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Joined October 2016

Wellness | Nathan Hill
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Just a blurb about how much I am loving this book. It‘s unsettling, but I think the writing is just brilliant. I am in awe of writers like Nathan Hill - SO far out of my intelligence wheelhouse. ☺️

Leftcoastzen Love this book! 3w
Suet624 Shoot. This is still on my bookshelf. I really like Hill‘s writing. 3w
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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I‘m perpetually late to the party, but I was happy this was a quick read for #CampLitsy24. I agree with so many comments here that I don‘t feel I can add anything unique. I enjoyed it quite a lot, but didn‘t find it “amazing”.

Ruthiella You are fashionably late! 🤩 4w
BarbaraBB Happy you were able to read it. The discussion was great, you can stop by for some interesting insights! 4w
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The Light Pirate | Lily Brooks-Dalton
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Despite it‘s frightening and all too possible premise, this was a lovely book. It was an impulse airport buy, and it kept me riveted on the long flight. (The best thing about being held captive in a metal tube is not having one iota of guilt about reading for hours. 😁🤓📖.)

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This one is hard for me to review. I admire so many things about it, but it was a little too much for me in the violence/grittiness department. 3.5/5*

Tamra I bailed - I wasn‘t in the mood for gritty violence at the time. I‘ve only read one other, same style. Engaging writing though, very cinematic. 2mo
Readerann @Tamra Cinematic writing! Yep, that‘s it. 2mo
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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I‘m enamored with this series. I feel it‘s higher-level writing than most novels in the crime genre.

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I liked this a lot, although could have done without the heavy-handed foreshadowing. Too much “Given everything that came later, I wish”… or “I should have…” blah, blah, blah. Fascinating subject matter, though, and I‘ll think about communication in a new way.

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Horse: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Great story, stellar writing, and interesting. characters. Historical fiction at its best. 5*
ETA: the audio was excellent

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The Redbreast | Jo Nesbø
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Not without its implausible moments and some work to keep the characters and sub-plots straight, but overall an intelligent and satisfying read.

Rouge | Mona Awad
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I probably should have “Panned” this, but it had me intrigued for a while. I became less and less enamored and felt the ending meandered around, trying to find its way. You warned me, @BarbaraBB !

BarbaraBB Haha, I know what you mean 😀 5mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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This started off slowly, but it became a real page-turner! Rachel herself is a bit of a train wreck, but you can‘t look away. 🤣 #LitsyToB24
Spoiler: the only thing that bugged me was Rachel “running into” Carey as her London physiotherapist. Come on!

BkClubCare I loved this reading experience (audio) and I will support it !!! 😁 5mo
Readerann @BkClubCare I wish I‘d had the audio available! 5mo
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I found this gem on the #ToBLonglist and it‘s right up my alley. I‘m quoting a blurb from the GR description because it‘s perfect:
“Fernandez braids astronomy and astrology, neuroscience and memory, family history and national history into this brief but intensely imagined autobiographical essay.”

Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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A soft pick. If I think of it as poetry, it makes a real impact. As a novel, too much magical realism for my taste.

Ruthiella This is going to be the last #LitsyToB24 book that I read because I think I will feel the same way. I didn‘t like the writing in Sing, Unburied Sing and I generally don‘t like magic realism in novels…🤔 5mo
BarbaraBB I wasn‘t too fond of this one either 5mo
Readerann @Ruthiella Yeah, a little magical realism goes a long way! 5mo
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Readerann @BarbaraBB It‘s one of those books I really WANTED to like more. 😕 5mo
SamAnne Perfect review. I reqd everything Jesmyn Ward writes. Love her. But this one was also a soft pick for me and you hit the nail.on the head. 5mo
Readerann @SamAnne Thanks! I have only read Sing, UnBuried, Sing by her, but definitely liked that more. (edited) 5mo
Kitta Agreed! I just finished this and much preferred 5mo
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I do love my British murder mysteries.

BarbaraBB I just read my first James! 6mo
Readerann @BarbaraBB And I‘m betting it won‘t be your last! 5mo
BarbaraBB I really liked it indeed!! 5mo
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Julia | Sandra Newman
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I‘m in the minority on this one, but I was still surprised to see the 100% pick on Litsy. I felt there was nothing to really sink my teeth into. (Omg - I can‘t believe I just used that phrase. I apparently can‘t get my brain beyond Room 101.) Retelling a classic is a daunting task and this just didn‘t work for me.

