from marginalized groups. I am a huge UF gymnastics fan, so there is definitely a future goal to see the team compete in the O Dome and go to Groff‘s store!! 6mo
MicheleinPhilly My niece is a pre-vet major at UF. ☺️ 6mo
AmyG Good for Groff and her opening a store. 🙌🏻 And yes, this book pissed me off, too. I loved one half and hated the other. (edited) 6mo
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Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly fantastic!! 🎉 6mo
Megabooks @AmyG right?! Such an interesting read. Which half did you dislike? 6mo
Jess I just started this one today. Great review. 6mo
Soubhiville I love that your review flipped so much! I was also frustrated with it, but still liked it. I think her point of view is unique. I‘m excited to hear about her store. I don‘t foresee myself in FL anytime soon, but you never know. Love the concept. 6mo
Megabooks @Jess I hope you enjoy it as well! 6mo
Megabooks @Soubhiville it‘s crazy because I think I gave it 3⭐️ before. Sometimes that happens when I‘ve read more of an author‘s catalogue and appreciate their pov more. It happened in 2022 with Jennifer Egan and Manhattan Beach. I read her whole backlist that year, and really appreciated more that one I‘d given 3⭐️ to previously as well. I don‘t know when/if I‘ll make it to Gainesville, but I hope her store does well! (edited) 6mo
AmyG @Megabooks I read this so long ago but I wasn‘t crazy about the first half and really liked the second…the wife‘s. 6mo
Megabooks @AmyG I loved the first half more the first time, but the second half edged it out a bit this time. The change in tone between the two was stunning. 6mo
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Here‘s my #bookspin and #doublespin picks for February!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 6mo
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Roary47 What a pretty cover. 😍 8mo
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Lots of drama - on stage and off. I was interested enough to finish it but can't really recommend it. If you haven't read anything from the author, I'd start with Matrix. 👍

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A great book for our book club discussion. Lots of ambiguity to debate and a compelling story. I enjoyed the different perspectives.

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This book is well written but I didn‘t like it. Lotto is so self absorbed, seemingly never acknowledging the work Matilde does. Matilde doesn‘t communicate with Lotto - how all her inner “wickedness” could be helped with conversation. The root of all is the terrible mother - drowning in her grief - but I didn‘t like this trope. Wouldn‘t recommend. Also very very fatphobic - irritating and distracting

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It is very rare that I leave a book unfinished, even if it takes me a month or year to complete. This is the second book this year that I'm pretty sure will be a DNF.

2 hours in and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. There are mixed reviews about this one on Goodreads/Amazon. Some say it's a waste of time, while others say it's brilliant. Maybe I'm missing something but fear I am not. Has anyone else read this??

#dnf #marriage #fiction #readKY

StaceGhost I have! It was definitely a slow burn but when it switches to Mathilde‘s perspective I liked it much better. Honestly, I can‘t say the writing style changes much though so maybe it‘s a Dnf for you and that‘s valid! 2y
TheSpineView It was a DNF for me also.😏 2y
marleed I was not a fan of part 1 at all but stuck with it because that‘s just kind of what I do. But the change of perspective in part 2 is fascinating. It even convinced me to turn back and reread the pages I‘d initially forced my way through. 2y
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RebeccaRoo7 @StaceGhost That totally makes sense. Maybe right now just isn't the time for me to read it. I really enjoyed her "Monsters of Templeton" and this writing style took me by surprise, I guess. 2y
RebeccaRoo7 @TheSpineView I'm glad to know I am not the only one struggling to get through this book. I just feel like I'm reading a frat boy's diary in most places. 2y
RebeccaRoo7 @marleed That's a great idea! I think I'm going to put it down and try again at a later date. 2y
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this story is a meandering journey through one couple‘s life, together and before they knew each other. this book is split up into 2 parts, part 1: fates, part 2: furies. i like the way this was written and the story was very good, I wasn‘t super in the mood for this type of story when I read it so maybe that‘s why I‘m not overly in love with it but it is good and understand why so many people like it.

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Amanda i saw your post about reading progress in kindle when you are in the book tap the top of page and tap Aa. That will bring you to reading progress

AmandaBlaze I'm trying to track hours read. I guess I could use a stopwatch timer or just go by the “time to read book“. lol People have these cool apps on their smart phones that give you all kinds of stats, but I couldn't find one for my Kindle. 2y
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Makes me feel better


Am on the fence about reading this. Read a sample on my kindle a while back and couldn‘t get into. Is it worth sticking with. ?

