Nunca tuve la oportunidad de leer esta famosa obra de Verne. Por supuesto que uno ya conoce el argumento, pero leerlo directamente de las palabras de Verne es totalmente otra experiencia.
Nunca tuve la oportunidad de leer esta famosa obra de Verne. Por supuesto que uno ya conoce el argumento, pero leerlo directamente de las palabras de Verne es totalmente otra experiencia.
Day 19 - #Moon #SciFiSeptember
#FromTheEarthToTheMoon #JulesVerne
Jules Verne predicted a trip to the moon was possible 100 years before it actually happened.
3.5/5. I was impressed by how detailed the explanations of the rocket were, and how prescient for the rocket to take off from Florida! I also found it funny that a French author was writing about Americans 😂
"Hurrah!....Distance does not exist!" And overcome by his movements, [J.T. Maston] nearly fell from the platform to the ground. He just escaped a severe fall, which would have proved to him that distance was by no means an empty name." ?
Apparently the song #sleepingsatellite is about man‘s exploration to space, the moon, in particular, as it was written at the 20th anniversary of the first manned landing on the moon.
The book follows 3 members of a post-Civil War gun club who design and build a ‘canon‘ and ride a spaceship fired from it all the way to the moon. Haven‘t read it.. it‘s considered one of the most scientifically accurate of the early Moon voyages! #ayupaugust
Peek under the dust jacket and you never know what awesomeness you‘ll find. Love this 1970 edition of the tagged book!
I should say this whenever I hear people cheering. 😄