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The Hotel
The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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In his introduction to a collection of criticism on the Anglo-Irish author Elizabeth Bowen, Harold Bloom wrote, What then has Bowen given us except nuance, bittersweet and intelligent? Much, much more. Born in 1899, Bowen became part of the famous Bloomsbury scene, and her novels have a much-deserved place in the modernist canon. In recent years, however, her work has not been as widely read or written about, and as Bloom points out, her evocative and sometimes enigmatic prose requires careful parsing. Yet in addition to providing a fertile ground for criticism, Bowens novels are both wonderfully entertaining, with rich humor, deep insight, and a tragic sense of human relationships. Bowens first novel, The Hotel, is a wonderful introduction to her disarming, perceptive style. Following a group of British tourists vacationing on the Italian Riviera during the 1920s, The Hotel explores the social and emotional relationships that develop among the well-heeled residents of the eponymous establishment. When the young Miss Sydney falls under the sway of an older woman, Mrs. Kerr, a sapphic affair simmers right below the surface of Bowens writing, creating a rich story that often relies as much on what is left unsaid as what is written on the page. Bowen depicts an intense interpersonal drama with wit and suspense, while playing with and pushing the English language to its boundaries.
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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mcctrish I honestly feel dizzy after that chapter but my favourite part is “the slight sense of degeneracy induced by reading novels before luncheon” and I wish Veronica Godspeed #dontletthedoorhityouonthewayout 4h
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish that was my favorite part too! 4h
Bookwormjillk V seems like the type that can only feel good about herself by making others feel bad. 4h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ruthiella I‘m beginning to understand why Ronnie and his mother didn‘t spend much time together previously…😳 16h
willaful Anyone else completely baffled by this chapter? It's like it was written in French. 15h
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Bookwormjillk Yeah really weird 13h
Cuilin @willaful it‘s such a bizarre mother and son conversation. 6h
Cuilin @Ruthiella or this is the result of not spending time together. They can‘t communicate effectively. 6h
mcctrish @willaful I had to go back and skim this chapter this morning because nothing stayed in my brain at all other than Kerr fell asleep 5h
Ruthiella @Cuilin Right! We don‘t anything about how they interacted previously. Was Ronald raised by nurses, governesses, boarding schools , other relatives? 5h
Ruthiella @willaful I‘ve only otherwise read The Death of the Heart by Bowen, but the writing in it was occasionally very hard for me to parse. I‘ve encountered lots of sentences in The Hotel that I‘ve had to read multiple times. 5h
willaful @Ruthiella I\'m not the best at this type of prose. 3m
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ruthiella Yes, Cordelia is a breath of fresh air. 2d
Bookwormjillk Cordelia is the best. But doesn‘t he like dates? 2d
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willaful I honestly don't know what I'm hoping for here! 2d
mcctrish @willaful me either 1d
Cuilin I don‘t know what it says about their society when it‘s the 11-year-old who has the best conversation that makes the most sense. 1d
willaful @Cuilin Hmmm.... 21h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Yall, I‘m so sorry, I have a friend visiting this weekend and I didn‘t get to today‘s chapter! I will try and catch up later tonight or tomorrow and will post as soon as I catch up! #hashtagbrigade

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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen

“Don't you know any people? Do you like them so much?“ Cordelia inquired. “How funny! I only like people in books who only exist when they matter.“

The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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IndoorDame That is a cute puppy! 🐶 3d
Cuilin The tagging worked!!! As for that proposal, I was reminded of a certain Lizzy and Mr Collins. Also I like Cordelia, she may be my favorite. lol. 3d
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mcctrish That puppy is cute, referring to The Ronald #theronald as one is just weird, even Sydney thinks so! Poor Milton, he‘s as awkward as the day is long and Sydney just dismisses him #thatsahardno 3d
Ruthiella I don‘t think that Ronald is that cute! He seems to be like a bit of a snot. Maybe only child issues? 3d
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin he really is Mr Collins! Also #savecordelia 3d
willaful Sydney actually thought of the correlation between herself and Cordelia! Definitely authorial purpose. 3d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Bookwormjillk This chapter felt like it was there to set up the next chapter 4d
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk truly. I did enjoy the banter between Milton and Eileen but now the he realizes he loves Sidney he‘s probably just going to mope. What is with the Colonel and LM ? Creepy lecherous old men in front of their wives 🤮 4d
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Cuilin “Eileen Lawrence, who, disconcerted at finding herself without a partner, was advancing towards him with the undulation of a Spanish dancer.” Bowen‘s writing is amazing. (edited) 4d
Cuilin I see my name is tagged, but for some reason, I‘m not getting a notification. 4d
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin that‘s so weird! I wonder if the app is glitching 4d
Cuilin @BarkingMadRead 🤷‍♀️ yeah I agree it‘s weird. 4d
Ruthiella I‘m not getting notifications either. 🤨 Is Colonel Duperrier cheating? Or is he just out of sight and Mrs. D overreacted. There‘ve been a lot of hints that something‘s not right with her… 4d
willaful @Cuilin I can't tell if I'm still being tagged but I haven't gotten them in awhile. :-( 4d
BarkingMadRead Oh no! @willaful I‘ve been tagging everybody every day, I don‘t know why you aren‘t being notified! 4d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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My book finally arrived!!! Now, to catch up!


