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The Vienna Melody
The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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All Vienna knows that the inhabitant of number 10 Seilerstatte is none other than Christopher Alt, piano maker, the best in Vienna, probably in all of Austria, and possiblly the world over. His piano keys have given life to melodies by Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, and many more. On his deathbed, moved by the wish to keep his children united, he leaves a will specifying that his descendants, if they are to get their inheritance, must live together in the family home. Over successive generations of the Alt family, history itself passes through the doors, down the halls, and into the private rooms of the Alts building. There is intrigue at the court of Franz-Josef: an heir to the throne has fallen in love with Henrietta Alt, who will have to carry the guilt for his eventual suicide. There are betrayals, beloved illegitimate children, and despised legitimate offspring. There are seething passions and icy relations, a world war and the rise of Nazism to contend with. There are duals, ambitions, hopes, affairs of the heart and affairs of state. Three generations of Alts live and die at number 10 Silerstatte and each member of the family, in his or or her own way, is a privileged witness to the winds of change and a Europe at the height of both its splendor and decadence
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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Pic of my husband playing in theatre Am Spittleberg last night. Schottenfest music festival is on here in Vienna. Tonight we have a Scottish woman, Karine Polwart. & another Irish singer/song writer Mick Flannery. This music is lovely. We can relax now , my husbands gig is done 💫❤️❤️

batsy Wow, awesome! Way to go Mr Cathythoughts 🎸🎶💕 7y
Cathythoughts @batsy thankyou. The gig went well 💫💫👍 7y
quietlycuriouskate How wonderful! 👏 7y
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Cathythoughts @River_Voice 👍👍❤️ 7y
CarolynM Congrats, hope you both enjoyed the show 7y
Cinfhen That‘s so cool ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
Cathythoughts @CarolynM thankyou ! I loved your post of your husband! He is a musician too 👍 7y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen the music is really good at the festival 💫💫 7y
GripLitGrl Very cool! 7y
Ms_T Amazing! 7y
Cathythoughts @GripLitGrl it‘s a lovely festival ! 7y
Cathythoughts @Ms_T 👍👍💫 7y
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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TFW you open your suitcase for a third time to slide just one more book in... #travellinglibrarian #PNLA

Zelma That quote is very glass-half-full. 😂 7y
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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I'm told close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades #editorneeded #urgent

Lcsmcat Major pet peeve! Come on publishers, hire some copy editors! 7y
OrangeMooseReads That drives me bonkers! I get that there is a lot to cover when editing a book, but a simple thing like that ... ugh! 7y
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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Really loving this book, but...

Texreader Honestly even a simple spellchecker would have caught that...😠 7y
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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So far I'm loving the story, but the typos and poor editing. 😳

bibliobliss Oh geez 🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
beccaeve That's so distracting! 7y
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The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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I love that end of day feeling

The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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Husband took the kids for slurpees #stolenmoment

The Vienna Melody | Ernst Lothar
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Here is a bizarre post. I LOVED this book. However, I have never read a book with so many errors in it! --And I read ARCs primarily yet I have never seen so many errors in any of those! Europa is one of my favorite imprints and I can't understand this. Can't sell this in its present state despite.

Bookdodger All the dog-eared pages have a minimum of one error on them. 8y
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