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Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita | Eknath Easwaran
The Bhagavad Gita is the best known of all the Indian scriptures, and Eknath Easwaran's best-selling translation is reliable, readable, and profound. Easwaran's 55-page introduction places the Bhagavad Gita in its historical setting, and brings out the universality and timelessness of its teachings. Chapter introductions clarify key concepts, and notes and a glossary explain Sanskrit terms. Easwaran grew up in the Hindu tradition in India, and learned Sanskrit from a young age. He was a professor of English literature before coming to the West on a Fulbright scholarship. A gifted teacher, he is recognized as an authority on the Indian classics and world mysticism. The Bhagavad Gita opens, dramatically, on a battlefield, as the warrior Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life. Yet, as Easwaran points out, the Gita is not what it seems - it's not a dialogue between two mythical figures at the dawn of Indian history. "The battlefield is a perfect backdrop, but the Gita's subject is the war within, the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage if he or she is to emerge from life victorious." Arjuna's struggle in the Bhagavad Gita is acutely modern. He has lost his way on the battlefield of life and turns to find the path again by asking direct, uncompromising questions of his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, the Lord himself. Krishna replies in 700 verses of sublime instruction on living and dying, loving and working, and the nature of the soul. Easwaran shows the Gita's relevance to us today as we strive, like Arjuna, to do what is right. "No one in modern times is more qualified - no, make that 'as qualified' - to translate the epochal Classics of Indian Spirituality than Eknath Easwaran. And the reason is clear. It is impossible to get to the heart of those classics unless you live them, and he did live them. My admiration of the man and his works is boundless." - Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions.
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The Bhagavad-Gita | Barbara Miller
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@TheBookHippie I‘m so glad you compelled me to reread this! I hadn‘t picked it up since high school and there‘s just SO much in it! Definitely one of those works you could read 100 times and get something new each time. #FoodAndLit India @Butterfinger @Texreader @Catsandbooks

TheBookHippie Yay!!!!!!!! Oh I‘m so glad! 2y
Texreader That‘s wonderful! 2y
Catsandbooks That's so great! ❤️🇮🇳 2y
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The Bhagavad-Gita | Barbara Miller
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I don‘t love all the translation in this edition, but I really like this description of Krishna‘s nature

“earth, water, fire, wind, space, mind, understanding, and individuality…”
“I am the taste in the water, Arjuna, the light in the moon and the sun, OM resonant in all sacred lore, the sound in space, valor in men. I am the pure fragrance in earth, the brilliance in fire, the life in all living creatures, the penance in ascetics.”

The Bhagavad-Gita | Barbara Miller
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I haven‘t read this since high school and am amazed at how completely different the things standing out to me this time are.

The Bhagavad Gita | Eknath Easwaran
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This came as a recommended translation of The Bhagavad Gita. This book requires multiple readings and a serious study as there are so many nuggets of wisdom. I found the author‘s explanation of each chapter, before the translated Gita chapter very helpful for my comprehension. Now that I have completed my first read, I intend to revisit each chapter more slowly and deliberately. #MountTBR

BiblioLitten I love prayer flags so much. 2y
NatalieR @BiblioLitten They make such a beautiful sound when they blow in the wind. 😊💙💚💛❤️ 2y
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The Bhagavad Gita | Eknath Easwaran
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April reads. I read more books than my collage app allows 😂😂😂

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Bhagavad Gita | Eknath Easwaran
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Working on my 300 hour yoga certification (for a total of 500 hours) and this is required reading. I‘ll sort of be reading it #chunksterchallenge2020 style, one hour per day. It‘s not really long though so it will probably be done this week? We will see! I have quizzes every couple chapters as well. #yogateacherlife

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Bhagavad Gita | Eknath Easwaran

The Gita itself is a pick.

This edition come with a lengthy intro and explanations of the content of each upcoming chapter. They are written in an authoritative "this is so" style that based on my conversations with other people fails to account for the diversity of how people actually interpret the text.

Settings After reading some Amazon reviews complaining about the intro writer in greater detail I'm going to change this to pan. 5y
Settings The intro writer is influencing the rating some much because more than half the book (maybe even 2/3) is intro content. 5y
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Penguin Classics the Bhagavad Gita | Unknown, Mascar[, Juan Mascar[
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I recently decided that I want to start collecting these clothbound Penguin Classics, and many of them are hard to come by. So I was happy to find this one online, used, for just a few dollars. It just came today! 😊 #CollectableBooks #BookMail

AmandaL Nice! 7y
brilliantglow I've come across these editions at goodwill bookstores. If you have one around maybe check there. And watch for 50% off sales. Because it's already only about $3 for books there so 50% off days are amazing 7y
Christine11 I love the clothbound collection - they are so gorgeous ! 😊 7y
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RealLifeReading Beautiful! 7y
JamieArc When I saw this edition for The Woman in White, I decided I couldn‘t read it in any other edition and I had to own it (and I‘m not usually picky). 😊📚😊 7y
TheWordJar Beautiful! 7y
Bria I've got a couple myself! Jane Eyre, Alice in wonderland, and treasure island! They're so pretty! 7y
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Bhagavad Gita | Anonymous, Juan Mascar, Thomas Wyatt
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A delayed flight going back home to Singapore from the Philippines means more time to read this illustrated version of The Bhagavad Gita. I am so glad this book found me when it did. I cited a few lines from this when I wrote and read my eulogy for my father-in-law: "For all things born in truth must die, and out of death in truth comes life. Face to face with what must be, cease thou from sorrow." Books do find you at the perfect time.

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It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.

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A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return

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The Bhagavad-Gita | Barbara Miller
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I found this reading challenge online so I thought I'd give it a go. I really haven't been reading much lately and I hope this will give me a bit of a push. My first choice is a book published before I was born - a translation of The Bhagavad-Gita.