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The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss
The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss | Jason Fung
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This was a very interesting read, if a tad repetitive—forgivable in the name of hammering a point home, I guess? The author‘s claims that insulin/sugars are the key to controlling body weight aren‘t entirely new, but he does go further and more in depth than other things I‘ve read. Mostly it‘s common sense, although intermittent fasting is a new thought for me—not sure I could do it, but I might try and see how it goes. A pick? I guess?

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Heading home from a work trip and have 4 hours of driving to spend some time with Dr. Fung. #audiobook #drjasonfung #longdrive

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We never consider the implications of the drastic changes we have made in meal timing. Think about it this way: In 1960, we ate three meals a day. There wasn‘t much obesity. In 2014, we eat six meals a day. There is an obesity epidemic.”

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1. Highlight from 2010‘s: I started my own business!
2. My 2020 Reading Goal: To use Litsy and Readfeed to track ALL my reading for 2020, something I‘ve wanted to do the past couple of years and hasn‘t been working with a notebook.
3. NYD Food Traditions: No specific New Year‘s Day food traditions now though my family did the southern thing growing up: Greens, black-eyed peas, and ham.

MissAimz_55 Wow starting your own business is an amazing accomplishment 5y
NicolaV-O Thank you 💗 it wasn‘t easy and yet it was totally worth it! 5y
Mitch Welcome to the wonderful world of Litsy! 5y
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Really enjoying this book as I work my way into hour 20 of a 23 hour fast.

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Having myself a HELL YEAH moment over here...

Mandoul Thats the best news i've heard all day! Thanks 😀 5y
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As someone who has struggled with weight for my whole life, I greatly appreciated this book. This book proves, using evidenced-based research, that traditionally recommended weight loss strategies do not work and WHY. It provides a fairly radical solution. I am a public health professional, so the sound logic, research, and personal experience the author uses is really what sets this book apart for me. Wish me luck on testing out this plan! 💪🏻

rethier1 I recommend this book for anyone who is looking to understand their bodies better and improve their diet - not just those who want to lose weight!! 🤓 (edited) 5y
flying_monkeys Have you ever read The Metabolic Typing Diet? If so, curious how The Obesity Code compares to the The Metabolic Typing. 5y
rethier1 @flying_monkeys I have not read that particular book, but I have tried diets based on my metabolism type. I am an endomorph, so those diets aligned pretty well with what The Obesity Code recommends (low carb). However, the Obesity Code focuses less on caloric restriction and more of fasting. I have gotten much better results following the Obesity Code than any other diet, so far. 😁 Fasting seems to be the key for me. 5y
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flying_monkeys Thanks! I may have to give that one a read then. I haven't heard about the fasting approach before. 5y
rethier1 @flying_monkeys I had never considered fasting before either! This book builds a strong case for why it makes total sense, though. It also isn‘t as hard as I thought it would be haha 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Intermittent fasting works well for me, when I can, I decrease the number of hours available for eating, say between 12pm and 7pm, then fast remainder of the time. I think it's best for short term though. 5y
rethier1 @Curiouser_and_curiouser Agreed - shortening windows of eating, eliminating snacking, and reducing carbs really has been key for me! 5y
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I definitely am not a reader of fitness/diet books (or nonfiction usually), but I‘ve seen a couple of good reviews of this book on Litsy and in the spirit of the fitness challenge, I decided to check it out.

This is good stuff: nothing crazy (cut the sugar, stop eating processed food), but still very eye-opening with an explanation for why it can be so hard to keep weight off. Insightful, well-researched info from a nephrologist.


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Great book, highly recommend for people looking to lose weight. It completely changes the paradigm on our perception of obesity, weight gaining and dieting. Spoiler alert: eating less and exercising more doesn't work for losing weight. The book explains the role of insulin in our metabolism and weight gaining, what to eat and when to eat. A great read!

Kell1 Been following the recommendations from this book for 2 weeks now. Lost about 5kg/11lbs. If you are looking for tips for weight loss, this works! 5y
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Very eye-opening!! What you‘ve been told about weight loss and obesity is complete BS. Read this if you want to learn the truth about why we really fight our weight.

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Saw this book come up on my feed thanks to @Robin11 and through round about ways decided to read it. There seemed to be a lot of truth and well backed information. It seems easier to believe because he isn't selling you on some expensive program.

Robin11 @Maewyn .. thanks for tagging, hoping this would‘ve helped you in someway ... It opened my mind about a lot of things .. 6y
Slajaunie I decided to be vegan and lost 25 pounds the first 6 weeks. Processed foods and meats are toxic. 6y
Maewyn @Robin11 Yes, the calorie counting methods have only short term results. I have seen this personally. The treating of why a person gains weight made a lot of sense as well. 6y
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Maewyn @Slajaunie I started cooking my meals instead of eating fast processed food. I was drinking water with drink enhancers like mio and Crystal Light but I have recently cut those out. I think the artificial sweeteners have had a seriously adverse effect. 6y
Slajaunie Artificial sweeteners are poison. Real sugar is better for you but in raw form. I spent years trying to lose weight from my hysterectomy and working out and dieting never worked. I feel way better as well. 6y
Maewyn @Slajaunie I agree. I am glad you have found success.😊 6y
Slajaunie I hope you enjoy the book! 📖 6y
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One of the more revolutionary book on weight loss I have ever read, a lot of eye opener and some radical ideas along with some shocking revelations. A light read which compels you to reflect on the current norms which are overflowing in fitness industry!!

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My friend wrote the best weight loss book ever...