It‘s good when Seers have scruples.
I shook the thought away. It didn‘t matter. “Thank God you‘re here.” His brows rose. “I can‘t say I mind the enthusiasm.”
This was pretty good. It is about Armageddon not quite happening. The world has angels, demons and special humans called Moonflowers. My only pet peeves were that the narrator kept saying he didn‘t believe in heaven and hell EVERY time either was brought up. Also it was mentioned quite a bit that the main character isn‘t a moonflower but that isn‘t resolved in this book. There are also minor editing mistakes scattered throughout.
A death centered library haul for this Halloween week.💀
For the absolute horrible start these books had, I really enjoyed the ending. It tied everything together nicely and was well paced and suitably epic.
I am enjoying this series which started with Three Mages and a Margarita.
I am loving this series. This is the final book. There are dragons, mages, magic and pigeons.... The series is available on Kindle Unlimited but add the audio because the narrator is awesome.
This was pretty good. I found it to be a quick read that stayed interesting through out. There were a couple of inconsistencies that annoyed me. They are pretty minor on the spoilers but I will post them in the comment under a spoiler tag anyway. Overall a good light read about deities dealing with the modern world.
What kind of idiot points a gun at the one person in the room he doesn‘t want to shoot? You shouldn‘t need a class for that.
This was a cute middle grade book. Hamlet's parents are professors with Elizabethan flare. Her sister is a seven year old genius... And now going to her Junior High. So much for coasting through eighth grade unseen. The characters are interesting and believable,for the most part. The story's school based drama may not be edge of your seat excitement but it flowed and was enjoyable.
This book was an Express train from point A to point B. There were no side stops or unexpected destinations. Some of it was scenic but not exciting. It was an easy read but there was no feeling that everything might not turn out exactly as planned and the main character gets picked on but otherwise doesn't have much in the way of flaws.
I feel like I should put a bunch of hashtags with this quote. #lianemoriarty #librarybook Okay, I am done. 😛
This was good until the last section and then it just dragged on. I liked the little medicine man and wished there was more of him but I was just getting tired of the whining and self doubt that would flip in the same little section to a speech straight out of a yoga seminar about being your higher self and other such cliche things.
I listened to the audiobook read by the author. I liked it. I already thought she was an amazing first lady but listening to the book added other things I didn't know that added to her awesomeness. This is Michelle's take on her life from childhood through the two terms in the Whitehouse. I say that to say that she explains her point of view on some of the incidents that were taken badly in the media. A biographer might be more impartial.
A female archaeologist talking about the number of phallic symbols prevalent in her line of work.
This was good. I figured it out ahead of time but that didn't keep it from being well written. I also liked that it was a plot that could be figured out instead of those that cheat by adding in something that was never even hinted at leading up to the conclusion to keep people from figuring out who done it/how ahead of time. The characters in this were real and consistent.
This was good. The story was well written and one that needed telling.
I can get behind being grounded, amused and monumental.
Started Eat Pray Love.
This was good too. It didn't suffer from second book lag. The twists were still going strong in the plot and I was left sad that the next book isn't available and doesn't yet have a due date. 😔
This was good. The concept was different. I liked that the AI in this isn't evil; it genuinely wants the best for mankind. It alludes to whether death makes life meaningful because in the book they have conquered death, illness and suffering. There is also commentary on the government because it is far less corrupt in the hands of an AI than it ever was in the hands of humans. @Elma
This was a good book. It was an easy read; which was good because I have been in a reading slump so far this year. The who done it part was easy to figure out but the story was good despite that. I liked the relationship. @Rae2 let me borrow it. Thanks! 😁
Mine is from the name I chose in EverQuest years ago. My friend said to pick a name that could be shortened to three letters and still sound good. This was excellent advice. My sister, @Rae2 , went by Raewyn and my brother by Zaewyn. @kaye
My sister gave me this book for Christmas. Our dad read it to us when we were little. Also changing my gel nail polish which is a long process. @Rae2
Early morning reading before early morning work.
This was very good. It was well written and the conclusion wrapped it up nicely.
Book haul. The top three are from my sister, @Rae2 . The rest are from Goodwill.
This was good. Unexpected. I was glad that ending wasn't a cliche Hollywood type thing where the main character realizes every dream and lives happily ever after. I haven't watched the series. Is it any good?
I just finished the whole series. These were very good. Loved all of them!
#papergirlsgiveaway Thank you for the giveaway @BookishGirl06 ! I am thankful that I have Thanksgiving off. My work is open on Thanksgiving because people continue to shop on the day so the company won't pass up the chance to make money. I would be even more thankful if I had Black Friday off but that is too much to hope for.😞
This was good. A quick read. There were stereotypes and people who weren't a stereotype. Several characters had interesting depth though many were fairly one dimensional but necessary. The big cast of characters is part of the book's appeal.
Reading RuPaul's new book.