Happy World Book Day! Reading is a priority in this house, as evidenced by my boyfriend 😊
Happy World Book Day! Reading is a priority in this house, as evidenced by my boyfriend 😊
Another enjoyable Crichton book, although I don‘t like how abrupt the ending was.
This is a confused book with a confused message. I really doesn‘t know what it‘s talking about. https://youtu.be/t1JRvOtaHsc
I bought a duplicate again. 😤
I have too many 📚 that I can't keep track.
At least it was only fifty cents.
Which cover should I keep? #samebookdifferentcover #multiplecopies
Fun Friday Photo: Favorite Ending! Terminal Man was the first book I remember reading when I was young that didn't have that fairy tale ending. It has an ending of a very different sort, and it stuck with me. This book also helped me develop a deeper love for Science Fiction. @Liberty