idk why i saved it
idk why i saved it
This book was HILARIOUS, laugh out loud, over the top inappropriately HILARIOUS! If you're easily offended I don't suggest it, but if you have a crazy sense of humor this is the book for you. I love Jenny Mollen and her jaw dropping honesty #JennyMollen #MyKindaChick #NonFiction #GoodRead #InstagramQueen #GoodLaugh
Finished this just now with a large cuppa and the peace of an empty house while husband and kids went to the park. It was funny, a bit disgusting and bonkers! An easy read that ended on a lovely positive note
Some light relief I hope after my last book. And I have no pets to show off, so here's a cuddly monkey!
This book was exactly what I expected. Funny, sarcastic and generally enjoyable.
Two funny books I just finished for the #bookisholympics. #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge
I would actually rate it somewhere between "pick" and "so-so" because there were parts that were hysterical and parts that were only ok and dragged a little. Overall though I'd recommend it. Jenny Mollen is the woman we all secretly are inside.
"Nobody knows what a hot mess you are more than the other hot messes you call friends." Accurate.
Rereading because her second book shipped and is getting here soon :) Jenny is hilarious and I can't wait for more words of wisdom