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Joined May 2016

Book lover, bookmark hoarder, library stalker kinda girl 😍
An American Marriage | Tayari Jones
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The characters in this book were so real. I didn‘t like their personalities a whole lot per say, but they were written well. The author does a great job staying neutral between the conflict of the characters and the story was well written. Extremely thought provoking & a story that needed telling. Great book club choice. #lmpbc #litsybookclubs

An American Marriage | Tayari Jones
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Got in the 3rd book for the #lmpbc !! Excited to start this one tomorrow! @KisforKechell @jillannjohn @ReviewsbytheMrs

jillannjohn I‘ve been wanting to read that one. 6y
Coco Its great so far!!!! @jillannjohn ! I'll prolly finish it early & will mail it to u ASAP 😍. Excellent pick @ReviewsbytheMrs !! So thought provoking! 6y
jillannjohn I‘m late finishing my 2nd book! But it will be in the mail this week!! 6y
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Eeek it has arrriivvveeeddd!

Caroline2 Yay!!! 😃 6y
JaneyWaneyB I stopped what I was reading and started this as soon as it had downloaded 😄 I love this series😍 Enjoy! 6y
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Mirrors | Jason Yormark
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Asides from the atrocious grammar mistakes (like did you even reread the book once you finished Yormark?!), this was actually a great story! Being only 220 pages, it was a quick, but very action filled novel. About a man who‘s wife is abducted, & he is hell bent on finding her. But, what he isn‘t prepared for is an alternate world that Mirrors ours, which is systematically kidnapping ppl #lmpbc

Coco @jillannjohn I found it!! Woot woot! Can‘t promise I‘ll make it to the post office today, but I‘ll try to get it out tomorrow 😉! 6y
jillannjohn Sounds great! 6y
jillannjohn I‘m finishing this up but Lord, the typos are driving me crazy! It‘s distracting. 🤓 6y
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Eeeek can‘t wait to start this on Thursday!!!

Hero at the Fall | Alwyn Hamilton
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It‘s over 😭. Oh but it was beautiful!! Even the times where the author ripped my heart out only to return it in parts and greatly bruised. This is the end of The Rebel of the Sands trilogy & it was epically done. Highly recommend the series. Often described as Arabian nights + Wild West. Action packed, love, in depth secondary characters, magic, heartbreak, mystery, surprise, and more. If you haven‘t read this series, go do it ❤️

TheBookishBarista I need to finish this series 😱 first book was amazing! I have the second but have yet to read it. Definitely need to get the third and binge it haha! 7y
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Have my office and first bookshelf set up at the new house!!! We will have several bookshelves all throughout! So excited to move in next weekend 😍

tournevis Niiiiiiiiiiice 7y
rachaich Oooh. Envy! 7y
tammysue Nice!! 7y
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kspenmoll Looks so inviting. Love your rug & that view!!! 7y
britt_brooke Nice!! 7y
Eggs Lovely 😊 7y
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Bookalong Awesome!! 😂 7y
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Photo of my hubbys bedside table!! He‘s never been a big reader, but I‘ve rubbed off on him a bit!!! 😍😝. Sports & politics are his favorites 🤷🏻‍♀️ I‘m more of a fantasy/fiction girl myself but hey, to each their own! Does your significant other enjoy reading? #shelfie #qotd

TrishB Mine reads music books and graphic novels 👍🏻 7y
Beckys_Books Mine reads all things presidential but is especially obsessed with the JFK assassination. 7y
Pamwurtzler @Beckys_Books Mine is the same way. He collects that presidential biography series - those smaller format hardcovers. 7y
Coco @Pamwurtzler can u post a pic of that series?! Sounds like a fantastic gift idea for my hubs!!! 7y
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Mirrors | Jason Yormark
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@KisforKechell got your book in today!! Excited to start it!! #lmpbc

Coco @KisforKechell did you get my email about address change for the #lmpbc ? 6y
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Hero at the Fall | Alwyn Hamilton
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Poolside reading while the kiddo swims! About to wrap up Girl With a Pearl Earring and plan to start on the tagged book next!! Happy Easter, April Fools Day, & Happy birthday to the Weasley twins 😉🎉🐣🐇🌴