Bookwormjillk This one is a trip! 4d
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk oh yay!!!! 😂😳 4d
IndoorDame I‘m loving this edition! I haven‘t seen it yet. Also loving the book. Enjoy catching up! 4d
rubyslippersreads I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who‘s behind. 😁 4d
Cuilin Beautiful edition 😍 3d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ruthiella I also dug that reference. How appropriate since this group is an offshoot of that original #Pemberlittens Jane Austen group read. 😃👍 5d
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella I legit squealed! 5d
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Librarybelle The reference was a delightful surprise! 5d
Bookwormjillk That reference was the highlight of my day. 5d
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk mine too!!!! 5d
rubyslippersreads At least Milton recognizes that he‘s Mr. Collins and not Mr. Darcy. 😆 6h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ruthiella Sydney seems a little tone deaf in that she didn‘t think a mother would be excited to have her son visit her? Or is this a class thing? 6d
mcctrish @Ruthiella Kerr does say she and Ronald are never together so maybe Sydney thought that‘s partially by choice. Does Ronald have a guardian because he has no father? And Kerr has no say in what he does or where he goes ? 🤯 (edited) 6d
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Bookwormjillk The Cordelia thing was too funny. Seems like there‘s a story with Syd and Ron. Can‘t wait to read more. 6d
willaful @Bookwormjillk I wondered if maybe it was intended to mirror Sydney and Mrs. Kerr, with the younger desperately wanting something from the older. Though Kerr does seem to indulge Sydney a fair bit.

I was fascinated by how put off Sydney was. She so infatuated with who she thinks Mrs. Kerr is, she doesn't want to see anything that doesn't fit her image. It's so boringly conventional for a mother to be interested in their own child!
IndoorDame @mcctrish Ronald is 20 though, right? So she wouldn‘t really have that kind of control over him even without a guardian. Perhaps the guardian is a financial thing? The executor of his trust or something like that? 6d
mcctrish @IndoorDame true enough age-wise 6d
rubyslippersreads @Ruthiella Or is Sydney a little jealous, because she‘s had Mrs. Kerr all to herself? 6h
Ruthiella @rubyslippersreads I think you are on to it! Also, I have to remember that Sydney is only 22… 5h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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IndoorDame So nosy! They just kept fishing until they got Sydney to admit she was with Mrs. Kerr, as if that proved something 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1w
rubyslippersreads I‘m behind, but this makes me want to catch up. #cheepcheepcheep 1w
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Ruthiella I‘m finally caught up! Who are these ladies who can‘t stay at home and don‘t know what to do with themselves? (edited) 1w
Cuilin They really can‘t stand the thought of a truly independent woman. They all spend their time doing something even though they admit it‘s not useful. Mrs. Kerr does nothing but seems happy. 1w
peanutnine I love that Sydney got the last word! She's not ashamed of spending time with Mrs. Kerr, even though it gives these ladies ammunition for gossip 1w
mcctrish I love Mrs Kerr now, she sits in the sun just to sit in the sun ☀️ 👏🏻👏🏻 I do wish she‘d read though 1w
rubyslippersreads I would go insane, sitting with those old biddies and gossiping. If you have a lovely balcony with a view, why wouldn‘t you take advantage of it? 21h
rubyslippersreads @mcctrish I thought that too. Sitting outside and reading is so delightful, I‘d be doing more of that than most of the activities the characters engage in. 21h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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IndoorDame For real? They just refuse to go upstairs? 😂 I‘m pretty sure this is a 3 story building, no? I mean if you‘re staying above the 10th floor I start to see sitting around waiting for the elevator to get fixed, but these women are able to walk so they can walk up 2 flights of stairs. 1w
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BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame right? Like walking up is some great expedition they may never return from 🤣 1w
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead yes, like an expedition, I love it! This book is its comic gold! I‘m totally still picturing the movie getting made 🤣 1w
Bookwormjillk This book is too funny. My favorite was the woman who traveled to a foreign country and complained that there were foreigners there. 1w
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk right?!? Who did she think she would see? 🤣🤣🙄🙄🤣🤣 1w
willaful I loved this chapter. Nothing happens, but everything happens! It's so evocative about peoples very weird feelings. 😁 1w
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk she reminded me of my in laws who always complain when they travel that there are too many tourists 🙄 1w
mcctrish @willaful as I read it it felt like mayhem was happening and yet nothing really was, beyond people having a sit in to protest a broken elevator ( that the kids broke ) 1w
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish yes 🤣🤣🤣 1w
willaful @mcctrish The social constraints were on the verge of snapping! A lady walked up the stairs! A gentleman ventured into thedrawing room to retrieve a pen! This could lead to dancing! 1w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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My copy finally arrived! I did read the first chapter on Hoopla, but I dislike reading on my phone. Now to catch up! 😃

