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Nightfall One
Nightfall One: Science Fiction Stories | Isaac Asimov
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Having snorted derisively earlier this month at a quiz giving 4+ books per month as its highest category, I find my tally for June is actually pretty slim when accounting for the Gorey's taking 5 minutes each to read (but, admittedly, 5 glorious minutes). I liked all these books in their own ways, but I'm probably most gratified at finally having read the Asimov I bought 44 years ago 👴

Bookwomble I've also got a couple of tomes on the go, as well as having read a couple of magazines, so (flip-flopping somewhat on my earlier assessment), this StoryGraph summary isn't the whole June reading tally! 2mo
Aimeesue Gorey is such a delight 🖤 2mo
The_Book_Ninja Will you read Nightfall 2? 2mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I would, but I'd have to get it first! It's available online, but I've some other Asimovs I bought 40 years ago to read before I accumulate any more! 📚 2mo
Bookwomble @Aimeesue He is, that 😊 2mo
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2nd story: Green Patches
Life on Saybrook's Planet is an organised whole, living in a harmoniously balanced ecology, lacking individuality. The arrival of humans, "fragmented lifeforms", evokes pity in Organised Life, which seeks to rescue them from the chaos of their existence by assimilating them into the collective. Asimov, 1950.
[*Cough* Star Trek *cough* The Borg *cough-cough*]

The_Book_Ninja That‘s a dusty ol‘ copy you got there😷 2mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I don't think I'm the first person to blow the dust off these stories. I'm not saying plagiarism, but certainly inspired by. 2mo
The_Book_Ninja Yeah, I‘m just reading I Have No Mouth… cough…Tron…cough 2mo
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The title story is set on the planet Lagash, in orbit around the primary of a six-sun system. Archeological evidence indicates that civilisations rise and fall in cycles of 2½ millennia, always ending in apocalyptic catastrophe. Towards the end of the present cycle, scientists are figuring out the gravitational complexities of the system, only to predict the imminent crisis when all suns will either be below the horizon or in eclipse, and night ⬇️

Bookwomble ... will fall for the first time. A millennial cult preserving a superstitious memory of stars as the harbingers of The Rapture seeks to destroy the science they see as blasphemous before the coming of the celestial messengers. Brilliantly imagined by Asimov in 1941.
[*Cough* Three Body *cough* Problem *cough-cough*]
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I bought this book in 1980, and it's been TBR ever since. Travelled up and down the country with us as we moved house, and has been carefully shelved, packed, unpacked, and reshelved several times. Time to find out if that effort has been worthwhile...

The_Book_Ninja 🤞🏼 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Wow! What a cover! 😍 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau Even if you DNF you can never get rid of it; it's part of the fabric of your very being! 🤣 2mo
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Bookwomble @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm It's great, isn't it 😃 It's by the graphic designer and painter Ken Sequin. I think it has Archimboldo vibes to it 😊 2mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja @TheBookgeekFrau It's not too much of a risk, as I don't think I've read an Asimov story I didn't like 😊 2mo
Ruthiella Only a 40 year wait…not THAT LONG. 😂 2mo
Bookwomble @Ruthiella Sadly, I have a number of others of similar vintage! My ratio of book-buying : book-reading has always been skewed 😏📚📚📚 2mo
bibliothecarivs What a story! 2mo
Bookwomble @bibliothecarivs 🤷🏻‍♂️What can I say?😆 2mo
bibliothecarivs I was born in 1980. Condition looks amazing. How much do you think it cost back then? Is there a price on the book? 2mo
Bookwomble @bibliothecarivs Mine's a 1979 printing, the cover price being UK 85p; Eire 93½p; Aussie $2.95; NZ $2.75. US$ not listed. I bought it second hand from the local market, the stall holder having the annoying habit of biroing her price on the cover, in this case I having paid 45p. 2mo
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