#currentread I‘ve had this book for awhile, I‘m so glad it‘s a #buddyread with @StayCurious this month! #littensloveromance
#currentread I‘ve had this book for awhile, I‘m so glad it‘s a #buddyread with @StayCurious this month! #littensloveromance
Ch 15: Veronica giving off Lucy Steele vibes #veronicainvadessydney #everyonefeelssorryforsydney #kerrgaveherthegoby #VIssecretlyengaged #fornow 🤷🏻♀️ #vthinksmiltonwillproposetoS #ifsheonlyknew #somuchunrequitedlove #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: the one where Kerr compares Ronnie to white tiles 🤣 #bizarrechapter #blinddancinggirl #ronnieisuncomfy #sydneyandkerrgettingavillatogether #onlynotreally #ronnieandkerrarebizarretogether #mybeautiful #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: better late than never! #sydneyandcordeliavisitacemetary #cordeliacracksmeup #sheknowsallthethings #sydneystartsthinkingaboutmilton #hmmmm #maybemyfavoriteconversationsofar #horridlittleghoul 🤣 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Yall, I‘m so sorry, I have a friend visiting this weekend and I didn‘t get to today‘s chapter! I will try and catch up later tonight or tomorrow and will post as soon as I catch up! #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: dear Mrs Kerr, this is a cute puppy #imjustsaying #miltonaskssydneytowalk#cordeliainvitesherselfalong #miltonisunthrilled #hesendscordeliafordates #andthenheproposes 💍 #thatendedwell 🙄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: a gala #ronniehasarrived #mrskerrcantbefound #thecolonelisacheatingcheaterwhocheats #poormrsD #doublenamebringsronnietohismom #whydoifeellikemiltonknowshim #speakingofmilton #heblowsoffeileen #hesinlovewithsydney #stalker 👀 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: love the Austen reference #idontthinksydneywouldliketobecomparedtocharlotte #anyway #miltonlikessydney ⁉️#heseemsintriguedwithronnie #interesting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: Cordelia though 🤣 #sydneybuyscarnationsforkerr #kerrisexcitedthatronnieiscoming #thisconfusessydney #ronniehasaguardian #thatsinteresting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: pick a little talk a little #theseladiesaretheworst #talkingtrashaboutsydneyandkerr #tessdoesntdefendher #syndneycomesinforastamp #thoseladieshavenoshame #sydneyhadthelastword #staytuned #vignettes #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: when the elevator breaks down… #andofcourseitsraining #obviouslycantusethestairs 🙄 #trappedonthefirstfloortogether #whatswithalltheseoldermenflirtingwithyoungerwomen #MrDlikesJoan #shesobsessedwithvictor #somanyawkwardpeople #thepastorlikesjoantooapparently #drama #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 6: 💋#victorshowsup #veronicasaidshedoesntlikehim #nobodylikeshim #wellmaybesomeonedoes #poordoublename #triestotellastory #hardlyanyoneislistening #victorcrashestheparty #veronicagoesoffwithhim #towashherhands #isthatwewecallitthesedays 💋💋💋 #somehowmiltonisthebadguy 🤷🏻♀️ #picnicfail #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 36: Donne 🙄 #ihatehim #whataselfcenteteredass #peaceoutloser #leonardwillberaisedbythevillage #theend #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: picnic time #whatamotleycrew #lovetriangle #mrskerrleftsydneybehind #miltonthinksheknowsher #shesaysnope #notmuchhappened #alotofnamesthrownaround #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: ok, this was fun 🛁 #thepinkertonladiesandtheirprivatebath #enteracluelessman #bathtime #canyouimaginetheringaroundthattub #ohthehorror #iwonderhowmiltonknowssydney #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 35: nooooooo #ripruth #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3: anemones #shortchapter #tessaisadelight 🤣 #determinedtobeill #andalsotodiet #butalsonottobotheranyone #peoplewatchingatlunch #mrdoublenameisahoot #noclueatall #mrskerrmakesagrandentrance #pymisasadcreature #thatquarrelisintriguing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Check out this creepy AI image that came up on Google!
Ch 34: drama! #jemimawantstogototheocean #ruthconsidersit #drdavissaysdonnecaughttheplague #hisgroomsmanistheboyhesavedfromdrowning 😳 #didntseethatcoming #ruthwantstonursehim 🙄 #shetellsthedochesthebabydaddy #ohhhh #docwantstoadoptleonard #wtf #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2: what is it about Mrs Kerr? #sydneycantplaywhileshewatches #herpoorpartner #offtothelibrary #kerrwantsydneytipickabookforher #shewontreaditthough 🤷🏻♀️ #kerrhasason #thatlibraryscenewasabitpretentious #readthatflufftessa #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33: the plague! #ofcourseruthgoestohelp #thatsweetmandefendingherinthestreet 🥹 #leonardwalkstallnow #ruthsurvives #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
This month‘s book is #YouLikeItDarker Grab your copy and check back at the end of the month for open discussion! Don‘t forget to tag me so I can see which version you have! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
Ch 32: so random! #dickisbehavinghimself #faithismadthatFKickeddickout #shethinksFisgreedy #thebradshawsarebackatchurch #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#currentread the second season of the coffee loft series will start being released on KU this week! I‘m so excited and so thrilled to be on the ARC team!