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! I don‘t know if we‘ve seen this cover yet! 1w
Ruthiella @BarkingMadRead I don‘t think we have! 1w
willaful I'm the same, so wish there was a way to get hoopla books onto an ereader! 1w
Ruthiella @willaful IKR? I can also use my tablet, but that‘s also unwieldy. 1w
willaful @Ruthiella yeah! I have a terrible old kindle fire, which is only marginally an improvement. 1w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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BarkingMadRead Somehow I‘m a chapter ahead! So so sorry! 1w
willaful Oh phew, I thought I'd fallen behind somehow! 1w
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Cuilin Ok what is with the L-M‘s? It‘s like they wanted to bring a group up the mountain just so that he would have an audience for his story. Why is she afraid for him not to be happy? The kiss also disturbed them all. 1w
mcctrish @Cuilin I don‘t get it either! Is Mrs L-M more or less bizarre than her husband who makes animal noises to impress young women because she orchestrated settings so he can perform?! Also Veronica is quite mercurial with her affections! I imagine Hotel Portofino when I read this but then everyone is acting bizarrely so it wrecks my vibe 😆 1w
IndoorDame The L-M‘s are both giving me the creeps. I might be running off to #washmyhands with the first person who came along just to get away from them for a while. But if the kiss was so scandalous I can‘t figure out why Victor took her that far off but not actually out of sight of the group? 1w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Bookwormjillk This should be a movie 1w
mcctrish Can we talk about Mr Lee-Mittison? He likes young single women, not young marrieds or widows ( rather sad those ones) and he likes to entertain making animal noises. #cringe 1w
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BarkingMadRead @mcctrish so so cringe 1w
IndoorDame @mcctrish and his wife is just thrilled that he‘s so “popular” 😬 1w
mcctrish @IndoorDame they are soooo weird 1w
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk I suggest we start a campaign 1w
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin yes who should we talk to? 1w
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk Merchant Ivory? 😉 1w
julieclair That photo! Perfect! 1w
rubyslippersreads Yes, Mr. & Mrs. L-M are very strange. He‘s a creeper, and she‘s his enabler. 😏 1d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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A friend gifted me a ridiculous amount of hostas so my day of leisure reading blew up in my face as I wrangled 14 of the 17 into spots in my front yard. I was hot and filthy so I took my #hashtagbrigade reading to the tub and reset myself to rights

willaful Hope you had a nice loofah! 😁 2w
mcctrish @willaful I need to buy me a loofa 2w
julieclair I hope you didn‘t leave a dark ring around the tub. Or move the Shetlands. 1w
mcctrish @julieclair it‘s was actually funny, none of the dirt came off in the tub 😆 I wiped it all off with my towel which became a disaster and easier to clean 1w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Cuilin I want a movie made of this book just for that scene alone. Hilarious. I get Rev Eager vibes from a Room with a View. 2w
mcctrish HE USED THE LOOFA!!! #splishsplashiwastakingabath 2w
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mcctrish @Cuilin I was totaly thinking how did Merchant Ivory not make this into a film?! 2w
IndoorDame @Cuilin @mcctrish yes!!! I totally want to watch this scene in a movie version! It would become a priceless cult classic! 2w
Bookwormjillk Amazing. Maybe my favorite chapter of the year. I don‘t think this can be topped. 2w
peanutnine @mcctrish 🤣🤣🤣 so perfect! This chapter was a hoot! 2w
julieclair This chapter was hysterical! Four chapters in, and Elizabeth Bowen has catapulted to my list of best authors of all time. And yes, @mcctrish and @Cuilin , Merchant Ivory dropped the ball… they NEEDED to make a film version! 2w
Cuilin @julieclair @mcctrish @IndoorDame Surely there is someone we can write to due to this glaring oversight. We need a movie!! 🎥 🍿 1w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday @CBee

I love incredibly specific color words, and ones that are fun to say. I was definitely able to picture viridescent silk when it came up in a scene, but I looked it up anyway and was so fascinated to learn that part of the nature of viridescence is something becoming green. I can‘t think of another color word quite like that.

