I purchased this gorgeous print as mentioned in the book last month. The frame arrived today. I was concerned about the match but I'm thrilled with the final pair. ✝️
I purchased this gorgeous print as mentioned in the book last month. The frame arrived today. I was concerned about the match but I'm thrilled with the final pair. ✝️
This book has fiction and truth. It is the perfect reading for Lent. ✝️
For me, reading this book was an experience like no other. I experienced empathy on an intimate level for Wren and for Kit, companions in sorrow. In the past , Kit had experienced debilitating sorrow, grief and depression. Wren was currently in the depths of depression. Kit became the best person to help Wren. She cared for her with extraordinary compassion and deep loving kindness. I so loved their relationship and I so loved this book!
I'm reading this novella slowly to let it soak in and this is an example of there peace that is available as I read. ✝️
I'm always blessed by listening to Sharon Garlough Brown. Last night's book signing was no exception.
Just received my book from UPS...after spending a few moments to flip thru it, I'm moved to tears.
Today is the day that this beautiful story will arrive. You're invited to the launch party at Baker Book House on Thursday, January 9 at 7pm. Sharon will be speaking about the inspiration behind the book and the process of collaborating with a local artist, Elizabeth Ivy Hawkins, who said yes to painting as Wren.
I was so excited last night to get my work schedule and realize that I was off on January 9th that I purchased my ticket for the release party of Remember Me immediately at 3am.
Jesus declares It is Finished” is a bold declaration for us to make too. But how can we declare it is finished, when so much seems unfinished? This means that we live hope in two directions, both backwards and forwards. We long for the kingdom to come in fullness even though it has already come. And we trust that he (the good Lord) who began the good work In us, will complete it.
Decided to create a Book Journal and was excited to add Sharon Garlough Brown's next book on my first page. I'd love suggestions to make this journal fun as well as functional.