The moment caught and held, and again, I saw the depths of Thea Hughes. Miles instead of minutes.
The moment caught and held, and again, I saw the depths of Thea Hughes. Miles instead of minutes.
Through most of the book, I had resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to get too attached to the story/characters (not a deal breaker, I read tons of great books that don't reach that level for me) but this took me by surprise. Out of nowhere I was sobbing like no tomorrow, biting my fist so I wouldn't wake up my dog.
This book is so sweet, it has an innocence to it that balances out the ugly heartbreak (and makes it more than worth it).
If you liked the movie 50 First Dates than this book is for you it‘s pretty similar but with a different type of story.
After a terrible accident that kills her parents Thea is forced to live her life 5 mins at a time. Her amnesia resets every 5 mins, does she remember?
I loved the detail the author went into regarding Thea‘s amnesia. I loved Jim and their love story. A few typos in the book but otherwise a great story.
When your fav song shows up in your book 😱
Sorry for the crap pic but I had to share this‘s