January Pick!
I finally finished! I apologize for being so late with this one.
Over all I loved this one, not so much the cliffhanger at the end, but....
I think it might just have been my favorite out of this round!
@DanaManiac @BooksNBowls @KristiAhlers
3.0 ⭐️
I have a soft spot for stories about young love as I've known my husband since I was 12. It was nice to reminisce on how dramatic everything feels when you're young. I do think dragged on for just way too long. I had a hard time staying invested in the story. What an ending! It‘ll be in the mail tomorrow @cwarnier #LMPBC
A little dark love story with this one! I liked the MC Lexie, she‘s very relatable. Loved the boys! Killian made me mad many times throughout the story and the cliffhanger- WHY?! 😩 Also, felt like I was missing parts of the story and realized there‘s books before this one about different characters- definitely recommend reading those first! Might make for a better reading experience. 3 stars!
@BooksNBowls book happiness is on its way! Happy Reading!
I‘m reading these books in the order the author suggested. This story is in the POV of Lexie, the heroines daughter in Out of the Ashes. I have to say the story isn‘t much different except the POV shift which gave a little new insight to the story. I highly recommend this one and that you read the titles as the author suggests even though they are stand alone stories.