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Joined May 2018

All photos are mine, sometimes I take super fancy photos and sometimes I don‘t! https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/82174320-alyssa-sweetkokoro
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Wow I have never been this disappointed with a Kresley book. The writing didn‘t feel like her at all, her intimacy scenes felt like something from a bad KU romance book, the plot line was juvenile as hell. Poppy‘s power is ridiculous (and not in a good way) zero chemistry and depth to the relationship, cringe dialogue. To me this isn‘t even canon to the series, also Kresley has had better horror elements in her earlier books.

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New video live!
Check out my TBR Jar picks for March!


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Posted a new video on the channel!! It‘s a very late Christmas haul plus some preorders that came in!

I‘d love it if you checked it out!


Yellow Jessamine | Caitlin Starling
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I really enjoyed this, the gothic atmosphere was very present and the mystery around what was haunting Evelyn was intriguing. Evenlyn herself was intriguing to follow as we witnessed her mind be overridden by her own fears and anxieties. The ending was unexpected and I enjoyed that.

Godkiller | HANNAH. KANER
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Posted a new video on my channel today, it‘s a review for Godkiller by Hannah Kaner, come check out my thoughts if you‘re interested.


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This is my last chance to try and get help. I‘m still short $488 on my rent and if I can‘t pay it my daughter and I will be on the street by next month. My family doesn‘t care either. So if you can help it would be a blessing because by the goddess do I need it. I have failed her and I realize this but I am trying so hard but it‘s hard when no one will give a single mom a job.


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I know times are hard for a lot of us right now but I'm reaching out for help. I have been struggling to find a job and I am completely out of my savings, and have been denied unemployment. Its me and my daughter and if we lose our home we will have nowhere to go. I have been focusing on my youtube channel, that's not monetized, in hopes of changing that but its slow. I will be grateful for any help.


Sweetkokoro For clarity I made this account long before I made my permanent blogging name, which is why on here I go by Sweetkokoro but everywhere else I go by Intotheheartwyld. I just never got around to changing my name on here. 10mo
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Hey librarians of litsy, question

My copy of A local habitation that I got from library has this weird printing issue. Every other page the words are double printed which makes the font look blurry. If I hold it far enough away, the words look fine but if I hold it close while reading it‘s blurry. if I inform my librarians of this will they do anything with the book or will they just ignore it and I will be wasting their time.

julesG I'm not a librarian, but I'd tell them. 10mo
Clare-Dragonfly I would tell them. In my experience, information from a patron is never time wasted to a librarian. 10mo
Sweetkokoro @julesG and @Clare-Dragonfly I notified the librarians and they were grateful for me doing so, they said they would contact the publishers to see about getting a replacement. 10mo
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I don‘t read a lot of romance but this year I binged Ruby Dixon‘s Ice Planet Barbarians and fell in love with it! Conky does fan art of it and I finally managed to grab some of her prints and a few bookmarks (she also gave a free sticker!) now to just get some frames and add these to my art gallery wall!

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Got this super amazing PR box from DawBooks today! This is my first time receiving something like this and it‘s so exciting! Two arcs, 5 enamel pins, a map and a sticker! Granted these are 17 and 18 in a series but that‘s okay I‘ll get the others through the library haha.

snapsnarlgrowl This is one of my favorite series, so you‘re definitely in for a treat! 12mo
Sweetkokoro @snapsnarlgrowl I‘m currently on book 3 of the series and I am absolutely loving it! It‘s definitely becoming a favorite of mine (edited) 10mo
snapsnarlgrowl @Sweetkokoro I‘m so glad to hear it! Definitely an underrated urban fantasy. 10mo
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Lady MacBethad | Isabelle Schuler
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Another Random book from the shelves! Can‘t wait to get to this one!

Purpleness What beautiful sprayed edges! 12mo
BookwormAHN Lovely 💜 12mo
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I‘m about 25% into this and it‘s such an odd yet intriguing book. Looking forward to seeing where the story goes.

rachelk That cover is gorgeous! 12mo
julesG Gorgeous edition. 12mo
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Stellar Instinct | Jonathan Nevair
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I got surprise mail today! The author sent over this newer edition of his book that I ARC read for him at the start of the year. He had a new cover done (this one) & has a follow up coming this December so he thought I would like a matching set since I only had the one with the old cover!

It‘s a Sci-Fi spy detective adventure with aliens, a man trying to brainwash the entire galaxy & a secret agent who recites poems at the worst possible times.

Lost in Time | A.G. Riddle
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Figured I‘d try something fun and every day post one photo of a book on my shelves.

First up Goldsboro Subscription edition of Lost in Time by A.G Riddle
Haven‘t read it yet and not sure if I will as I knew nothing about it.