Girl with a Pearl Earring | Tracy Chevalier
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Evening reading 😍. Too chilly to swim but nice enough to enjoy the view! What‘s everyone else currently reading??

minkyb Love this picture! Enjoy. 7y
mommyincolortv Currently reading My Soul To Keep by Ta 7y
mommyincolortv *Tananarive Due 7y
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AmyG That looks just lovely. For some reason I am freezing...so sitting here with tea, a book and a blanket. 7y
Rcoco Love this book! 7y
Maria514626 And here I was feeling smug because I got the mail without a coat. 😁 Enchanted by, and laughing my way through 7y
Reviewsbylola Loved this book! I‘m reading 7y
Pamwurtzler Love the view! I‘ve finished both my books & need to pick a new one! 7y
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Help you guys! What book should I read next?? I‘m coming off a #bookhangover from the tagged series above! Loved it and need to refill that void with an epic follow up

Smangela Sometimes I need a palette cleanser after an epic series - is that what you‘re looking for? 7y
Coco @Smangela yes! 7y
Smangela If you‘re at all keen on middle grade Mr. Lemoncello‘s Library was like my life blood. So easy and quick but a book needs dream lol 7y
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LibrarianJen I wanted to like the Maze Runner series so much but bailed halfway through the 3rd book. 7y
herbslut Omg I've never heard the term book hangover, but that's so real 7y
Coco Hahaha @herbslut right?! Struggle is real 7y
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Happy St. Pattys Day fellow littens! Celebrating this Irish holiday, which is also my 6 year anniversary in some good ole Florida sunshine with a great book in my hand 😍🍀🌈🍀❤️💚❤️💚. How are you all celebrating today?

peacegypsy Cheers to you! Wearing green, reading, listening to Celtic music, and reveling in each sip of Guinness! Wish I had your view! 😃🍀🌈 7y
Booksniffer So jelly. 7y
corycatelyn Wearing green, read a book this morning...hoping to start the next...and wine! I'll take the beach view too! 😊 7y
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Dragon I‘m at a friend‘s for turkey 🦃 dinner! (edited) 7y
TheLibrarian Sitting here bored out of my mind while everyone is passed out drunk by 7pm with no food. This just reminds me why I don‘t do social events. Your day sounds lovely!! (edited) 7y
Coco @peacegypsy yay for you!!! Love me some Guinness draught 😍 🍻 7y
Coco @corycatelyn sounds like a relaxing day!!! 💚 7y
Coco @Dragon hope you had a blast 😄 7y
Coco @TheLibrarian Oh no!! 🤦‍♀️ I hope ur evening has improved!!!! 7y
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The Invisibles: A Novel | Cecilia Galante
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So I have such a hard time bailing on books!! I never want to give up hope....BUT I have about 15 other awesome books on my bookshelf, so after 4 chapters and 60 pages in... this book just isn‘t for me. Too #chicklit for my personal tastes. I need more drama and adventure 🙃. But if you do like books about friendship and those type of storylines this one was highly quotable!

TheBookgeekFrau It‘s always hard to bail 😕 7y
Becker It just doesn‘t make sense to force yourself through a book you‘re not enjoying. There are so many choices out there. Hope the next book is a great one. 7y
Coco @Becker I agree! And I tell my hubby this all the time haha but I have to remind myself to do the same 😝. The next book is amazing so far!!!!! ❤️❤️ 7y
Purrfectpages I agree with you here. I finished the book, but was largely unimpressed. 7y
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Omg I just saw this on FB! Guess what‘s going on our DIY list for the new home?!?! Hope to close and move in at the end of the month 😍

LadyRuthven This is awesome! So cool. 7y
Craftylikefox Oooo I love this idea 😍 someday! 7y
Velvetfur That's such a fab idea! 7y
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dgingo Great idea! Be sure to post yours when you‘re done! 7y
bookish_wookish This is brilliant!! 7y
TheBookgeekFrau This great! 7y
EvaPriest Amazing! So theoretically, you could brick your house in books. 5y
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Otherworld | Jason Segel, Kirsten Miller
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Hahaha this cracked me up! How are your books coming fellow Mark Up/Book Club readers? #lmpbc @ReviewsbytheMrs @KisforKechell @jillannjohn #litsybookclubs #markup

JoRead And when they are 😠😠😠😠 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs For real 😏 7y
jillannjohn I really enjoyed this one! 6y
Coco Yay I'm so glad!! @jillannjohn 6y
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A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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I know I know, I‘m probably in the minority here. But this book didn‘t quite sweep me away...