BarbaraBB I still have to read this one.. I am a bit scared I‘ll feel the same! 6mo
Readerann @BarbaraBB I literally seem to be the only one here who didn‘t like it, so I‘ll be curious to hear what you think! 6mo
Megabooks Sorry this didn‘t work for you! 🙁 6mo
Readerann @Megabooks Yeah, the premise fascinated me and I WANTED to like it. Oh well, you win some… 6mo
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My Name Is Barbra | Barbra Streisand
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Yes, it was long but as a fan I found most of it very interesting. The audio book is 48 hours, but Babs talks SO slowly you can easily listen at 1.5 speed. I do recommend the audio since there are “extras” and music.

UwannaPublishme Loved the audio version too! But now I need to get the book so I can see all the exclusive photos 😊 6mo
Readerann @UwannaPublishme Yes, you do need to see the photos! 6mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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When most of your library holds come in at the same time…😩

squirrelbrain Ooh, lovely! But also 🤯 6mo
BarbaraBB That is a little frightening lol 😃 6mo
Megabooks Great stack though! 6mo
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Ruthiella I feel you! 6mo
Readerann @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @Ruthie Thanks for the sympathy! I have about an hour a day to read right now. 😩 again. 6mo
BarbaraBB I‘d be in no hurry to read Rouge 😉 6mo
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The Great Believers | Rebecca Makkai
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Powerful and heartbreaking.

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Circe | Madeline Miller
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I‘m not much of a mythology fan, but this was so beautifully written I became totally absorbed.

LoverOfLearning Very easy 5 star read! 6mo
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Pretty scary at how spot on Eggers was with the direction in which social media is going. There were some eye-rolling moments which weakened the book‘s effect on me, so it‘s just a soft pick. My last completion in a somewhat dismal reading year. 😞

BkClubCare The movie freaked me out. Especially since I had just started an HR job 😳 7mo
Readerann @BkClubCare Yeah, I think I‘ll be giving the movie a miss. I feel “unsettled” enough from the book. 😳 7mo
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I found this clever and entertaining, but it‘s not one that will stay with me too long. I don‘t see it winning the #ToB24.

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I‘m going to look for more books from this publisher after reading this short little gem. The back cover says: “Storybook ND: the pleasure of reading a great book from cover to cover in an afternoon”.

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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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It was totally worth the library wait to listen to Meryl Streep read this. (I like to also have a hard copy of the books I listen to.)

Ruthiella I also prefer to have a print or ebook version when I listen on audio. Sometimes I use it to re-read sections or check things. Having only audio makes me feel a little untethered. 8mo
Readerann @Ruthiella Untethered! Exactly. 😁 8mo
marleed Same - I love a stereo experience of print and audio! Oh, and I get a writing lesson when listening to audio and reading an ARC simultaneously! 8mo
Readerann @marleed I also like that I can switch back and forth depending on my mood or if my eyes are tired, etc. 8mo
Blaire Agree. The audio really added to the story 7mo
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I am really in the minority on this one. Although I can appreciate dark humor, it didn‘t work for me here. I thought the light-hearted treatment of the serious subject matter crossed the line into silliness.

Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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The stack is ready to go for #DeweysReadathon this Saturday (10/21)! It starts at 8:00 a.m. EST (6:00 a.m. for me). I can‘t wait to ‘unplug‘ for a day. 😀

Bklover Bandit Queens was so good!! (Particularly the second half) 9mo
Readerann @Bklover Good to know! The title is intriguing. 9mo
BkClubCare The Great Believers! A tie in #ToF2023 - thoughts? I am perfectly fine with it. I would choose LaRose but that could possibly be Recency Bias. I liked Makkai‘s latest, too! (edited) 8mo
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BkClubCare Circe good, too. 8mo
BkClubCare Whereabouts was odd and odd-but-lovely transportive. Hope all is well. Happy November 8mo
Readerann @BkClubCare I haven‘t read the ToF judgments yet because I‘m still in the middle of three of them! (Reading time has been sparse lately.) I‘m still enjoying Great Believers, Circe, and Bandit Queens. I did like Whereabouts. It‘s hard to believe Lahiri wrote that in Italian, then translated it herself! And now it‘s ToB time! *Sigh* It‘s still comforting somehow to know there are thousands of books out there I want to read. 🤣 (edited) 8mo
BkClubCare @Readerann - I know it is thrilling and upsetting all at the same time. But somehow, I end up reading at light speed! No slumps til April 🤣 8mo
Readerann @BkClubCare “Thrilling and upsetting all at once.” Exactly! I WISH I could read at light speed. I‘m too old to change my compulsion to read every single word. 🤓 8mo
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Maybe reading this just now wasn‘t the best idea as I am feeling overwhelmed at how evil people can be. I plan to see the movie, but am wondering how 2 hours can do justice to this complicated story. By-the-way, the book is very good!