AmandaBlaze I like Groff's Arcadia and The Monsters of Templeton better. I didn't finish Fates and Furies. 2y
marleed I really liked this which intrigues me because I was convinced it was a meh read until the change of perspective an midpoint. Shortly into the second half, I backpedaled to the pages I skimmed and read them with new interest. 2y
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I keep seeing Litsy love for Matrix. I don‘t have that book - yet, but this one has been languishing on my shelves. I liked it, grew weary as it got to mid-point but stuck with it for the perspective change in Part 2. What!? It‘s kind of genius writing. I then went back and reread the mid section, and wondered why I lost my focus. So yep, just put a hold on the aforementioned!

Suet624 I really, really liked this one. 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
marleed It‘s such an interesting way to play with the reader‘s emotions. I‘m so glad I stuck with it! 2y
Cathythoughts I enjoyed this one and Matrix ( very different though ). I have Arcadia , so now to find a time to read it 😄 2y
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marleed @Cathythoughts this was my first time with this author. Thanks for the heads up that Matrix is different. I‘ll clear my head of expectations! 2y
LKK526 I started to read this and gave up. Your review has encouraged me to try again 2y
janeycanuck I‘ve got Matrix on the shelf and am excited to get to it, especially since I really enjoyed this one (though, I hear they are really, really different) 2y
marleed @LKK526 I‘m really glad I stuck with it, and ended up finding it funny that I starting skimming as I reached the middle only to go back and reread. 2y
marleed @janeycanuck I have a library loan on the Marix and we‘ll see if I wait it out or go for the physical copy! 2y
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Thank you @mcipher for my #lcs package. Lauren Groff came across my radar in 2021. I loved her book Matrix, so I‘m excited to read another book by her. Happy 2022! Thanks @bookish_wookish for hosting.

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I really enjoyed this. In the first half of the book we follow the ups and downs of Lotto, a beloved but harassed young man, through the highs and lows of his life - for most of which his stalwart wife Mathilde is by his side. And in the second half we see things from Mathilde‘s perspective. The first half is a little bloated in places, a little too clever inserting so many sections of Lotto‘s plays, but then that balances out ⬇️

Centique with Mathilde‘s half of the book, which is clean and precise. A clever observation of complicated, literary people - quite different to anything else I‘ve read this year. 5 stars because it made me think and it surprised me and there were so many unforgettable moments, painted so bright and clear in Groff‘s writing (edited) 3y
LeahBergen I liked this one, too. 👍 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 🌸 3y
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Centique @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks summer flowers just spilling over the fences while I was walking home 😍 3y
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 I really enjoyed this book too 3y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 I‘ve had this on my kindle a while now! 3y
Centique @TrishB @Cathythoughts I thought I would try one of her other books before getting hold of Matrix which sounds really good. 3y
squirrelbrain Great review! I enjoyed both this and Matrix, but they‘re so different from each other! 3y
Centique @squirrelbrain it‘s going to be interesting to see that! I‘m a big fan of books about nuns so fingers crossed 🤞🤞 3y
Nute This photo makes me long for summer. Just to set the record straight, I am always longing for summer when it‘s time has passed.😆 I have liked all of her work that I‘ve read so far starting with her debut novel, The Monsters of Templeton, which was a cover-buy at first and then went on to show some really good writing. Still need to read Matrix which was going to be later rather than sooner choice, but now reconsidering… 3y
Nute Excellent review! 3y
Centique @Nute thank you Kimberley! I always feel nostalgic for the opposite season - cos I‘m on Litsy looking at snow and woolly jumpers and bowls of soup when it‘s beach weather here 😂😂 I‘m keen to read some more Lauren Groff too. 3y
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A story of a marriage, told from both perspectives. Beautifully written . One of those books you don‘t want to end.

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Bailing on this one too. I don't like the characters and the writing style feels icky, like I'm spying on them.

Depression has me in a major reading (and general life) slump right now and it's hard for me to do anything. Please tag easy to read books for me to try to read, if you can. Thank you! 💖

