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Joined September 2016

A Maine Hufflepuff, reading in the woods. Dog by her side.
The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Thanks for the tag @JoScho 😊
I didn‘t make resolutions just the intention of focus and working on getting through my stacks of books and yarn 😊
Still working on The Starless Sea. I love it so much 🖤

@vkois88 @kgriffith 😊


MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing ☺️ 5y
vkois88 ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
JoScho 😊❤️ 5y
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Trashcanman Where you hiding out at? 4y
Trashcanman Miss you around these parts, hope you are doing well. 4y
Craftylikefox @Trashcanman I feel so bad 😔 I haven‘t been reading at all, slowly getting back to it. Managing anxiety, etc the best I can right now 💕 thank you for your kind words. I hope you are well! 4y
Trashcanman @Craftylikefox don't feel bad, the books aren't going anywhere. There's much to be anxious about I know it can be hard to deal with. You do what's best for you and if that's taking a break then do it without feeling bad. I am in a similar situation, not anxious but just depressed AF. I hope you feel better soon and know that you're missed. I hope you and yours are all well. 🤗 4y
Trashcanman Btw I always feel the hug emoji is just to fucking happy. They need one that's more life Life sucks but I'm going to hug you emoji 4y
Craftylikefox @Trashcanman thank you 💕 it‘s hard sometimes when i get in my own head too much. It means a lot 🤗 4y
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📚Hercule Poirot‘s Christmas
🎬The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
🎼My Grown up Christmas List.

#manicmonday @JoScho

Winterwood | Shea Ernshaw
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Sunday morning reading. I finally switched over to the flannel sheets and I never want to leave my bed. Nigel agrees. Happy Sunday. 🖤 #dogsoflitsy

Winterwood | Shea Ernshaw
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A beautiful stack of books for my birthday. Gifts from others and some I got for myself. Plus I was gifted a three month subscription to Audible! A little of the art from Literary Witches Oracle deck, thrown in. I think I‘m going to start with Winterwood. Happy weekend 😊

Cosyreader Happy birthday 🥳! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Happy birthday! 5y
Nute Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day! 5y
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Texreader Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day and quite a haul!! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Birdsong28 Happy birthday 🎊🎉📚📖 5y
phatsallylee Happy birthday! 5y
Eggs Happy Birthday 🥳🥳🥳 5y
Erofan Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊 5y
Crazeedi Sounds like a perfect birthday!!🎉🥂🎶🎂 5y
Chrissyreadit Happy Birthday! 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks Happy birthday!! ❤️🎈🎉 I really liked the Literary Witches book. The Oracle looks cool. 5y
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Thank you so much @JoScho this is a wonderful bookish birthday box 😊 I‘m in love with mug and haven‘t ever been so excited about salt and pepper shakers. They are the cutest little foxes!! I look forward to reading both books. You don‘t see the treat for Nigel, because he has quickly claimed that 😂 Nigel sends thanks to you as well 😊

Avanders 😍😍 and those t-Rex 🦖☕️ socks are amazing! 😆😍 5y
AmyG What a lovely gift. 5y
TheSpineView Those foxes are so cute! 5y
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Craftylikefox @Avanders I know! The cutest! 💕 5y
Craftylikefox @TheSpineView they will have a special place in my kitchen 😊 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Some wonderful gifts. 5y
Sleepswithbooks Such an adorable birthday box 🥳 5y
JoScho Yay!!! Glad you love your goodies. Happy Birthday sweet friend! Lint Boy looked so different I thought it would be up your alley. The bone I sent Nigel is a fave of my dogs. Give Nigel some kisses! 5y
Bookzombie Happy Birthday! Those salt and pepper shakers are so cute! 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho I love the art in Lint and it sounds interesting 😊 gave Nigel all the cuddles and kisses today 😊 5y
Craftylikefox @Bookzombie thank you 😊 5y
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I get a short week this week! Just have to survive Today!
1. Terry Prachett, Ray Bradbury, Neil Gaiman, Alice Hoffman, and VE Schwab
2. What is their favorite memory?
3. Over 200 but definitely under 500. Renting life means limited space and the fear of having to pack up books and move them. So I try to keep the number in check.
Thanks for the tag @EadieB 😊
4. @JoScho @vkois88 @hermyknee @mabell