currentlyreadinginCO I just got tickets and it's actually 3.5 hours 😲 going to be hard to stay focused haha 9mo
CSeydel @currentlyreadinginCO I wish they would bring back intermission! (edited) 9mo
Bklover @CSeydel Heck yeah for intermission!! Oh, the good old days 😉😊 9mo
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RebelReader We are planning to go tonight, but 3.5 hours???? I‘ll need at least one potty break if not 2. 😝 9mo
Tamra @RebelReader I think I‘m going to wait for streaming! I do want to read it first. 9mo
RebelReader @Tamra I might wait for streaming too. I read the book when it first came out. 9mo
Readerann @currentlyreadinginCO Oh wow. I had no idea it was that long! I‘m glad you prepared me. 😬 9mo
Readerann @CSeydel @Bklover @RebelReader @Tamra I really want to see it, but am just not sure I can sit that long. I have a hard enough time with just 2 hours! 9mo
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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Oh my, this swept me off my feet. I don‘t always love Oprah‘s picks, but this was a winner.

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I enjoyed this tale of a brilliant young woman fighting to practice medicine in the early 19th century.
A local library “group read”.

The Ambassadors | Henry James
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This was my 4th James and the toughest one to get through. It felt like too much work to figure out the complicated, dare I say shallow, relationships and aspirations of the characters.

BarbaraBB Kudos for reading so many James! 10mo
Readerann @barbarabb I liked (not loved) the others, but this one was a different kettle of fish! 😗 10mo
BarbaraBB I haven‘t dared to pick it up yet. I have that same edition. 10mo
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The Secret Pilgrim | John le Carre
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I‘ve been working my way through the Smiley novels and I think this is my favorite. In addition to his stellar writing, I appreciate le Carré‘s unflinching look at the world of espionage. No sugar-coating here.

The Golden One | Elizabeth Peters
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It‘s always fun spending time with Amelia Peabody and crew. Also, Barbara Rosenblat might be my favorite narrator.

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This book is indeed a strange new thing. I like Faber‘s writing but my overall judgment is still unclear. I‘m 70% done and I think I know what‘s going to happen, but I hope it doesn‘t. 😗

Update: I‘d have to give it a so-so. After finishing, still not quite sure how I feel about it.

BkClubCare Had you heard that Faber wrote this while his wife was battling cancer? Knowing this colored how I perceived the marriage in the story. Fascinating stuff. 10mo
Readerann @BkClubCare Oh wow - I didn‘t know that. That does indeed put a different spin on things! 10mo
BkClubCare @Readerann - and even more so, with some distance from it. He just couldn‘t relate to her world, the lack of control, how time stops and reality is distorted— so many things to think about. 🤗 10mo
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Larose | Louise Erdrich
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Not my favorite by this author, but still a solid 4*. Native American culture fascinates me, and Erdrich is a masterful storyteller. (She also has a lovely reading voice.)

BkClubCare We were probably reading this at the same time! I read it for the goodreads group who follow the TOB - is that why you read it? 11mo
Readerann @BkClubCare Yes! I kind of lurk around there and am trying to finish the few “Tournament of Favorites” books I haven‘t yet read. Have you read them all? 11mo
BkClubCare Horse is underway right now; my last one. 11mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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I read most of this in one day - couldn‘t put it down. There were a few things that bothered me but after this and Babel, I‘m adding everything Kuang has written to my TBR.

currentlyreadinginCO Completely agree with all of this! I binged this & Kuang has me forever now, but yeah, I had some questions 🤣 12mo
Readerann @currentlyreadinginCO Yeah, not sure how much I would have liked this if it had been written by anyone else! 12mo
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Lovely essays about the importance of maintaining our close ties to the natural world.

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Trust | Hernan Diaz
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I wasn‘t sure how I felt about this until I finished it. I thought about it…then I thought some more. And I decided the structure and all the layers were really kind of brilliant (imho). Another winner from the #Tob2023longlist #Pulitzer

BkClubCare Same!! The ending and how it all fell into place OMG 12mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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SO good. Barbara Kingsolver is a master at combining sadness and beauty.

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🤔 The writing is impressive, but I‘m giving it a tepid “pick”. I read the whole book with a sense of uncomfortable anticipation - like watching what you suspect might become a horror movie.

