"The first man who saw the first photograph...must have thought it was a painting: same framing, same perspective. Photography has been, and is still, tormented by the ghost of painting..." (Page 30)
"The first man who saw the first photograph...must have thought it was a painting: same framing, same perspective. Photography has been, and is still, tormented by the ghost of painting..." (Page 30)
#quality #QuotsyNov17 @TK-421
Happy birthday, Roland Barthes. This is excerpted from his work on photography, and this particular quote about family photographs touches on mourning and memory. I appreciate his writings on grief.
I'm a MA student in Film but I also work on contract as a media producer, which just means I write, photograph, film & edit video/audio (you can see some of this in bg) etc as needed. I don't usually use books for work but these are the ones I would use if I had to / some I use for my degree. But I work from home so technically all my books are #workplacebooks right? #Somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
I am a primitive, a child--or a maniac; I dismiss all knowledge, all culture, I refuse to inherit anything from another eye than my own.
As spectator I was interested in Photography only for "sentimental" reasons; I wanted to explore it not as a question (a theme) but as a wound: I see, I feel, hence I notice, I observe, and I think.