JoScho Thanks for the tag ❤️ 5y
hermyknee Thanks for the tag! Ooh you‘re lucky you get a short week. Only two weeks until we have thanksgiving break and I‘ll tell you what I NEED IT! 😭 5y
Eggs Congratulations on the short week! Thanks for playing 🤗👏🏻👍🏼 5y
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Crazeedi Enjoy your little vaca!!😉 5y
mabell Thank you for the tag! Terry Pratchett ❤️ I‘ve not read VE Schwab - but her series looks intriguing! Plus #coverlove 😆 5y
Craftylikefox @hermyknee I hope the next two weeks go quickly for you 💕 5y
Craftylikefox @mabell The Darker shade of Magic Trilogy is great fantasy that wasn‘t over my head, and they are really great 😊 5y
Linsy Happy Birthday! 🥳 5y
Craftylikefox @Litsy thank you 😊 5y
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Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Happiest early birthday to me! A day early on their release and I know my birthday isn‘t till Thursday but this is the absolute best way to start celebrating especially after the day I had 🖤 I hope there is something that brings you joy this Monday 🖤

wordslinger42 I have The Starless Sea on hold at my library! Mercifully, I'm only number 8 on the list, so hopefully I won't have to wait too long 😅 5y
Linsy Pretty books!! 😍 5y
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Happy Mondays | Simon Spence
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📚The Devil Wears Prada
🎬 Zoolander
🎼 Anything by Debbie Gibson. She is the first to pop into my head haha
#manicmonday @JoScho Happy Monday!!

JoScho Debbie Gibson is awesome. I had her cassettes 💕 5y
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Saga Volume 4 | Brian K Vaughan
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Post Halloween lazy morning. Catching up on Saga and I got my hands on the Vertigo miniseries Hex Wives.

ljuliel Cute tights ? Leggings ? I‘m not sure what they‘re called nowadays. Anyhow, they are cute. 5y
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@JoScho thank you so much 😊 it was a wonderful surprise to see this waiting on my doorstep. I just have 7 days to go! #happybirthday

JoScho Yay!!! Glad it got there safe and sound 🖤 5y
JoScho Also love your Sam and you totally don‘t have to wait for your bday if you don‘t want to 😊 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho thank you 😊 Nigel isn‘t sure what to think of Sam, but he has been very respectful 😂 I kind of feel bad putting Sam away after Halloween 5y
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Goodies from my visit to Salem🖤. In other news I need some help!!! I feel like I have been a bad reader this year 😞 I have been working on a bunch of projects and it‘s been hard to fit in my normal reading habit so I have been a lot slower. I usually have a hard time focusing on audio books but I want to try. Any suggestions, tips for audio books. Also how do I try it out without spending a fortune. Note: I do have a prime membership.

Eggs Beautiful!! 5y
wanderinglynn I use the Libby app to checkout audiobooks from my library. I too had a hard time when I started with audiobooks. What I did was start with ones where I had already read the book. I‘ve also found the narrator makes a huge difference. Some audiobooks I‘ve stopped because I didn‘t care for the narrator. 5y
julesG Trial month of Audible, it is for free. As @wanderinglynn said, the narrator makes a huge difference. There are narrators that I just can't listen to, and then there are some that could read the phone register to me. Maybe try an audiobook read by an actor/actress you like. 5y
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Craftylikefox @wanderinglynn @julesg I have heard that. I will pay attention to who the narrator is. Thanks 😊 5y
erank58 I second Libby/Overdrive, if your library participates. The only tricky thing is that sometimes you have to wait a while for more popular titles, and you also may not be able to renew your checkouts--but it's still a great free audio resource! Also if you're a member of other library systems, you can add them all to your account 👍 5y
Craftylikefox @erank58 I keep forgetting that the library can do that 🤦‍♀️ thank you! 5y
Crazeedi Agree on everything that's been said, I'm very new to audiobooks too!! We will figure it out together!!😉💞 5y
ravenlee I‘ve been meaning to try audiobooks myself, so I‘m just going to eavesdrop on this conversation. 5y
MeganAnn Second your library! Check and see if they offer audiobooks through more than one service also. My library does both the Libby app and Hoopla so I‘ve used both depending on what‘s available. Also, I have a tendency to wander or zone out on what I‘m working on and not pay attention to the audio book so I like them best for car rides. Or, I‘ll listen to something I‘ve been meaning to reread so if I zone out I still know what‘s going on in the story. 5y
Craftylikefox @MeganAnn thank you 😊 I looked into my Library and they use cloudLibrary which connects with all Maine libraries. I can only hold books in my specific library but I can access all the other libraries. I usually listen to podcasts in the car so hopefully that‘s been getting me trained for audiobooks! 5y
Craftylikefox @ravenlee I think the biggest thing overall for me is not having to put a big expense and that‘s what is so great about the library. 😊💕 I hope this is all helpful for you too 5y
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Halloween Party | Agatha Christie
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📚 Halloween Party by Agatha Christie
🎬Trick R Treat - Never blow out a Jack O Lantern!
🎼Everyday is Halloween - Ministry
I know it‘s Tuesday but I always enjoy #manicmonday
@JoScho Happy Tuesday 😊