Ch 31: Bradshaw has a heart! #FwantsDickoutofthebusinessbutnotinjail #bradshawwantsjail #jemimatriestohelp. #Fgoeslookingfordick #dickgetsintoqnaccident #karma #bradshawtakesithard #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
No, honey, I don‘t want to come into the grocery store with you during a violent thunder storm. I‘ll just sit right here….
My stack for September is very mystery heavy. I‘m reading cozies for #cozyconsouth in October, and I‘m trying to read one booo for each author that will be there. I‘m also attending a Nancy Drew book con, so in addition to the #nancydrewbr read, I have the books that the event is based on (we are meeting up in SleepyHollow!) #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
Ch 30: oh snap! #butfirst #Fwantstopayforleonardsschooling #ruthisworkingallthetime #ruthsaysno #thurstondidntgetmoneyhewasowed #Flooksintoit #bradshawtriestoblamethurston #amitheonlyonewhoimmediatelythoughtofdick #vindicated #menotthurston #bradshawwantstodisowndick #thurstonsaysnotto #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #Holly
Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!
#StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion
Ch 29: Sally is going deaf #shegivesthurstonthemoney #nowthatwillseemsalittlelessrandom #jemimamarriesF #freedomtovisitruth #ruthwillbeasicknurse #finallyajob #hashtagbrigade
Ch 28: so much gossip and calling Farquhar F makes me think of Sense and Sensibility 🤣 #jemimasendshimtocheckonruth #heisbarrassedthathelovedruth #thevisitsbringhimclosertojemima 💍 #donneisntengagedanymore #morescandal #dickisapartnernow #leonardhatesbeingoutside #howcanthisendwell #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27: Bradshaw gives me Wormwood vibes #helecturesthurston #thurstonstandsuptohim #bradshawwontcometochurchanymore #ohdarn 🙄 #ruthtellsleonard #everyoneiscrying #ruthplanstorunaway #thurstontalksheroutofit #faithisthebiggestshockoftheday #fullsupportfromfaith #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 26: yikes #theshithashitthefan #butfirst #donneisgettingmarried #loveatfirstsight #asif #jemimaisalwayswatching #bradshawfindsoutaboutruth #thatseamstress 🙄 #ruthisthrownout #thurstonisgonnabeintrouble #jemimadefendsruth #didnotseethatcoming #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: Jemima gets a little more than a bonnet #leonardisfeelingbetter #Fbroughthimsomanygifts #andwherewasdaddydearestnow 🙄 #jemimaissadthatflikesruth #mrsbradshawsendshertobuyabonnet #theseamstressmentionsrecognizingruth #jemimaknowsthetruthnow #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: y‘all I just can‘t. So here are some damson plums that they were making into jelly 🤷🏻♀️ #thisfreakingguy #idonttrusthimatall #thisisntover #soproudofruththough #shestooduptohimandbrokedownafter #neverletthemseeyousweat #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Thanks to @dabbe for tagging me and @rachelsbrittain for hosting #weekendreads I haven‘t had much time to read because I‘m hanging with my daughter and granddaughter, so I‘ve been trying to keep up with the #hashtagbrigade and while I‘m driving I‘ve been listening to the tagged book.
Ch 23: my face when we meet Mr Donne, even though we all knew anyway #wtf #theballsonthisguy #ruthishandlingitwell #imean #aftertheinitialhissyfit #whichshewasentitledto #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Next up for the #hashtagbrigade is the Hotel! If you would like to join us, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome, but fair warning: my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers for the chapter, so be sure to read the chapter before you read my post! We will be reading a chapter a day, starting September 1st.
Just a reminder that September‘s #LosersClub read is #Youlikeitdarker Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about October 1st, when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be at the end of the month! #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion
I almost forgot to post!
Ch 22: Mr Donne has arrived #ruthandthegirlsarelovingthesea #elizabethfeelsbetteralready #ruthmisessleonardmissesruth #anyway #morepolitics #donneshowsup #heisperfection #everyoneelsepalesincomparison #obviouslyhemustmarryjemima 🙄 #jemimaalmostgetsalongwithF #bradshawwantstoahowoffthebeachhouse #totallynotbribery 🙄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Road trip audio book!
Ch 21: drama #Fgoesstrawberrypickingwithruthandco #theybringleonardthenextday #jemimarefusestogo #sherealizedtoolatethatshelovesF #Fmovedon #yasnoozeyalose #toomuchfreshairmakeselizabethsick #offtotheseasidetheywillallgo #oh #blahblahblahpolitics 🙄 #hashtagbrigade
Reading at Panera while I eat breakfast, I think I‘ll be finishing this today!
Ch 20: well, that took a turn #FisntlikingJeminasattitudelately #bradshawasksruthtospeaktoher #ruthwantstowitnessthebehaviorfirst #whatcouldgowrong #well #Flovesruthnow #bradshawthinksitworked #hewantstobuyruthafancydress #becausethatsnotweird #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Sorry this is so late! #travelday #delayedflight
Ch 19: 6 years later #leonardtellstales #thurstanisprettymuchthesame #sallyissassyasever #faithisfeelingold #ruthisprettyasever #bradshawstoo #kindofboring 🤷🏻♀️ #hashtagbrigade
I read about a quarter of this on the plane and it‘s so good and so messed up all at the same time!