Have any of you read this?

peanutnine It's on my TBR. Your edition is beautiful! 😍 12mo
Sweetkokoro @peanutnine Thank you, it was the Goldsboro monthly book of may last year I believe. 12mo
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Maybe I‘ll get some help here since I‘m apparently being ignored everywhere else.

Does anyone know if I need to read Threedneedle before I can read this?

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I can't answer your question, but that book cover sure is pretty. 12mo
Clare-Dragonfly I would guess since it‘s “set in the world of” that it‘s not a direct sequel so you probably don‘t. It might end up giving you small spoilers, though. 12mo
Sweetkokoro @Clare-Dragonfly Thanks. I read it and it gave no spoilers aside from maybe the main character and some terms for the magic lol. But it‘s a very self contained story which was nice. 12mo
Clare-Dragonfly Glad to hear it worked out! I just noticed that the cover design appears embroidered. It looks like my kind of book 😍 12mo
Sweetkokoro @Clare-Dragonfly Yes it does have an embroidery design but I‘ll let you know now this novella has nothing to do with thread/sewing magic. I‘m assuming it‘s a call back design to the main book Threadneedle. This novella is all about a 15 yr old girl learning about Hedge Magic, so very plant based! 12mo
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Hey I know I don‘t post here often anymore (I‘m trying to remedy that) but I have had lots of new videos go live on my booktube channel. I could do with some much needed support as I have been losing followers daily and it‘s really starting to hit me. I thought I could handle it but it‘s really crushing since I put a lot of work into this. You don‘t have too but I‘d appreciate the support.

Link to the channel @intotheheartwyld" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://youtube.com/@intotheheartwyld

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Currently reading Gleanings a collection of short stories. I love the Arc of a Scythe trilogy and so far I am enjoying seeing stories of other scythes and how they go about doing their job.

Wrath | John Gwynne
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I‘m very very very late with posting this and I apologize (after holiday stress with work) but thank you @The.Great.Catsby for my #jolabokaflodswap package. I‘ve never had Gatsby chocolate before so I‘m looking forward to trying it!

The.Great.Catsby I've never had it either, but it just looked so alluring. Let me know if you like it! I also hope you enjoy the book 😊 2y
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I‘m not sure if you got my email in regards to my swap package. I sent my partner their package via Amazon due to unexpected financial issues. They where shipped in two separate packages one says it was delivered today and the other should arrive on Tuesday. I had wanted them to know this so they dont accidentally open them before the 24th but I also didn‘t want to spoil the surprise of who their gifter was.

Sweetkokoro @peanutnine I hate to do this but I was your Jolabokaflod secret swap person. I tried to get a message to you so it wouldn‘t ruin the surprise but I don‘t think it ever happened, I don‘t know where our host is. But according to my Amazon it says your last package was delivered today. It was sent in two separate ones. 2y
peanutnine @Sweetkokoro thanks for letting me know! I did get a mysterious Amazon package yesterday that I figured was either this swap or another secret santa I'm in. I'll look out for the second box today! ☺️ 2y
Sweetkokoro @peanutnine According to my Amazon both packages have been delivered, one was on Sunday the other today (Tuesday) so hopefully you have both of them. 2y
peanutnine @Sweetkokoro yes, I got the second one last night. Thanks, I can't wait to open them! 2y
Sweetkokoro @peanutnine yay!! I‘m so glad both made it to you. Thanks for letting me know, I can stop fretting now haha. 2y
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Midnight in Everwood | M.A. Kuzniar
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Ohhh I hated so many things about this book. The unneeded sex scene at the end really ruined the magical, whimsical feel of the story. While I understand it was a dark adult retelling it just felt out of place. The slow burn romance that lead up to their first kiss was terribly placed and handled in the most unromantic way possible. The plot hole around the nutcracker figurine. It only felt nutcracker in referencing symbolic pieces of the story.

Sweetkokoro Drosselmeier being a nasty creep. No rat king, no explanation how Drosselmeier got his magic, and the end while I get it‘s was suppose to be liberating because Marietta got her “freedom” and chose her path was just blah for me. 2y
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While this was shorter than the first book, I struggled with it. For some reason the story wasn‘t as captivating this time around. The location changed and while more info was provided with what the Iremonger family is up to, it introduced even more new information that now has to be answered in the 3rd book. The writing was still a struggle to follow.

Deadman's Castle | Iain Lawrence
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Not what I was expecting at all. This is a mystery story around a young boy and his family who is on the run from a man who is out to get them. I spent a lot of time wondering if the dad was just crazy or if they really were in the witness protection program. It‘s a slower story but i enjoyed how it had shown the struggle Igor went through with being apart of society after being kept from it for so long. The ending was wild.