JoScho Thanks for playing Tabitha 🎃💛🎃 5y
DaveGreen7777 A Ministry song?! Nice! 🤟🎸🎶 5y
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📚Gideon the Ninth
🎬 Tales from the Crypt - not anyone one in particular-
🎼Spooky Scary Skeletons
Happy #manicmonday I hope everyone has a great gorgeous day 😊

JoScho Thanks for playing Tabitha 🖤💀🖤 5y
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City of Ghosts | Victoria Schwab
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📚City of Ghosts
🎬 The Ring
🎼 Somebody‘s Watching Me - Rockwell
Happy #manicmonday it‘s a two day work week for me!! Jody I hope your Monday is a good 😊

JoScho Oh that‘s a great song! Enjoy your short week! 5y
Empathicwoman The Bloody Chamber & Other Stories, Scream and Ghostbusters 5y
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Taking a break from Gideon the Ninth to dig into Her Body and other parties. I am deep into a cold so I have no desire to move or so much else. Nigel agreed with this plan. The quote reads “god should have made girls lethal when he made monsters of men” Elisabeth Hewer

JoScho Nigel 🖤 5y
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Sir Thursday | Garth Nix
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#wondrouswednesday call me the white rabbit (I‘m late, I‘m late) terrible 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have been working, going home and falling asleep haha. I start some much needed vacation time next Wednesday!
1. I recently watched Bell Book and Candle- cute
2. Rainy days are for reading and working on fun projects!
3. I will be enjoying the Freeport Fall Festival!
Thank you for the tag @JoScho 😊🖤
Happy Thursday!!

JoScho Yay for vacation time! 5y
Eggs You can be “late” as you want-it‘s never too late! I love reading all responses👏🏻🤗 5y
Empathicwoman I'm recuperating from the book launch this weekend. I want to settle in with a super yummy magical book. I am perishing for the Starless Sea but in the meantime I'd love a suggestion from you since we seem to have very similar taste in books. What do you imagine I will LOVE and devour in a few days of voracious reading? 5y
Craftylikefox @Empathicwoman I would recommend Story Sisters by Alice Hoffman. I love her writing and haven‘t yet gotten my hands on her latest book The World That We Knew. I have never been disappointed by her writing. 5y
Empathicwoman Thank you! @Craftylikefox I‘ll go grab a copy. I started reading the sample of the Vine Witch but not deep in it and not quite grabbed yet (though interested) (edited) 5y
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Practical Magic | Alice Hoffman
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#manicmonday Monday was crazy and I‘m good with not doing it over! Happy October!!
📚‘Salems Lot
🎬 Practical Magic
🎼 California Dreamin‘
Hope everyone has a great Oct 1st and Tuesday 😊

JoScho Thanks for playing. Hope your Tuesday was a bit less painful. 🧡🍁🧡 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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A happy book birthday to a friend of mine!! @Empathicwoman book Empathic Mastery is out today and I can‘t be more excited for her! It is a beautiful book that is absolutely empowering. Please check it out! Also how do I add it to the book list on here? Starting today 10/1 and up until 5 am EST 10/2 the ebook is 99cents!!

Empathicwoman I can‘t wait for the book to be live here on Litsy! In the meantime EmpathicMasteryBook.com will get you there 5y
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#readingbeforework Monday means back to work, but first some reading!!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Monday 🖤🧡 5y
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Dark Tales | Shirley Jackson
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A great collection of spooky, eerie, and unsettling tales. A lot of the endings are open. Fair warning for those that like to have an ending to your story. I liked it because it helped to make them more unsettling. What happened in the end to the man that walked into the woods?!

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Oh geez! I have no extra money right now! Outofprint.com is killing me!!! They just released this shirt 😍 plus they have a limited edition starless sea enamel pin to go with it!!! I‘m dead! May the book fairies save me an XS when I can afford this.

