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Hey #lmpbc friends! Thought I‘d check in &say hi & see who has what books are where 😅 no hurry with mine, but I am interested for thoughts on 🛸👽
@Readergrrl @Captivatedbybooks @BethM

Readergrrl Just mailed both Bookman‘s Tale and Sidney Sheldon off to you! You should receive them in a couple of days!! 😊 1w
5feet.of.fury @Readergrrl perf! Thanks! 1w
BethM I‘ve mailed everything back 1w
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Captivatedbybooks I got my book back from Beth. 1w
5feet.of.fury @BethM I‘ll keep you posted on yours 1w
5feet.of.fury @BethM @Readergrrl I got Doomsday & Bookman‘s Tale today! 1w
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Sorry so late! I mailed this out yesterday (so much going on this month -already)

Tracking # 9500 1153 9291 4197 5045 79


TheBookHippie No worries mine is going out today as well 😬🤣😅🫣🫠😵‍💫 1w
bookandbedandtea I've barely touched mine. 😬 I've been having such a hard time reading this month but I'll definitely focus on it this weekend. 1w
ElizaMarie @bookandbedandtea I had a rough couple of days at work, then my inlaws came in, and my husband “cleaned“ the kitchen island, so it was misplaced for a bit! 1w
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@JamieArc Today, I received an amazing “taste of home” gift. Thank you so much for your gift and for participating in #LMPBC. My little book club proved to be quite an adventure, and I met so many wonderful people there. I haven‘t been back to Michigan in several years but I think about it often. Your gift, was perfect. Thanks again.

CrowCAH Love all the Michigan ✋🏻 items!!! 2w
JamieArc Glad it has arrived, and hopefully with the Michigan mints not too melted! Enjoy! ❤️✋🏼 2w
suvata @JamieArc Not melted at all. Surprising so … and so yummy.🩵 2w
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Several #LMPBC packages have been sent out today, including Slewfoot returning to Katelyn. This was a great last round! I enjoyed each of the members of our group and our Gothic lit theme. Thanks to each of you for some good reading these past 4 months!

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@Reggie I just dropped this in the mail for you!

Thank you everyone for such a fun round of #LMPBC ! #Round20 #GroupQ @Bookzombie @psalva

Bookzombie @BookmarkTavern I‘m sorry to be a bother, but do you mind if I send your book out to you later in the month? Basically we closed on a house and it ended up being a lot more work than we thought. Now I‘m cleaning the rental we were in. It just hasn‘t led to a lot of sitting and reading time. I‘m so sorry for always taking so long. FYI @Reggie @psalva 2w
BookmarkTavern @Bookzombie You are not a bother at all! I completely understand that life happens! You take your time, and I look forward to reading everyone‘s notes. And congrats on the house! 🎉🎉 2w
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Body in the Bookstore | Ellie Alexander
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We‘re back baby! #cbbc #coffeebeanbookclub
@Captivatedbybooks I‘ll mail yours (and #lmpbc) on Monday. We just got back from up north.

Avanders Eee!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 3w
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I don‘t know which is more beautiful -the gorgeous book or the absolutely amazing crocheted book sleeve! Obsessed with the rose charms! Thank you soo much @KateReadsYA ! You are the best! All of my books will be nice and warm from here on out! I got the #LMPBC book too- which of course you could have kept longer to finish! I‘m so glad we are still reading more books together in #whimsicalreads! Feeling grateful ✨💕 and sending thanks!

tpixie @Meshell1313 @KateReadsYA how lovely 💚🌹💚 (edited) 3w
KateReadsYA You are so so welcome :] 3w
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I read the 1st in this series with #lmpbc Witchy group we all rated it “eh” to soft pick, but I was in the mood for some 🌶️ & fluff so I tried the 2nd book. The world is established but it‘s a much slower setup, doesn‘t quite fit “enemies to lovers” since the enemy has amnesia, 🌶️doesn‘t start til much further in (fine, but not what I expected) does get really entertaining towards the end but the setup is silly &harder to care about the couple

IndoorDame That was a really fun round, thanks for the reminder! 💛🧙 3w
5feet.of.fury @IndoorDame that really was! So many goodies! 🔮 3w
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Backstage of a 1950s drag show, there‘s banter, romance, jealousy, and community. And the lives of a veteran, an artist, and a performer intersect in ways no one anticipated.

This was such an unexpected delight. I loved the banter between all the queens, & their support even as they heckled each other. There‘s a lot of POV hopping that works for the most part. & a twist on all of my expectations, with a satisfying resolution. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern Chapter 5, brief mention of spousal murder 3w
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Kenyazero This sounds neat! Is it all told in one night? 3w
BookmarkTavern @Kenyazero No, it takes place over a few weeks mostly. (edited) 3w
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The Bayou | Arden Powell
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Thank you #GroupQ for another excellent reading memory! This read was perfectly timed for me, apt for hot summer days. Powell‘s writing about the humid Louisiana climate was nearly palpable. While I think this could have been expanded to at least flesh out some characterization, I can appreciate what Powell was trying to do. Lots packed into a small parcel- sex, heat, supernatural horror, sin, vengeance- what a great way to end #LMPBC!

BookmarkTavern This one was really great on setting the scene! 3w
Reggie Petyr I‘m just jumping in to say I should finish it today and it should be out to you tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. And thanks for participating, you are always a joy to read with. 2w
psalva @Reggie No rush! I look forward to seeing what everyone wrote. It‘s always a pleasure reading with you as well. 2w
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