ReadingSusan I felt the same way. I wish I had read it as a child. I just thought it was ok. 7y
Coco @ReadingSusan yeah I may have enjoyed it more as a child! 7y
TommieMarie74 I‘m in agreement. I wasn‘t blown away. 7y
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shaynarae I tried reading it when I was a kid, but wasn‘t into it. I‘ve always been confused and disappointed by that because I was so convinced I‘d love this book. 7y
Jogo I‘ve done this as a novel study with my class. Opinions were mixed as always. But those who liked it were extremely passionate about how fabulous it was. I have read it many times and it‘s quite the onion book - so many layers to it. 7y
Coco @Jogo I can definitely see it being a great book for a class to dive deeper into! For it does have many layers that could be pulled apart and analyzed more! 7y
CaitlinR Sorry guys, I loved it as a kid, and as an adult. 7y
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The Time Keeper | Mitch Albom
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@Sills thank you so much for my #cupidgoespostal package!! It arrived!! I love it all so so so much!! Thank you for all ur thoughtfulness ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #cgp #litsyfriends

BethM Love the socks! 7y
Sills @Coco oh yes I'm so glad you like everything❤️I really enjoyed selecting goodies for you and stalking your TBR list😍 7y
Coco @BethM those socks are amazing! I wore them last night and so fluffy 😍😍😍 @Sills thanks again!!!! 7y
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Scarlet | Marissa Meyer
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This has been a whirlwind week! House shopping & now going thru the 1,000 hoops to finalize our home buy! Which includes working overtime hours 😬. & my library holds (that I‘ve been in line forever for) all become available in the same week! I need more hrs in the day! & let‘s not forget a stack of hardbacks w/ due dates approaching #readerproblems Ok y‘all, if I can only pick 1 audio which should I pick?! (Exclude Scarlet bc it‘s almost ✅)

JanJan Wrinkle is one of my favorites! Turtles was great too! 7y
Megabooks Turtles or Rules! 7y
KellyK Rules of Magic ❤️❤️❤️ A part of my Alice Hoffman obsession! 7y
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Eggbeater We bought our first house six months ago. I feel your stress! Good luck! I just had to get comfortable with postponing sanity until it was over. It was worth it in the end. 7y
Sills @Coco #CupidGoesPostal @MrBook @BookBabe Update: I went to shipping place after school today-the box is in Orlando and arrived at The Hub at 10:26am. Please let me know as soon as it arrives at your place😊 Making progress anyway-again so sorry this happened-I better mail boxes the weeks in advance from now on😢 7y
Coco That‘s ok!! Thank you @Sills for checking on it again and keeping me updated!!! 7y
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Dear stalker, my package *may* be here but my apartment office was terrible today and every time I went to check they had “closed” the office for a meeting 😭. I‘ll try again tomorrow!!

BookaholicNatty The office people are fired!!!!!!! Don‘t they know books are way more important than darn meetings!!!! 7y
Coco @BookaholicNatty Right?!?! My thoughts exactly!!! 7y
Sills 😢😢😢😢❤️😢😢😢😢 7y
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Coco Update: office finally opened but no package 😭👎 7y
Sills @Coco Hmmmm was shipped on Feb 5. I have a tracking number so Will check right away. 7y
Coco Oh thanks! Yes please let me know! @Sills 7y
Sills I absolutely will I'm heartsick you didn't receive it in time-it better not be lost😡 7y
Sills #Coco I called the shipping place to trace the tracking number- Not happy😢 They said the package was deleted and did not post a reason. The package is currently in Jacksonville. Guess it's getting closer. Again so heartbroken you didn't get it in time-please oh please Let me know if it arrives tomorrow. I will call them again on Monday if you don't get it tomorrow🙏🏽🙏🏽 hope it reaches you and you love what I packed for you🙂 7y
Coco @Sills thank u so much for checking on it!! I will check out the office each day and let u know as soon as it arrives! THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Sills @Coco oops I meant package was delayed without reason not deleted. Sometimes I'm too finger happy😜 7y
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Today marks the 1year anniversary of our adoption day! & just had to share that with all my littens 💕. Reading has been an integral part of mine and Ts bonding since the day he moved in. We truly connect any time we read together. We are always reading 2books, one he reads to me & another I read to him. I‘m so thankful for his love for stories and for the tool books play in our connection to one another ❤️❤️❤️❤️