Dark Tales | Shirley Jackson
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I have started reading Dark tales in earnest. I love a short story collect and I‘m 4 stories in, and enjoying these. Not really horror, they have a twilight zone feel, that I really like.
I also want to welcome to Litsy a friend, @Empathicwoman she is a wonderful lady 😊

Crazeedi Welcome to @Empathicwoman ! 5y
DGRachel Short stories are kind of hit or miss for me, but I‘m intrigued by the sound of these. And Welcome to Litsy @Empathicwoman 🎉🎉 5y
mabell Welcome @Empathicwoman ! 🎉🎉🎊🎊 5y
Empathicwoman My all time favorite collection of short stories is The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter it is truly weird/queer, dark and beautiful in the most bitterly delicious way. Thank you @mabell @DGRachel @Crazeedi and @Craftylikefox for the warm welcome! 5y
Craftylikefox @Empathicwoman I have added that to my list! 5y
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Finished and really enjoyed. Pam takes a look at witches throughout history and what the word witch means. It is also about her experience being a witch and how she came to it. It doesn‘t dive super deep but it definitely makes me wantY to find out so more. I have also started listening to her podcast The Witch Wave. She has a super soothing voice.

Monday, Monday: A Novel | Elizabeth Crook
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📚Something Wicked This Way Comes
🎬 Poltergeist
🎼Happy Happy Joy Joy
#manicmonday @JoScho
My weekend was way too busy and flew by!
I hope it‘s been a good Monday.

JoScho Ren and Stimpy! 5y
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The Friendly Ones | Philip Hensher
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Jody this is the sweetest little wallet. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Happy Wednesday friend 🖤💛🖤

Tadams4 So cute! 5y
DaveGreen7777 Awww, I love this! 😊 5y
ladym30 Adorable!❤️ 5y
JoScho So glad you like it 🖤 5y
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Summerville | H. L. Sudler
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This was a box of summer! @JoScho thank you so much for all the wonderful goodies! I had to put the wrapping paper in the background. I opened this up and smiled. I‘m wearing the pins today. The gnome bath bomb is the cutest. This picture doesn‘t do the jaws funko justice, it is so cute! He is eating my Swedish fish! Both books I am looking forward to reading! A great swap! Thank you so much Jody 🖤🖤 #highfivetosummerswap #hftss

JoScho Yay!!! I loved Wild Blue Wonder and when I saw it on your list I knew it was a must. And Jaws well he is just the biggest baddest Pop ever! 5y
monalyisha Ha! Great set-up! I love the Jaws funko, Swedish Fish are delish, & that paper‘s awesome! 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho I am looking forward to reading Wild Blue Wonder! It sounds so good and in Maine! 😊 5y
Craftylikefox @monalyisha thanks 😊 I was tempted to have jaws “eating” one of the Swedish fish. 5y
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Finishing up some coffee and having a quiet Saturday morning reading. A great start 😊 I hope everyone has a great day.

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#highfivetosummerswap box has arrived! I love that fox sticker! You find the best stuff Jody 😊 Happy Friday!

JoScho Yay! So glad it arrived safe and sound! 5y
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I know it‘s not Wednesday but I fell alseep early last night. Thankfully it‘s Thursday and this long week is almost over! Thanks for the tag @JoScho 💕
1 The Witch Elm by Gillian French It is waiting impatiently for me on my stack
2 American Gods
3 right now my physical stack is 25, my list is way longer
4. Lady From The Black Lagoon (highly recommend) Reading Waking the Witch right now 🖤🖤


DaveGreen7777 I love that you tagged a book called “Oops”! 😂🤣🙈 5y
JoScho I have also felt like this week would never end. It hasn‘t been bad-just long. 5y
Eggs Thanks for joining in 🌺 5y
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📚Surf Like a Girl
🎬 Blue Crush or Surfs Up
🎼 Surf Wax America- Weezer
Before I got too sick I enjoyed surfing the baby waves that Maine had 💕💕
I hope your Monday was a good one! #manicmonday

JoScho Omg how did I not think of Weezer?! 5y
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Wilder Girls | Rory Power
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I know a lot of people want to call this a Lord of the Flies with girls. I don‘t fully agree with that. Girls bodies start changing in strange and creature like ways when they hit puberty. The Navy told them to stay on the island stay behind the fence where their school is. Don‘t break quarantine, they will find a cure for them. Fair warning it might be a bit gruesome for some. I usually shy away from body horror. This didn‘t bother me.