CBee I love color words too! Thanks for posting 😊 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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BarkingMadRead I‘m traveling this week (again!) to Disneyland! I‘m going to read ahead in the airport but my posts may be weirdly timed depending on the plans for the day 🤣 2w
Cuilin I do love the people watching. Everyone is so self-conscious. 2w
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Bookwormjillk The people watching is fun. And the overthinking about omelets. 2w
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk so much omelette angst 2w
julieclair Poor Miss Pym arrived late and lost her chance at an omelette. She had to eat macaroni from the staff lunch. Such a shame. 😂 I wonder what Mrs. Kerr will have to eat - she arrived even later than Pym! 😬 2w
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Have a blast at Disney! 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Getting a slightly belated start on this #hashtagbrigade selection, but excited to read another Bowen.

Cuilin The Hotel is a reread. What else have you read? I have stack not yet read. I loved 2w
quietjenn Oh, that sounds good! I've read the tagged and a handful of short stories. 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Went to the Labor Day 20% off BYOBag sale at the craft store for envelopes, stickers & stuff for fall.

Now at the coffeeshop for a dirty chai latte with oatmilk & and pump of coconut syrup & lemon poppyseed cake. Finshed today‘s chapter of the tagged book for #HashTagBrigade & a goal to finish my final 5 #LitsyLove responses.

A mellow Labor Day before a busy week including Hilo tomorrow.

BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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mcctrish What is meant by ‘pussies‘? Is this the beginning of Mean Girls? #youcantsitwithus 2w
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish I‘m not sure, but it definitely gave out mean girl vibes 2w
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Cuilin So far it‘s all pretentious vignettes. Mrs. Kerr is certainly interesting. 2w
Cuilin @mcctrish I think it just means coward. Not living life to the fullest. 2w
IndoorDame Mrs. Kerr is definitely interesting, but so far all three of the Misses seem pretty neurotic 2w
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish @Cuilin I consulted the Google and that seems to be it 2w
mcctrish Thank goodness for the Google 👏🏻👏🏻😆 and yes @IndoorDame Mrs Kerr seems to hold some kind of power over all and the Misses seem lacking independent thought 2w
mcctrish @Cuilin I‘m not sure I‘m up for a book that has women tearing each other down 2w
Cuilin @mcctrish I want to avoid spoilers so I‘m not going to say too much but I would not summarize this book by describing it as women tearing women down. It‘s definitely about a privilege set of people post World War I. Quick review. Spoiler Alert ‼️ https://jacquiwine.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/the-hotel-by-elizabeth-bowen/ 2w
willaful @mcctrish I've run into it a lot in Agatha Christie... Miss Marple was an old pussie. It means old, out of date, unimportant... so they think. 2w
mcctrish @Cuilin I won‘t read the spoilers and if you say that the book won‘t be that way, just privileged people being privileged then on we go 2w
mcctrish @willaful I will probably see it everywhere now 🤷🏻‍♀️😆 2w
Bookwormjillk I‘m not sure what it is this book but I‘ve read two chapters and nothing is sticking in my head except people were playing tennis and now they‘re going to the library. 2w
tpixie Well despite the controversy ( I‘m not reading the book) I love the paper doll - like display of fashion!! 👗 2w
julieclair Mrs. Kerr fascinates me. I hope we learn her story… I‘ll be disappointed if she just remains a mysterious, magnetic woman throughout the book. 2w
rubyslippersreads @mcctrish I think it may mean old ladies. Definitely mean girl vibes. 3d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers

The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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A lovely slightly early #hyggehour saw me curled up on clean sheets cracking the cover of some of my brand new September reads starting with this month‘s #hashtagbrigade selection.

BarkingMadRead That‘s a great cover!! The first I‘ve seen! 2w
JamieArc Sounds lovely! 2w
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead I love it too! used books can be such exciting finds that way! 2w
TheBookHippie My book should arrive Tuesday ! I‘m excited for this one! 2w
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I liked chapter 1 and I‘ve loved other things of hers Ive read so I‘m excited too! 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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#bookspin #doublespin For anyone who hasn‘t peeked at the numbers yet we‘ll say that on my list number hot cocoa was a book from my own shelves and number chai latte was a group read. In the end I actually ended up picking two group reads, but my copy of The Flight Portfolio is a kindle edition (which has been proving super useful for all the build in French and German translation). September reading is off to a great start! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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September hopefuls. This doesn‘t include my ebooks nor audiobooks.