Embassy of the Dead | Will Mabbitt
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Entertaining from start to finish. A young boy accidentally gets wrapped up in a situation among the dead. The end got me in my emotions. It‘s straightforward and focuses on one central plot, its addictive and atmospheric, not scary but had those creepy vibes, overall very enjoyable

Amazing illustrations included

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3rd book in the series and it just didn‘t manage to capture the same spooky atmosphere that the first did. A series that just simmered out for me. Plot was boring this go around, and the possession story line was so bland in comparison to the one in the first book. Also the narrator for these is terrible, she just yells all the dialogue.

The Raging Fires | T. A. Barron
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3rd book in the Book of Merlin series following the lost youth years of Merlin. We meet a dragon threatening to destroy everything unless Merlin can stop them. New characters get introduced, and Merlin gets knocked unconscious a lot haha.

Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks My Bookspin book for January. 2y
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Dragonflight | Anne McCaffrey
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A solid start to the vast world of Pern. Does a great job explaining the lore and how the world works. Lessa is a great character who is really head strong. There is talking dragons, time travel, a decent amount of characters the writing is easy to follow but some of the bigger explanations can be a bit confusing. All in all I enjoyed it but I could be bias as I love the world of Pern haha.

Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks This is my Doublespin book for January. I‘ll be spending the day getting my posts updated since I am severely behind haha. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I read this series a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I found this timeline - http://pern.srellim.org/chrono.htm - that shows how the different books fit into the history of Pern. The series had its ups and downs (and I honestly didn't read all the ones written by her son because his book started to annoy me haha) but on the whole I thought it was really good and plan to read them all again someday. 2y
Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks I have that site saved!! I read the Harper Hall trilogy numerous times but the bigger vaster world I hadn‘t so I‘m slowly making my way through all 26 books, I‘m only missing one for the collection. I hear a lot of people not liking what her son did with the series so I‘m interested to see my own thoughts when I get to one of his books. 2y
TheAromaofBooks They weren't bad, exactly, I just felt like he got really repetitive, like each book was basically the same story all over again haha I keep thinking I should try some of McCaffrey's other books since I enjoyed these so much, but just never have gotten around to them!! 2y
AkashaVampie My husband is not a reader. These are the only books he ever talks about. I have yet to read them. Maybe one day. 2y
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Heap House: Book One | Edward Carey
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Man remember when people use to spend more time on here posting reviews of books… I wish it was like that still.

Anyways, this book was strange, the storyline is interesting a boy can hear objects talking and lives in a house surrounded by trash heaps. The writing style is frustrating to follow, it was really hard finding a good reading rhythm in this. The illustrations are creepy yet fun to look at.

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I snagged this series at a library sale. Haven't read it yet, but I love seeing the covers on my shelves. 2y
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The Justice of Kings | Richard Swan
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This book absolutely annihilated my heart and left me an emotional wreck. I loved every bit of it and loved every character and I can‘t wait for the next book because I need to know what happens with Vonvalt.

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Another video went live today! I unbox 3 books come and check out what books they are!


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A new video went live just now!


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It‘s been awhile since I promoted my booktube channel on here but I‘m going to try and go back to doing that. The channel isn‘t doing so good, can‘t seem to get anyone to interact with it, might give up, so this is kind of a last ditch effort to see if it‘s worth the effort.


KateReadsYA I would definitely not give it up if you love it. I follow a YouTuber who has been on for like 10 yrs and grew her base to over 100k it just takes time she says! I'm going to subscribe :) 2y
Sweetkokoro @KateReadsYA I started out loving it, and I‘ve had it for 2 years and still can‘t break even 100 subscribers or get any real interaction on it. It makes it hard to feel like it‘s worth doing when I put so much effort into every video. I‘m not expecting instant success but it seems like it never will get anywhere. Thanks for subscribing. 2y
KateReadsYA @Sweetkokoro just do it because you love it! Do it because it makes you happy! I've heard if you promote it on other platforms that helps as well so it's good you are on litsy talking about it 🥰 2y
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The Kneebone Boy | Ellen Potter
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Oh I loved how this ended it honestly felt so unexpected and unique, a direction a absolutely was not expecting. The Hardscrabble children are some the most realistic portrayals of siblings I have read in a long time and I loved them, they were quick to fight but also there for each other when needed. Lots of unexpected dark moments and creepy vibes all through out!

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A great story following a Muslim Malay girl who has a Pelesit (a ghost) attached to her. The story does a good job tackling subjects such as the strain of friendships, toxic family, jealousy and loneliness. The creepy factor is also really well done!

Dark Waters | Katherine Arden
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I am so hit or miss with this series. This was okay. I didn‘t care for the super abrupt ending with Ollie. I did like that Brian was able to be more of the focus and be useful, we also got a new character Phil. Overall the story jumps very quickly to the spooky stuff but unfortunately it didn‘t feel supernatural, it was just a giant “monster”. The spooky vibes just were not there, making this kind of boring.