dsfisher Happy Anniversary!❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
heidisreads Your story gave me goosebumps (in a good way)!!! Thanks for sharing 7y
398.2 ❤️❤️❤️Such a great memory. Thanks for sharing. 7y
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Graciouswarriorprincess Happy anniversary! 7y
RiotMom This is wonderful! Happy gotcha day! 7y
Godmotherx5 What a touching story. Hugs to your family. 7y
mabell ❤️ 7y
TrishB That‘s lovely ❤️ 7y
ashimilie ❤️ 7y
AmyG How wonderful. As an adopted child myself...I especially love this! (edited) 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs Love this! From one adopted mom to another, you are doing a great job! 💜 7y
Supersteph That‘s wonderful! 😊 7y
Tamra Happy Gotcha Day!!!! 💜💜 We celebrate two of those as well. 😁😊😍 7y
Tamra @ReviewsbytheMrs I am too! 👏🏾 How many do you have? 7y
Tamra @AmyG I was just telling my daughter the other day that for so many reasons, being adopted is incredibly special and most important of all that we were meant for each other because we had to cross MANY bridges and oceans and miles to be together. It is a love match. 😊 My husband and I are very lucky and we tell them so. I‘m certain your parents feel exactly the same. 💜 7y
Tamra Thank you for sharing the joy! All the feels! 7y
Redwritinghood 💕💕 7y
Dragon 🎉🎂💕 7y
Karkar Congratulations 🎈🎉 7y
AmyG @Tamra My Mom always told me that the MOST special children were adopted ones. ❤️ 7y
Tamra @AmyG 🙌🏾 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs @Tamra we have 1 adopted and 2 bios. We also had several foster kiddos come through our home. 7y
CoffeeK8 Congrats! 💖 7y
Tamra @ReviewsbytheMrs wow, you‘ve been busy! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 So wonderful! 7y
Coco Thanks everyone!!! @AmyG that is so awesome ❤️! @Tamra & @ReviewsbytheMrs that is incredible that you are both adoptive moms too!! Yay for learning about that connection b/t us 😍! (edited) 7y
GripLitGrl Congratulations that is wonderful 💞💞🎈 7y
DGRachel Congrats! I love this story! 😍 7y
TNbookworm 7y
minkyb Lovely family! 7y
Bookzombie ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Sills #coco All precious in His sight-have a lovely ❤️ day! 7y
Maria514626 So happy for all of you! 7y
Coco @Maria514626 thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Yay so excited to try this out!! Click the link below to join! I‘m in Group E! #LMPBC @suvata https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/5080444aead2ca0ff2-l...

laundry_piles I almost signed up for this but I just can't bring myself to write in books! 😮 7y
suvata @laundry_piles Sometimes it can be very liberating. 7y
Wife @laundry_piles I had a difficult time at first, but now I think it‘s fun!🖍✏️🖊🖋🖌🖍✒️🖍✏️✏️ 7y
Coco @laundry_piles I read that u could insert sticky notes for ur “mark ups” That will prolly be my method lol!! 7y
Dempsey I just signed up! Group O! 7y
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All the Missing Girls | Megan Miranda
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Started this audiobook this morning on my drive, but thinking about switching to the print version. The narrator‘s voice/reading style just isn‘t clicking with me or the story for some reason. Have u ever quit an audio bc of the narrator?

