#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 6
7 days, 7 covers you love, no explanation. Try to tag someone new each day.
Anyone else interested, consider yourself tagged as well! @readingismyselfcare
#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 6
7 days, 7 covers you love, no explanation. Try to tag someone new each day.
Anyone else interested, consider yourself tagged as well! @readingismyselfcare
I enjoyed this somewhat random pick. I did have a few issues with it, but the writing was lovely and I‘d read more by this author.
Oh, my emotions!! My heart! Wonderful. I feel I've put a piece of me on the shelf with this book when i finished it and put it away.
Day 9. BOOK + STUFFED ANIMAL #fallthebooks #bookandstuffedanimal