Fairly certain this is the only Argentinian author I‘ve read.
#DontCryforMeArgentina #WanderingJune
Lilacs. Language. Silence. Night. Darkness. Shadows.
Much of this collection was published posthumously and written into September of 1972, the month the author succumbed to suicide, which I did not know before reading this work. You can sense a great heaviness and the shadows she writes about so often lurking throughout.
Earlier this week the Best Translated Book Award finalist were announced! And for everyone doing the #ReadHarder2017 challenge there are 5 translated poetry collections none of which look to be about love! Hope this helps 📚
#poetry #translation
The first comprehensive collection translates into English and arranged chronologically as best I can tell. This poetry collection is dark and I loved it. Exploring themes of night, loneliness, death and madness. There are also prose poems and free verse. It's just so good! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
#translatedpoetry #Argentina #readharder #Spanish
It's been a really long time since I've read poetry. Already, the first few pages remind me it's been too long.
Next up! I am already behind in my goal for translations and need to read more South American authors! This should also fulfill the #readharder poetry in translation that is not about love!
#translation #Argentina #poetry #Spanish
Pizarnik's ultimate vision is a dark one, to be sure. But by the light of her brilliant language we see something in the dark that is not of the dark. So we keep reading, knowing full well it could be but a trick of the eyes.