Mollyanna Absolutely. To me the narrator makes or breaks an audio. I‘ve had print books that I thought were DNF and switched to audio where the narrator brought everything to life. 7y
Laylafinn I enjoyed reading this book on my kindle 7y
Christine11 Totally - I‘m listening to The Immortalists at the moment and the narrator is driving me crazy 😝 she puts on a weird super deep voice for the male characters and it just sounds silly ! 7y
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bookwrm526 I haven‘t quit because of a narrator, but I have skipped buying a few on audio after I listened to the preview! 7y
Chrissyreadit Yes- a good narrator makes a huge difference. I love that there are choices for many of the classics. 7y
Kaye I‘ve listened to audiobooks for about 3 years now. The narrator can honestly make or break a good book. There are some that the narrator literally ruins ,and others that bring a good story to life and make it fantastic. 7y
xicanti Just last week, I bailed on a pretty short audio because the author-narrator's performance didn't work for me AT ALL. Sometimes, that's the way it's gotta be. 7y
Coco Ah so glad to know I‘m not the only one! I‘m definitely still interested in the book. Just bailing on the format. I‘ve read /listened to lots of audiobooks but this is my first narrator bail! 7y
KerriGreenwell What did you think of All the Missing Girls? 7y
Coco @KerriGreenwell I quit this audio bc I didn‘t like the narrator 😕. I‘m waiting on the hard copy of this book to come in from the library so I can enjoy it that way!!! 7y
sloanghost I somehow ploughed through ALL of ASOIAF despite horrible narration from Dotrice, but in fairness I was alone in a tiny concrete room with only geckos for company, for hours, so I was pretty desperate 7y
Shaila Almost! But I did end up finishing. I can't remember the title now, but it was a "stranded on a tropical island" romance. Her narration was so...CHIPPER! It was like she had a smile on her face the whole time! It was supremely annoying! ? 7y
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This is just a small bit of how ridiculous my kitty is during my #audiopuzzling hahaha!!! #catsoflitsy

shadowspeak17 😂❤️ 7y
MarriedtoMrT Hahaha! 😹 7y
silentrequiem Oh, cat! 😹 7y
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OrangeMooseReads 😹😹😹😹 7y
Texreader Love!! 7y
FeatherV Love this so much! He/she is so pretty btw! 7y
Tamra Puzzles, papers, glue, glitter, boxes, ANYTHING on the table is fair game. 7y
SconsinBookyBadger If I don't fits, I sits anyways 😹 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 So cute 😻😹 7y
TNbookworm Obviously that poor baby needs attention😹😻 7y
Coco @FeatherV thanks! He is a hot mess but I sure do love him!! 7y
Coco @TNbookworm hahaha yes! He thinks if I have time for puzzles, then I must have time for snuggles and kitty massages!!! 😛 spoiled! 7y
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The Lying Game | Ruth Ware
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Doing some #audiopuzzling ! I really enjoy the narrator‘s accent of this book! The storyline is moving a little slow for my liking, but hope to see some unexpected twists turn up soon! #audiobook #booklovers

benchley1 I love that puzzle. I only got about half way through the lying game, I loved the other 2 so much, but I just couldn't care about a bunch of spoiled girls that turned into spoiled women 7y
Cinfhen Fun 7y
Coco @benchley1 yeah so far it‘s a so-so for me! Thanks this one has been lots of fun! Got it off amazon 😉! (edited) 7y
ladym30 Great puzzle! 7y
Maria514626 Love that puzzle. It even has blimps! 7y
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I apparently won this book and didn‘t even know it! Talk about #happymail !!! #arc #booksof2018 #booklovers

RebL I hope it‘s as cool as it looks. 7y
Bookmarkie I just finished it and enjoyed it! 7y
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“A story can tell the truth...but a story can also lie. Stories can bend and twist and obfuscate. Controlling stories is power indeed. “

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I liked the premise of this world & the characters are fun. But I felt like the authors foreshadowing was a bit over kill & I guessed all the plot twists early on. In fact I knew the end of the book cliffhanger almost halfway through 😬👎. I may try one more book in the series, but if it‘s just as predictable I‘ll prolly move on to other series. Any Lunar Chronicles fans out there with feedback? #bookreview #ya #lunarchronicles #audiobook