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I seem to have found yet another Japanese author I like. Plus, I learned a lot about sustainable forestry. 🌲 🌳

sarahbarnes I love Japanese fiction! I‘ll have to check this author out. 1y
rwmg Have you read this by the same author? My favourite book about Japanese lexicographers (alright the only book I've read about Japanese lexicographers). Great characters and the translator did a really good job so even as someone with no knowledge of Japanese I could follow the characters' discussions. (edited) 1y
Readerann @sarahbarnes I learned about this one from the annual World Book Day list on Amazon. I usually love those books. 1y
Readerann @rwmg I haven‘t read that one yet, but I definitely will! 1y
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Life After Life: A Novel | Kate Atkinson
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I finally got to this after 10 years (!) on my TBR. It‘s very good, although by the end I was a little weary of the time jumping.

BkClubCare I keep saying I will read more by this author since I loved this and I still haven‘t. (It‘s been 10 years?!?) 12mo
Readerann @BkClubCare Time sure flies when you have hundreds of books on your TBR! Haha. 😆 (edited) 12mo
BkClubCare @Readerann - Don‘t we know it! 😂😩😥 12mo
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The Last Cuentista | Donna Barba Higuera
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Books like this clever sci-fi thriller (middle-grade) remind me why I continue to read the Newbery winners. The audio was wonderful.

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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Reading all day. Yessss!!!

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As usual, I‘m enjoying ToB longlist books more than some on the shortlist. Historical fiction may be my favorite genre, and this one has great characters and atmosphere. Even though the narrative jumps back and forth in time (that seems to be a trend for authors these days), I didn‘t have trouble following it.

Ruthiella I love Historical Fiction! I‘ll check this out. 👍 1y
BarbaraBB I have this one in my shelves. Thanks for the heads-up! 1y
Readerann @Ruthiella @barbarabb Hope you like it! 1y
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It was time to mix it up, and jump into Smiley‘s world for a while. I think I‘ll try to finish up this series. I‘d forgotten how good Le Carré is.

BarbaraBB I‘ve had this one on my shelves for ages. Glad to hear it is good. (edited) 1y
Readerann @BarbaraBB It took me a few Smiley books to get into the “flow”, but I think they have a style all their own. 1y
BarbaraBB Ah, you‘re on a Smiley roll! 1y
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The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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An ambitious novel, which I thought flowed really well. I also appreciate there were some glimmers of hope amongst all the tragedy. An apt summary from a blurb on the back: “Imagine a mash-up of Stranger Things and Salman Rushdie”. 🤔
#ToB2023 (I do realize the tournament is over - hashtag is for my reference 😁.)

BarbaraBB Glad you liked it. I should change the hashtag though to #ToB2023 😉 1y
Ruthiella I like this one more now that it is far behind me. Though maybe that‘s a testament to the writing. I should probably go back on Goodreads and add a star! 1y
Readerann @BarbaraBB Oh, whoops. Thx! 1y
Readerann @Ruthiella Definitely an “uncomfortable” read. 1y
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The Violin Conspiracy | Brendan Slocumb
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I won‘t finish this before the start of the tournament (100 pages in), but I am so disappointed. I love mysteries and I love the violin, but I do not love this writing. I‘m surprised the book made the shortlist. Oh well. Expectations were too high.
#ToB2023 #ToB23 #LitsyToB23

BarbaraBB It‘s an okay read but for me not shortlist worthy either! 1y
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While I didn‘t love this as much as “A Constellation of Vital Phenomena” (it certainly didn‘t flow as well), I‘m a sucker for meticulously researched historical fiction with interesting characters. I grew up in Utah and didn‘t know about German Village!
#ToB2023 #ToB23

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This story had the perfect author to tell it. I think I will try some of Wilson‘s short stories next. I‘ll bet he comes up with some interesting stuff.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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This was just the book I needed right NOW. I couldn‘t put it down - was awake half the night finishing it on audio. 😁

Ruthiella I liked this one too. And its depiction of restaurant work was spot on. 1y
Readerann @Ruthiella I‘m lucky enough to not have personal experience. Poor Casey had quite a miserable time of it! 1y
BkClubCare I like her writing 🙌 1y
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I have to let this percolate for a while, but my first impressions are: great writing and character development, although there were periods where I didn‘t like either Sam or Sadie much. I‘m not a gamer, so that maybe kept me from LOVING the book. I will also have to read some other reviews to see if I can get a handle on the purpose of a particular plot twist.
Overall, I did enjoy it.
#ToB2023 #ToB23

BkClubCare So many layers to this 1y
Ruthiella Yeah, often neither Sadie or Sam were nice…they needed Marx to regulate the friendship. 😢 (edited) 1y
Readerann @BkClubCare Agreed. I‘m not totally sure what I think yet. 1y
Readerann @ Ruthiella Exactly. Marx being such a great guy made Sadie and Sam appear even more unlikeable. 1y
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I liked this a lot, despite never having a full grasp on the powers of a match-pair. 😬 Also a tad long.
#ToB2023 #ToB23