In this panoramic work of history, Lady Antonia Fraser looks at women who led armies and empires: Cleopatra, Isabella of Spain, Jinga Mbandi, Margaret Thatcher, and Indira Gandhi, among others.
In this panoramic work of history, Lady Antonia Fraser looks at women who led armies and empires: Cleopatra, Isabella of Spain, Jinga Mbandi, Margaret Thatcher, and Indira Gandhi, among others.
Since collecting parcels at the post office is a pain, I have my stuff sent to my work address. I had forgotten I'd be on holidays when this arrived, so I had to wait until I was back at work to get it today. Thank you so much @lemonlime799 for this and Pendleton the Penguin 😍
Guys!!!! I was so busy yesterday I totally forgot to do this!!!!!!!!!! Shows how new I am at book giveaways 🙄Omg well anyways I used a random name generator and congrats @drokka I'll send you this book! 📖 you are the real warrior queen
Shit, I loved the sound of this book so much that I got it twice ? BOOK GIVEAWAY: tag me in a post and recommend to me *your* favorite nonfiction history book about women (intersectionality is my fav so women of all demographics is game) & in 24 hours (Tues June 13th 20:00) I'll randomly pick someone and send you my extra copy of "The Warrior Queens"!!!! Spread diverse history! Be warrior people! Yay! Can't wait to see what books you recommend!
Have heard good things of Fraser's writing & research; I have one of her other books (lost) in my shelves that is TBR. How cool does this sound though? Any guesses as to whom will be featured? I am 1000000% positive that Elizabeth I and the Spanish Inquisition will be in here, and would be thoroughly unsurprised if Cleopatra shows up too. Throw me your guesses, I'll have the chapter list in my next post! 🙈👑💃🏻👸🏻