Soubhiville If you enjoy romance I thought this one was light and nice. (There is conflict in it, but mostly good feelings and it made me laugh loudly many many times.) 3y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Soubhiville thank you for the suggestion! There is a 12 week hold on Boyfriend Material at my library right now. 💜 3y
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WorldsOkayestStepMom @Soubhiville not yet, and it's got an even longer wait list. 3y
KarenUK This one was lovely 💕 3y
Alfoster I agree! I wanted to like this one more than I did!😢 3y
DivineDiana I agree with @Alfoster This Book was disturbing for me. 3y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @KarenUK thank you for the suggestion! 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I‘m sorry you are feeling down. Take care. I was delighted by Rosaline Palmer takes the cake and boyfriend material both by Alexis Hall. The Guncle and House on the Cerulean Sea were also both adorable. I hope you feel better soon. 3y
Prairiegirl_reading Do you have US audible? I would share any of those with you if you‘d like. I believe I have them all. 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I double checked and I do. Please let me know and I‘d be happy to send any one you choose. 3y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Prairiegirl_reading i appreciate the offer, but I don't have audible right now. 3y
Deblovestoread I bailed on this one, too. Thought it was awful. 3y
Vansa This is a great bunch of whimsical, beautiful short stories. Highly recommended for a reading slump! 3y
Vansa It's available on Internet Archive, if you're ok with using that 3y
Reggie Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It is so disgusting and I thought funny. At the minimum, it will have you distracted and blind with fury that I suggested such a book. 3y
lazydaizee Sorry to hear you are depressed, hope you soon feel better. 3y
Bookzombie When I‘m in a slump, I find reading children‘s books fun. Also, it feels like you are accomplishing something because of their length. I also like to pick up a murdery book or return to a series I enjoy. 3y
RavenclawOwlCat This one was a favorite of mine in high school! A cute, fun, and easy read! 3y
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#JoysOfJune readathonn wrapped up yesterday.

My goals:
✅ finish Disability Visibility
✅ mail my dad's father's day gift (it was a book)
✅ read a book with LGBTQ+ representation
✅❌ read 2 more books (I read one and started tagged)

Not bad for my first official readathon on Litsy!

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Finishing this one for #AxeTheStacks. The writing style is not for me. Readers have called it pretentious and I tend to agree. However, the content is engaging. The novel‘s commentary on the feats and failures of marriage are compelling, but I had a hard time connecting with the characters. Mathilde‘s section ties up loose ends and is more interesting so if you‘re struggling through the first half, keep going.
Currently escaping the 🌨❄️

BookDragonNotWorm I agree completely! 3y
LiteraryinLawrence Did noooooot like this book. I finished it because it was for a round of #lmpbc but not everyone did. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Totally agree. My review was pretty much: 🙄 3y
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Here are my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books for April

Both have been on my TBR for a while and both are owned books.

My goal for April is to read mostly my owned books!

Not sure if I‘m going to do bingo, but I did make a bingo board.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Good luck!!! 3y
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It‘s here!!! Thank so so much @ElleSkel for your generosity!! I will give it a good home. Thank you!!!

ElleSkel No problem at all! I am happy it finally arrived 😀 3y
ElleSkel Also great pic! 3y
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Was really not into this when I first started. Knowing that we would hear from the wife's POV in the second half got me interested. I agree with many reviews that the writing is a bit pretentious. But overall I it kept my interest and I enjoyed it.


Holy crap! I made the mistake of reading Lauren Groff's piece of fiction in the 2/1/21 issue of The New Yorker while I was at work. It's a powerful piece on domestic abuse. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/02/01/the-wind

Jeg Wow. Very powerful. 3y
kspenmoll Stunned. Visceral. Heaviness. Weight of violence. Wind. (edited) 3y
Suet624 @jeg @kspenmoll I haven‘t been as stunned by the ending of a short story ever. (edited) 3y
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2/5 This book was difficult for me to finish. The writing in it is excellent but I just found the main characters so I unlikable that I found it hard to read. I‘m sure there are people out there who would enjoy it though. Read August 2020

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Book mail today! Thanks again @CBee

CBee Yay! Glad it arrived 👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy!! 4y
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What an interesting book! The story of a marriage from first the husband‘s point of view, then the wife‘s in part 2. They turn out to be different in ways I wouldn‘t have guessed.

As with every marriage there are ups and downs, hot spots and downright chilly ones. From his point of view it seems pretty normal, and a lovely life together.

Then you get into her story and things change drastically. The end really shook me. Great book!

Soubhiville Thank you @MadDashReading I really enjoyed this! 💜 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures So good to hear I am starting it this weekend! 4y
Hooked_on_books I haven‘t been at all interested in this one, but you‘re making me rethink that. I may check this one out. 🤔 4y
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Megabooks This book definitely made me feel! I still think about it years later. (edited) 4y
LeahBergen I liked this one! 4y
Moray_Reads @Hooked_on_books I was ready to bail on this one halfway through, didn't understand the hype. But by the end I thought it was utterly brilliant 4y
Soubhiville @Moray_Reads @Hooked_on_books I agree- part one is okay, good even, but I didn‘t understand the raves until part 2, when you start getting Mathilde‘s viewpoint. So if you start it, don‘t give up before that! 4y
atla Ooh, I need to get to this one soon. Florida is one of my favorite short story collections and I‘ve not read anything else by Groff. I love books with multiple perspectives on the same events. 4y
InkintheMargins Yay! I'm glad you liked it! ❤ 4y
Soubhiville #readtheus2021 #Florida (only part of it takes place there, but they talk about it constantly) 3y
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This book is my cup of tea! Definitely not for everyone but I love rich (deep not wealthy) characters with baggage (even if I don‘t particularly like the character) and I really enjoyed both Lotto‘s side and Mathilde‘s side of their marriage, their backgrounds, and how their story unfolded for each of them. A dose of the same life with two different sides.

