Hart Crane "paraphrase" ❤️
I love DHL's poetry. "Song of a Man who has Come Through" is one of my favorite poems ever. But here, he reminds us that your subject is immaterial. What the heck are medlars or sorb-apples? Who cares because this poem takes off
"German sounds coarse, sylvan, and hoarse, as if it had originated in smoky rooms and outlandish districts."
I love few things more than art text books that take me ten years to read
The Rubáiyat, Horace's odes and epodes, Racine's Phèdre, 16th and 17th c. Norton English Lit=five amazing dollars spent at Poets House. Here they are by the stream w my hair getting in the way
Now that we've gotten through 180 pages of usury's history as explained through Maori practices, Calvin, Luther, Moses, et al--on to the poets. Roethke here in a famous/powerful excerpt
Variations on a theme--marginalia from the girls I've been babysitting thru the years I've been trying to finish this book, the first ever BAP. Finished it today, at least!