melyndarae I've had this book for awhile but haven't gotten around to reading it. Bummed to hear it's so so. I'm pretty good at guessing endings of movies and books and such so overdone foreshadowing is definitely no good. 7y
GypsyKat They get better as they go along. 7y
Coco @GypsyKat that‘s what I‘ve been seeing on ppls posts! Good to know! I really like the world and character so don‘t want to give up on them, but I like surprises in the plot 😆 7y
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Coco @melyndarae Me too and I really like to be surprised so I‘m usually bummed if I guess things way before they tell me! Lol I really liked the storyline and world tho so I‘m gonna give Book 2 one more chance! 7y
GypsyKat @Coco I mean, there‘s not a lot of plot twists, but I love fairytale retellings and the dynamic she builds between the different characters as the books go on are fun. If you‘re looking for a YA fantasy series that‘ll keep you on your toes a bit more, read the Throne of Glass series. The first book was a little slow, but after that they really pick up. The last book comes out later this year. 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 I enjoyed this book enough but Scarlet, which is next, is what really hooked me in this series and the rest were good. 7y
Cats-and-Tea For what it‘s worth, I absolutely hated this book, and swore off this series forever, but ended up reading Scarlet anyway and fell in love. I‘d give it one more try, but maybe take some time to cool off from this one first. If you don‘t like Scarlet then I‘d give up 7y
tonyahoswalt On one hand, I feel like some of the plot twists are meant to be obvious because it's a retelling of Cinderella so you know the basis of the story. But I still found it interesting and fun. I think the others may be right about it getting better with Scarlett though. 7y
croberts51 I just finished and other than the foreshadowing, I liked it. There was still enough of the story and the characters that I liked to keep going. 7y
vividandromeda Oh I absolutely adore the whole series, including Cinder! I'm not really sure if the foreshadowing was thaaaat bad, but I haven't read that book in a long time so I could be wrong 7y
Coco @GypsyKat thanks!! That series has been on my TBR shelf! I‘ll bump it up on my reading list!! 7y
Coco @bookish22 thanks for ur feedback! I‘m still excited to try Scarlet! 7y
Coco @Cats-and-Tea oh wow that is awesome to know!!! You get my struggle haha!!! Great advice and I think I‘ll read a few others while I wait on my library hold for Scarlet to come in! 7y
Coco @tonyahoswalt thanks for the input! 7y
Coco @croberts51 same!!! I adored all the characters!!! 7y
Coco @vividandromeda I‘m not giving up on the series yet, definitely going to read Scarlet bc I really loved the characters & interested to see what the author does with the world building she put into cinder. I think my big issue was that I guessed that Cinder was the missing lunar princess really early on & was frustrated that it was the big ending of book one. I wanted it revealed so much sooner haha! 7y
GypsyKat @Coco I love that series. But I can also highly recommend the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy. Sooooo good!!! 7y
Coco Yay thanks @GypsyKat !!!! I hadn‘t heard of that one!! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
GypsyKat @Coco It‘s really great! I even got my hubs to read it, he‘s on the second book right now. 7y
398.2 I agree. I wasn‘t a big fan of this book but the series does get better. It‘s starts to get fun when all of the characters come together. 7y
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rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I love all-black kitties!! 😻 7y
OrangeMooseReads 😻😻 7y
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HelloImJez Ahhhh! I wanna kiss that head and boop that nose!!! (The cat's 😆) It's torture only being able to look at this photo 😺 7y
Coco @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled thanks me too!!! 😛😄 7y
Coco Hahaha @HelloImJez best comment ever! (edited) 7y
Dragon 😻 7y
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Eeek love free books!! Visit @TheBookKeepers to enter! #bookkeepersGIVEAWAY

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Just finished this read with my 9 yo kiddo. He wasn‘t a huge fan, but I think it was mostly bc the storyline was a bit dense for his attention span prior to bedtime lol! & altering perspectives confused him a little. However it‘s a definite pick for me! The writing felt poetic (especially as a #readaloud), and I enjoyed the magical world! #raisingreaders #fantasy #litsyreview #prettycovers

Coco @arcyn97 This is my final review! I know u were considering it for TBR! 🙂. Great magical realism & I enjoyed how descriptive the author was of all the characters 7y
MeganAnn I loved this one! ❤️ 7y
elizabethlk In the middle of reading this one right now! :) 7y
hordner My sister got this one for Christmas and promised to pass it on. Now I'm extra excited 😅 7y
bookcyns @Coco thank you!! I‘m definitely adding it to my TBR list, gotta go to the library soon 😊 7y
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Peer Pressure | Justin Healey
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I blame @sammisho for inspiring this indulgent activity 😛 🍪!! #blameitonlitsy #litsybakingparty #booksandcookies

sammisho @Coco Happy to enable ya!! 🍪🍪🍪 7y
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Love Walked in: A Novel | Marisa de los Santos
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“I needed to love it and, in my experience, it isn‘t always easy to figure out what you love.”