The Ash House | Angharad Walker
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Freaking so good!!! The suspension, the creepiness, the mysteries! I was hooked! This middle grade book kept me on the edge of my seat man, I never knew what was going to happen next. The only bad side is the very open and ambiguous ending but I‘ll deal with that since the journey through this was absolutely phenomenal!

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Lalani of the Distant Sea | Erin Entrada Kelly
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My #bookspin and #doublespin for the month!

I have been in a middle grade mood so all my picks are MG related!

I have a ton of backlog photos from previous book bingos that I‘ll be uploading in the next few weeks so sorry if any of you get confused I‘m just way way way behind on posting on here

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! And since you are in charge of tracking your own reads, it's not important for me to know which books are for which months, but I always love seeing what people have read, so feel free to tag me!! 2y
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A Man and His Cat 06 | Umi Sakurai
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Kanda has dived right into helping his friend during a live performance after his band mates bailed on him. While performing live is still a struggle for Kanda he powers through for the sake of his friend. We met some new pianist who either love or hate Kanda (he is a great pianist who disappeared from the limelight) Also Kanda got to have two kitties in his home as he was cat sitting for a friend and he was ever so happy about it haha.

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Kikuzato is now gearing up to join the track and field team at his school. This volume gave us some insight to his past from when he initially lost his leg and how he became depressed, now he is excited and looking forward to running again. It was a little uncomfortable when some new side characters/schoolmates started touching his prosthetic leg without asking, and we got to met his mom and see how she deals with her son getting back into sports

Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks this one counts for my August Doublespin! I felt lucky to get such a quick read haha! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes the numbers really work out! 😁 2y
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A decent start to a new series following Kikuzato a young man who loves soccer but loses his leg before entering Highschool. This volume doesn‘t tell us what happened to him but from context it seems it‘s going to be slowly revealed to us. There was a lot of plot conveniences to get the story going, but there does seem to be a good amount of research that went into writing a story centered around sports equipment & the sporting events for amputees

Sweetkokoro If amputees is the incorrect term please do not hesitate to correct me, I researched what the best term to use would be with out being harmful and this was the answer I was given multiple times. If it‘s wrong I welcome being corrected. 2y
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A Man and His Cat 05 | Umi Sakurai
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This series is going to kill me in the emotions. I cried the whole book. Fukumaru has gotten out & Kanda is distraught over finding him, but while in his search he finds another cat Moja who is lost, beaten & starved, so now Kanda is at a crossroad between saving this kitty or continuing his search for Fukumaru. This series is beautiful in how we get to see the situations from both Kanda & Fukumaru‘s pov.

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DNF at 77%
When your female love interest is dwindle down to being a literal sexual object for your male hero, you have lost me. Eve does LITERALLY nothing through this whole book and Lazarus does nothing but complain about how he doesn‘t deserve a mate. Her purpose was literally just to have sex with Laz to help him control his inner demon. They also had zero chemistry and the overall plot didn‘t exist. I won‘t be continuing this series.

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I like the idea of the story, Hakaba studies the languages of the Netherworld, so werewolves, lizardfolk & so on, but I think the execution is lacking for me. It‘s a series of small episodic chapters that sometimes feel like a cohesive story and sometimes not. I also spend a lot of time being just as confused as Hakaba because not everything the creatures say is translated because he doesn‘t know, which is interesting but sometimes pulls me out.

My Broken Mariko | Waka Hirako
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An Emotional rollercoster following Tomoyo Shiino has she finds out her best friend Mariko dies by suicide. You learn both their pasts, how they met and what terrible things befell them and it‘s interesting seeing how chaotic Tomoyo reacts to the death of Mariko. I felt the wild and messy art style fit the overall chaotic atmosphere the storytelling was giving off. But there were some softer calmer moments that packed a punch in feels.

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Untitled | Anonymous
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May have gone overboard with my first in person library browsing excursion. The library has been open for awhile now I just haven‘t been able to go for personal reasons. I can‘t read Given or Boys Run the Riot yet as I‘m waiting for the rest of the series to come in from holds, but hopefully I can get through these in a decent manner!

Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks I‘ll also be using these for my April book spin bingo board which I‘m late on making lol but I‘ll get it up soon! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I love a good library run!! 2y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Spine on the slipcase.

This set is so dang pretty

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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Back of the slipcase. I love the little details.

kspenmoll Beautiful!!! 2y
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Front of the slipcase they came in!

Circe | Madeline Miller
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The spines are also so pretty!!

LoverOfLearning Just stunning!! 2y
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Illumicrate special edition!

BayouGirl85 @Lollymya OMG! What a beautiful edition! 2y
LoverOfLearning I mean come on. Stunning. And what an beautiful novel. 2y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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My illumicrate special edition set for Circe and Song of Achilles came in today. I‘m so freaking happy, they are gorgeous

LoverOfLearning Have yet to read this one! 2y
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