A good start to the #20in4 #Readathon. The book was well-written and engaging. At its core, it's a story of love and pain. I enjoyed all the characters. Uncle Hoyt made it easy to hate him.
A good start to the #20in4 #Readathon. The book was well-written and engaging. At its core, it's a story of love and pain. I enjoyed all the characters. Uncle Hoyt made it easy to hate him.
Y‘all remember the show Beverly Hills 90210, right? Well if you like that show (especially the early high school seasons) you‘re gonna like this book without a doubt. I never would‘ve seen a book like this coming from Neal. It‘s a contemporary coming of age story with “fantasy”elements. Are these the best characters Neal has birthed? No, but i felt connected to every single one. Another book by Neal Shusterman I love? Doesn‘t surprise me. +
Started this today. So far yet another enjoyable read from my second favorite author. This man never misses. Have y‘all read this?
#nealshusterman #bruiser
Neal Shusterman wrote this, so do I really need to say more? It‘s a fantastic premise well-executed. Highly recommend!
Could NOT put this down! I laughed, I cried (Literally. Twice. Real tears.). I was overwhelmed by both indescribable beauty & despicable ugliness. This book portrays humanity at it's best and it's worst and is an amazing example of why, at 46 years of age, I still read YA books!
Oh my gosh! About 60% through and am just completely sucked in, heart and soul! This book is so very much more than I had expected it to be!
Next up on the audio front. Love the names of the main characters: Bronte and Tennyson! 🤓
Daily Deal at Audible today...for $2.95 I'll give it a try!