Tav Great book! 7y
CarolynM Love this book and it's sequel Belong to Me 7y
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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Latest #bookhaul!!! I‘m itching for our libraries winter sale next weekend, but picked these up today! And some of these just may be for my #secretvalentine!

LiteraryinPA I read Lovely Bones years ago and remember that it was intense but really gripping. 7y
Coco That‘s awesome to know!! @LiteraryinLititz 7y
Sresendez12 The Mortal Instruments series is one of my favorites! 7y
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TheWhiteHatter I loved Memoirs of a Geisha, it was so beautifully written❤. 7y
Coco I agree @TheWhiteHatter !! I read it years ago so bought for a reread! 😍 7y
Jessbell7164 I picked up memoirs of a geisha at our local goodwill. Read it years ago and it still has stuck with me. Just beautiful. Hubby is listening to mortal engines on hoopla and is loving it. I‘ve got to finish it before the movie comes out! 😬😳 7y
Coco @Jessbell7164 that‘s awesome! I love finding such good books for cheap prices! I only paid $1 for each of these 😍. I didn‘t realize a movie was in the making of that one!! I better move it up on my read list too lo!! 7y
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Started this #graphicnovel last night! This page today has had me rolling 😂!!! Got this gem from my #secretasantagoespostal !!

TheBookAddict 🤣🤣🤣 oh man, I need this in my life. I‘ll have to look for it. 7y
Coco @TheBookAddict it‘s super cute!!!! 7y
Knightingale Stupid stupid rat creatures! 7y
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brilliantglow Oh I just read the complete edition last month! Absolutely loved it. So good 7y
Airykah13 Lolol, “go do the dishes!”😂😂 7y
Nitpickyabouttrains @Coco so glad you are enjoying! 7y
kyraleseberg My hubby introduced me to this series last year! Love this panel, too funny! 😂 7y
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The Young Queens | Kendare Blake
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Finished this short prequel around the Three Dark Crown series. I loved how it cleared up a lingering question regarding Katharine‘s gifts in the opening pages! Overall the story was insightful tho it left me wanting much more!

Coco @ReadingsByTheC I finished! I found myself surprised at liking Natalia more! 7y
ReadingsByTheC @Coco Me too. I can only imagine what would have happened to Kat if she hadn't been around. What did you think about Madrigal? 7y
Coco Madrigal opened up a whole slew of new questions. I didn‘t realize she was gone to the mainland for that long. Had they mentioned that in the other books? I liked her a little in book 1&2 bc she seemed so keen on helping Arsinoe but she seems malicious now! And poor Caragh 😩 @ReadingsByTheC (edited) 7y
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EchoLogical @coco @ReadingsByTheC I just finished and I‘m devastated all over again. I definitely like Mirabella a lot more but I‘m still #TeamKatharine 😭 7y
ReadingsByTheC @EchoLogical @Coco Yes, Katharine definitely has gotten the short end of the stick all around. I just want her to have some happiness, poor thing. Maybe we can all do a buddy read when the 3rd book comes out in the fall. 😊 7y
EchoLogical @ReadingsByTheC I‘m in! I‘m not the best buddy reader though because I get ahead of myself and finish before schedule if the book‘s really good. 😅 7y
ReadingsByTheC @EchoLogical I totally know what you mean. 😅 7y
Coco Katharine‘s story is so much sadder knowing that she was never meant to be with the cruel poisoners 😩!! I‘m definitely down for a buddy read!!!! @ReadingsByTheC @EchoLogical !! 7y
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Milk & Honey still takes the lead in my heart but I still very much enjoyed Rupis latest work! This poem made me think of Litsy 😍 #bookreview #poetry

