After the last book I read wrecked me I picked something a little easier to read this go around. Thought I would include the things I do almost every day is read and get my steps in.
After the last book I read wrecked me I picked something a little easier to read this go around. Thought I would include the things I do almost every day is read and get my steps in.
Oh wow! This book was more amazing than I can ever explain. I am continuing to “interview” books for Read Alouds for my fifth graders. I thought this book would be a winner until I got to the parts that made me cry. This book brought out the ugly cry. There is no way I will be able to read this one to a classroom and hold myself together. I also have to acknowledge the fact that the main character, Carley, shares my opinion of The Giving Tree.
This was a great, quick read. About a young girl who enters foster care and goes to live with the Murphy‘s. This book was so powerful in showing the importance and impact that a foster family can have on a child in the system. How these kids often don‘t understand what a normal functioning family looks like. They need positive role models to show them what roles mothers, fathers, and siblings should look like. Great read!
This ONE is in my classroom library, but I've never read it. Has anyone else?
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Surprised to find this inside the library book I was reading. I agree: be someone's hero!
Nearing the end of the semester as a teacher, it is so lovely to take a break this Saturday morning to read! I woke up earlier than the rest of the house and devoured this book. It was a touching (without being saccharine) picture of a 12-year-old girl in the foster care system. I was impressed by the natural dialogue and the character development. This is my first book by this author, and I will definitely read others by her.
I liked this book because it was a real page turner and it made me realize how lucky I am to have my real family.