Megabooks This book made me angry in the best way. 4y
Cortg @Megabooks Yeah, I can see that. It has a lot of layers and the characters were frustrating to say the least, but I loved it! 😀 4y
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@MadDashReading I‘m in love with my swap package, thank you so much! Both of these covers 😍 so gorgeous! I‘m about to have a cup of the tea and check out this Literary Witches deck. And you know I‘ll use those postcards. Thanks again! And thanks to @Bookgoil and @rsteve388 for hosting #LitsyLoveWinterSwap

LeahBergen Infused is so good! 4y
Bookgoil What a lovely set of books and I‘m intrigued by the Oracle! 4y
InkintheMargins Oh, good! ❤ I'm so glad you like everything! It was fun choosing what to get and putting it all together! Happy Solistice! 4y
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AkashaVampie @jb72 @ElizaMarie check out that deck. 4y
Crazeedi What a great gift! 4y
TheBookHippie Wow how wonderful! 4y
ElizaMarie that deck looks so so beautiful! 4y
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And out just in time for my birthday - Lauren you‘re so thoughtful! 🤣


AmyG Oh, nice!!! 4y
saresmoore Oh, heck yes! 4y
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OriginalCyn620 📚😐📚 4y
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#3Books... I hated. @OriginalCyn620. @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

All of these were DNF!☹

Ruthiella Fated & Furies was part of my three too! Everybody else loves it. 😀 4y
Deblovestoread I bailed on Fates and Furies, too. I 4y
TheSpineView @Ruthiella @Kdgordon88 I just didn't see what people liked about it. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👎🏻📚 4y
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Some #letterF love today....
Lots of great ones here, including two authors with two books each... Lauren Groff and Tove Jansson 💕

JennyM You are making me want to see your home library 🥰 You have so many great books! 4y
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DNF @ 23 pages

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Found at Goodwill. Going to give it a go, we will see. Very mixed reviews. If I DNF, it goes to the little free library.

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While some parts of this book did drag on, I thought Matilde was a fascinating character and I enjoyed the slow reveal. This was definitely a case where the wife was way more interesting and complex than the husband and he needed to pay attention, the dolt. Everything was not what it seemed on the surface.

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I LOVED this book...having the same story told from two different perspectives is eye opening, and shows that honesty doesn‘t always equal the truth. Great read!

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Which of these #blueandgreencovers are your favorite? #AcrossApril

Eggs So pretty 💙💚💙 4y
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mollyrotondo I really liked this one. Can‘t wait to read your thoughts! 4y
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Thanks for the tag @squirrelbrain 😊💕

#ispy with my little eye, a book with a turquoise cover....

For the next color I pick gold and tag @Samplergal

squirrelbrain Well done! I loved this book. Mine has a different cover, but still turquoise (and yellow).... 4y
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Groff unravels a complicated New York love story over decades - first from Lotto‘s perspective, and then enriching our understanding through Mathilde‘s experience.

Read February 19-23
Rated 4/5 ⭐️
Book 12/60

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^THIS BOOK. I don‘t know if I even like it , but I can‘t stop reading it.

AmyG I found that I enjoyed the second half more. 4y
ljuliel That‘s quite an intriguing comment. 🙂🙃☹️ 4y
Amiable @AmyG That's actually good news -- I'm not totally hating the first half, so if the second half is even better then I'll probably love it. 4y
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Amiable @ljuliel I am not sure how I am going to review it. I don't think I could call it a blanket “Pick“ because it really needs a specific reader to thoroughly enjoy it, I believe. I wouldn't caution people away from it, but I wouldn't say everybody should read it. 4y
ljuliel It sounds like it might be one of those that either gets 1🌟 or 5🌟 reviews. Those are always confusing to me, because I depend a lot on reviews , so it‘s hard to figure out which group to follow. I think there were other similar remarks in here about it. Some liked it, some disliked it. 4y
Amiable @ljuliel Right now I would probably give it 3 stars. I like it enough to keep reading it, but I don't love it. That's sort of my default -- 3 stars is right down the middle. 4y
ljuliel Yes, that sounds like a good number. I probably have given 3 stars more than any other number, because I consider 3 good enough to complete the book, but it didn‘t knock my socks off. 4y
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