The Rules of Magic | Alice Hoffman
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I don‘t know how many have shared this yet. I am here for it!!! Who has read the book??? Any thoughts on who should play a young Frances and Jet???

jillrhudy MIDNIGHT MARGARITAS! The Rules of Magic was not all that good. Saoirse Ronan and Lily Collins. 5y
jillrhudy Or Rose Leslie instead of Saorse! She'd be wild! 5y
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The Mailbag | Timothy Burr Thrift
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My #highfivetosummerswap box was mailed out today! I forgot to get a picture of the package before it went out. so I figured I would share the scenery from last years apple picking.
It‘s on it‘s way to the west coast!! #hftss

Wilder Girls | Rory Power
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With the craziness that had been going on earlier this summer. I hadn‘t been reading as much. So I have started a habit of reading before work. Still working on a regular yoga practice 🤷🏻‍♀️I‘m enjoying the story of this one and I know some have said it can get gory. So far it‘s been safe to read while I eat my breakfast!

Untitled | Unknown
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1. Raspberry toaster strudels. I might pick up a box every once and a great while- it‘s a fancy pop tart!
2. I have been on a really tight budget this year but I would probably say the Princess of Power tank from Her Universe. They had a big sale and I love the way it fits.
3. Started Wilder Girls by Rory Power this morning.
4. @vkois88
Thanks for the tag @JoScho 🙋🏻‍♀️

JoScho That tank is amazing!!! 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho It‘s a dangerous site, they have some great Harry Potter stuff too friend 😊 5y
Eggs Thanks for playing 👏🏻🤗👏🏻 5y
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Sky in the Deep | Adrienne Young
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I really enjoyed this story. As a one shot fantasy book it was perfect. It had the feel of Vikings and for those gamers Out there I kept seeing the main character as Alloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. If you like fantasy but get overwhelmed by some of the deep worlds this is a good one. No supernatural or magic in this but the story and characters are so good you won‘t miss that.

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1. Swedish Fish,
2. Ground Coffee, Mint, peach or Citrus Tea
3. Pine/ Fur/ Spruce sent, woodsmoke
4. A dog
5. Read, hike, crochet, knit, bake
6. Nature, foxes, ocean
7. Purple, Blue, Green
8. Darker Shade of Magic, American Gods, Good Omens
9. Classic bookmarks are great also the wood ones. Don‘t care for dangly bits on my bookmarks.

@JoScho #hftss

monalyisha Thanks for filling it out/sharing! I definitely think simple bookmarks are best. Although, I do really like Bookdarts. Also, 100% yes to American Gods. We stopped watching the t.v. show, though (not intentionally; we just kinda fell off the wagon & reverted to watching old episodes of King of the Hill 😅. But it's one of my Favorite Books). (edited) 5y
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Rolling in the Deep | Mira Grant
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Finished this prequel to Into the Drowning Deep. It is just as enjoyable! There is a great atmosphere and sense of tension that is created. I LOVE these mermaids they are vicious and believable as a natural evolution/adaptation. Which helps to make it creepier!

GypsyKat Oooh! This sounds fun! 5y
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I know it‘s only the beginning of August. I know it‘s still Summer and I don‘t like to rush things but Michael‘s has started putting out Fall and Halloween items. Including their Lemax Spooky Town and how could we not include a haunted Library to our little town!!! I want to make it an all year decoration 🖤🖤🖤 it‘s $85 but with a 40% off coupon it was $51 and we have a gift card.

AsYouWish That is fabulous!!!🎃🎃🎃 5y
JoScho Yay! I got this too. Could not resist and I am keeping it out all year long. Don‘t you just love it?! 5y
Craftylikefox @AsYouWish 🎃🎃🎃!! 5y
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Craftylikefox @JoScho yay!!! It is the cutest, spookiest thing 🎃🖤 5y
JoScho It is and it makes me happy to look at it! 5y
GypsyKat That‘s too cute! 🤩 5y
BeansPage 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 5y
RavenLovelyReads I got that too!! Mine‘s still in the car 😁 I plan to leave it out all year too...just gotta find a spot for it! 5y
Craftylikefox @joscho it has so many great details! 5y
Craftylikefox @GypsyKat it would s my favorite piece! 5y
Craftylikefox @TheReadingMermaid yes 🎃🎃🎃🎃 5y
Craftylikefox @RavenLovelyReads it is definitely a year round piece! Libraries are all the time 😊 5y
BiblioLitten So awesome!! 5y
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Sky in the Deep | Adrienne Young
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Spent my morning reading before work 🖤 Just started Sky in the Deep and I‘m hooked. Got some female warrior/ Viking vibes.

