Found this for $1! Grossman is another of my favorite. Love his stuff
Found this for $1! Grossman is another of my favorite. Love his stuff
I will not say too much about this book except that it presented an interesting picture of Nixon, intelligent and politically savvy, but also weak, self-loathing and very flexible morality. What is different about this story is when he gets to Washington and finds an different level of reality where the dark gods play an active role and things do go bump in the night. I enjoyed this book, but I found myself wanting more background, more details.
Another lunchtime, another bookshop, some more books for the TBR pile. But a novel about Richard Nixon fighter of the dark things seeking to take over the world and a history of Reynald de Chatillon one of the great and terrible crusader lords a man known for his violence and cruelty in a time when such behavior was commonplace; Sold take my money