The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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I love the cover of my edition for this month‘s #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade read!

Lindy Yes, that is a pretty cover 🙂 2w
BarkingMadRead Ohhhhhh I love this cover! 2w
Tamra Gorgeous! 2w
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kspenmoll Love it! 2w
Cuilin I have the same cover. Love it. 2w
Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 2w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
julieclair I want to be there! 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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My #boringkindlecover for @BarkingMadRead

The first chapter made me want to go outside and play tennis.

BarkingMadRead Same as mine, although mine is color. That‘s the one downfall of a kindle, boring covers! 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers

Ruthiella Still waiting on my copy. Will catch up later! 😀 2w
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Graciouswarriorprincess I will start when I get off work this afternoon. Thanks for the tag! 😊 2w
Bookwormjillk This seems like a lighter read than Ruth? Maybe? We‘ll see. 2w
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I‘m hoping! It seems so 2w
mcctrish I forgot what day it was so got my kindle copy 🙏🏻 so Miss Pym thinks she‘s a hedonist? I‘m curious about what she and Emily came apart over. It sounds like a lovely place to spend the winter sucks that I have to spend mine at work 2w
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish I hope we find out about the quarrel, I‘m also intrigued! 2w
Clare-Dragonfly Take me off the tag list for this. I‘m just too busy ☹️ 2w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly gotcha 2w
Cuilin I think the quarrel is a case of familiarity breeding contempt. Imagine wintering in a luxury hotel on the Italian Riviera though. 2w
willaful I'm definitely intrigued about the friendship. Miss Pym seems to be a bit of a status chaser? But perhaps will realize she's happier with someone she can be herself with. 2w
TheBookHippie My book arrives Tuesday! I‘ll catch up! 2w
rubyslippersreads I‘m just catching up, but enjoying it so far. I think the quarrel is due to too much togetherness. I live the novel‘s setting, but am not so sure I‘d love vacationing with this group of people. 😏 3d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 3w
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 3w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Next up for the #hashtagbrigade is the Hotel! If you would like to join us, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome, but fair warning: my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers for the chapter, so be sure to read the chapter before you read my post! We will be reading a chapter a day, starting September 1st.

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James263 Hi 3w
IndoorDame I‘m definitely in! 😁 3w
James263 How are you doing 3w
BarkingMadRead Hi James 3w
Bookwormjillk I'm in 3w
Librarybelle I‘m in! Looking forward to it! 3w
mcctrish Off to find this 3w
Ruthiella Looking forward to it! 3w
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 3w
Cuilin Yes, this is a reread for me!! So looking forward to it. 3w
jewright I would like to join. I will have to find a copy of the book. 3w
julieclair Yay! I love Elizabeth Bowen, and haven‘t read this one. And that cover! It‘s one of those that would jump off the shelf at me in a bookstore or library. 3w
Clare-Dragonfly Hmm, I‘m considering it. None of my libraries have it so I‘d have to spend money 😅😂 but it says “sapphic affair”! 3w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I‘ll add you, and if you need me to remove you later, just let me know! 3w
quietjenn Yes, please! 3w
TheBookHippie I‘m in!! 3w
currentlyreadinginCO Im in! I'll be vacationing in Italy so it's timely! 3w
currentlyreadinginCO Just got the ebook so I don't have to pack anything else 🤪 3w
rubyslippersreads I‘m in. 3w
BarkingMadRead @currentlyreadinginCO amazing! Have the best time! 3w
TheAromaofBooks I think I'm out for this month - September is looking a little crazy!! 😆 3w
CatLass007 I probably won‘t be joining you for September but please leave me on your tag list. I love your hashtags and the comments of the other members. I definitely will be joining you in October. I‘ve already downloaded the (free) Audible version of Dracula as narrated by Tim Curry and Alan Cumming. I don‘t see how that combination could be beaten. 🦇 3w
dabbe IN! Thanks for hosting us again! 😘 3w
Deblovestoread Please add me for September and October. Many thanks! 3w
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 😳😳😳 3w
willaful Count me in. 3w
DebinHawaii It‘s been a few months but please count me in. I‘ve wanted to read this one for a while. 🤗 3w
peanutnine I almost missed this post! Count me in, sounds intriguing 3w
Tineke I am hoping to join. I am just waiting to get the book which I have reserved at the library.
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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A Hedonist!

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