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A History of the Middle East
A History of the Middle East: 4th edition | Peter Mansfield
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Over the centuries the Middle East has confounded the dreams of conquerors and peacemakers alike. This now-classic book, fully updated to 2009, follows the historic struggles of the region over the last two hundred years, from Napoleon's assault on Egypt, through the slow decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire, to the painful emergence of modern nations, the Palestinian question and Islamic resurgence. For this third edition, Economist journalist and Middle East correspondent Nicolas Pelham has written an extensive new chapter examining recent developments throughout the Middle East, including the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the situation in Iran, the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict and relations with the US under President Obama.
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Very dense book but gave me a footing in an area I have little knowledge of. I wish he had explained more of what the people wanted (versus the leaders) and I'm still a little fuzzy on what the differences between the various groups are and why they are so antagonistic towards each other (it was presented as just a thing that was with no background on the why). But that just means more books to read to fill the gaps in my understanding

cathysaid This is an area where I need a cultural education as well. 8y
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When you need some escapism, due to the election, but all your books are about racism or the history of the middle East... I guess some retail therapy is in my future

BookishMarginalia That seems like a terrific reason to go book shopping. Not that we need one😜 -- great stack, by the way! 👍🏼👏🏼 8y
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