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Finished this morning! Another enjoyable thriller from Riley Sager. Jules takes a job as an apartment sitter in the luxurious Bartholomew. The rules might seem strict and kind of strange but she could use the twelve thousand dollars she will be paid to stay there for three months. When an apt sitter goes missing and Jules learns that sitter is not the only one that has gone missing she is racing to find answers before she could share the same fate

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Death in the Clouds | Agatha Christie
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📚 Death in the Clouds
🎬 Air Force One
🎼White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane ( it makes me think of the group more than the song)

Happy Monday!!


JoScho Thanks for playing Tabitha 🛩💙🛩 5y
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A quiet morning reading. I am fully engaged on finding out what is going on in the Bartholomew. I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday 😊

Megabooks What a cutie! 5y
ShyBookOwl So excited to read this 5y
JoScho Nigel 💕 5y
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Craftylikefox @Megabooks thanks 😊 he is usually a little ham 5y
Craftylikefox @ShyBookOwl it‘s so good!!! I am nearly done but I had to leave for work this morning 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 he loves attention but hates getting his picture taken 5y
ShyBookOwl @Craftylikefox work is such a nuisance to our reading lives 5y
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I spoiled myself with one of the tops I have been eyeing on Jordandené.com. There is a whole beautiful collection of the Darker Shades of Magic Trilogy. I will be getting more in the future. Great quality!

IndyHannaJones Love it 5y
Eyelit Awesomeness! 5y
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I have been a book buying ban because my stack is ridiculous and I haven‘t really been reading the last few months. I have been able to slowly get back into reading and after the last two months being the worst I have had in a long time. I thought I would spoil myself. Plus I sold back a bunch of books, so I didn‘t have to spend any of my cash to get these. Technically I didn‘t buy these?

JoScho Nope-they were free! 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho thanks friend 😊 I knew littens would understand 🖤 5y
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@JoScho thanks for the tag 😊
1. Oh French toast with a side of bacon or a Cinnamon Bun with a side of bacon- definitely a cup of coffee
2. So there is this Irish Mexican restaurant in Maine and I just would have never thought of combining those two.
3. I love to read and eat!
4. I can‘t have ice cream (dairy allergy) so I would make a dairy free raspberry with Oreo crumbles
5. @vkois88 @Lovesbooks87
@Eggs #wonderouswednesday

vkois88 Thank you for the tag! ❤❤❤ 5y
JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 5y
Eggs #4-mmmm 5y
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Morning reading before work. I am loving it so far. Looking forward to the weekend when I can just read uninterrupted. Stay Sexy and Don‘t Get Murdered🖤🖤🖤

Erika13137 Well that‘s a title that grabs your attention 💋🔪 5y
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📚 Into the Drowning Deep- Mira Grant
🎬 Pirates of the Caribbean
🎼 Only the Ocean- Jack Johnson


JoScho I still need to read that book. Thanks for playing Tabitha 😊🖤🐚 5y
Craftylikefox @JoScho it is so good! 🖤🖤There is an ebook prequel. I have it waiting to be read on my kindle. 5y
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Six-Gun Snow White | Catherynne M. Valente
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Made it to another Monday!

📚Six Gun Snow White - I want to read it
🎬The Magnificent Seven
🎼 Into the Great Wide Open

#manicmonday @JoScho

Magic for Liars | Sarah Gailey
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I finally finished a book in what feels like ages. I‘m over 2019 and would like to just spend the rest of the year reading, thank you. This beautiful book was so wonderful to read. It has a Noir feel a little with PI‘s and a murder to solve, in a high school for magical kids. Oh and estranged sisters! I have some many feelings about the family situation.

CBee I‘m totally over 2019 too 🙄😳 5y
RainyDayReading Yep, completely over 20 5y
RainyDayReading 2019* apparently my phone is over it too 😪 5y
Craftylikefox @CBee 💕💕💕 5y
Craftylikefox @RainyDayReading 💕💕 technology is done with it! 5y
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