So... I was in a really weird mood at the library yesterday. I guess all of my multiple personalities decided to book shop at the same time 🤣
So... I was in a really weird mood at the library yesterday. I guess all of my multiple personalities decided to book shop at the same time 🤣
Sleep deprived, over-caffeinated, and unable to adult successfully on this chilly and dreary Monday... But, please enjoy this cute picture of my son enjoying some green bell pepper. 😔😴❤️
#ToddlerMomLife #DontHoldMyRudenessAgainstMe
When you're having one of those mornings and then this turns up in the Goodreads giveaways. It's like they know! I've been up for an hour and have looked forelornly at my coffee at least a dozen times. I've changed 2 nappies, made a breakfast (for the 2 yr old, I'll get mine at midday sometime 😣) and I'm about to change the baby again because he's a poop machine. Sick of the sight of willies and bums😩. What do I do all day as a SAH mum? This. ☝
Reason #1 why I'm not reading today: Box Tops for Education. Gotta count these suckers before I can get back to Mystic River, which I'm loving and I'm trying to read slowly so I don't miss anything!! By the way, never have an idea if you're part of the PTA, but if you do, DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT!!!
#PTAsucker #MysticRiver #DennisLehane