Had potential but wasn't quite developed enough
Had potential but wasn't quite developed enough
Picked my audiobook today just because Robin Miles narrates. Anyone have favorite audio narrators?
Another Novella, this has elements that I loved, there are people who are Windspeakers, gifted to command the winds and make storms and such. After a certain point they get their stone eyes. Shina hires a crew to take her to her destination but not without the Dragonships following, the villains who steal the power of the Windspeakers. Shina has to save the Windspeakers or destruction will transpire. Also loved the LGBT and POC representation!
A really imaginative novella about weather witches and pirates. Deceptively short... Foster packed a hell of a lot of plot and world building into a few pages. Well worth the read.
And with that, I'm calling it a night. Not a bad showing for #LitsyPartyOfOne so far. (Books 119-125 in my reading log.)