WarpedSweetness I loved Milk and Honey. Now I am really looking forward to this book. 7y
Jennick2004 That illustration is amazing!! 7y
blondie I needed this tonight. Thank you 🖤 7y
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Coco @blondie So welcome dear!!! 💛 7y
bookcaterpillar_89 Love this 💙 7y
vividandromeda I love Rupi's work, this is wonderful! 7y
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Cats | Michaela Miller
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Can you spy my book?! #catproblems #catsandbooks #bookmark ? Cuddles are hard to turn down 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anitareads ha ha, my cat is also like this 😻 7y
Louise Our pets are always helpfully reminding us of our priorities! ❤️🐾 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
MinDea I call that a #Caterruption! 😹😹😹😹 7y
Coco @MinDea hahahaha!!!!!!! That‘s a good one!! 7y
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Home page 68 #rawbeauty #beautifullywritten #poetry. (I made my hubs mad by reading him some before prepping him on Rupi Kaur‘s style, lol whoops. He doesn‘t like sad topics). Ahh but this one was so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

whatsthEStorey I finally got this from the library and I am soooo excited to read it! 7y
Coco @whatsthEStorey mine is due back in two days 😩 and I‘m not ready to part from it! Enjoy it!!! Tag me in ur favorite 😍 7y
whatsthEStorey Oh nooo! I have a feeling this is one I'll have to own. I will! 😉 7y
Coco Yes!! @whatsthEStorey!!! This & Milk & Honey are at the TOP of my wishlist to buy 😍🙌. (Ps the audio version of milk & honey is read by Rupi Kaur 👌) 7y
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This Is Where It Ends | Marieke Nijkamp
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Wow. You all were right, I did finish this book the same day I started it! Extremely well written and unpredictable, my heart aches for all the losses the characters endured. This is one of those stories that stay with you for a while. #bookreview #toughtopicstoread #worthit #quickread

Coco @FashionableObserver I finished! Such a rollercoaster read! Tomas by far captured my heart ❤️❤️ 7y
Coco @vkois88 I‘ve finished!! If this books on ur TBR pile I highly recommend it for a day where u can set aside time bc you will want to read it Cover to cover! It‘s a hard subject to read, so also pick a time that‘s the right mood for yourself and tag me when u finish it bc id like to know ur thoughts too! ❤️ 7y
Coco @Zelma I definitely support ur notion to be in the right mindset prior to reading this! Such a hard, but worthy story! Let me know when u get around to reading it yourself ❤️ 7y
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ReadingsByTheC I've had this on my Kindle forever. Sounds like I definitely need to move it up on the TBR list. 7y
Coco @ReadingsByTheC yes it‘s a good one! Especially if you‘re ready for a binge read lol!!! Let me know ur thoughts when u finish it!! I‘m resuming The Young Queens tonight after work 😍 7y
ReadingsByTheC Cool! Looking forward to your thoughts. 😊 7y
mrozzz I‘m desperate to read this one!! 7y
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This Is Where It Ends | Marieke Nijkamp
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One up side to having to flu...is that I‘m definitely getting ahead on my 2018 reading challenge! 3 📚 finished!! 😷🤒 Starting this book today, any of my Litten friends read it?

PenguinInFlight Feel better soon! ❤️❤️I had the flu earlier this winter, and I wouldn‘t wish it on anyone. It‘s so bad this year. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Sorry your not feeling well, get better soon ❤️ 7y
vkois88 This is on my TBR! Can't wait to find out your thoughts 7y
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Jen_Reads I read this book in a day! Feel better! 7y
ghosthost Feel better soon! 💜 I read that one. 7y
Coco @PenguinInFlight @ForeverNerdy @Jen_Reads @ghosthost Thank you all so much!!! ❤️ each day and each book helps me feel a bit better. Naps are also good lol! 7y
Zelma This one is on my TBR but I am waiting for the right mental space for it. Hope you feel better soon! 7y
Coco Thank you @Zelma !! 7y
Kappadeemom It just came in for me at the library :) 7y
Reviewsbylola Oh no, feel better but keep up that reading! 7y
Coco Thank you @Reviewsbylola! I am feeling much better!!! 7y
Coco @Kappadeemom let me know what you think of the book as I read it!! I finished it last night and my review is on another post! 7y
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Traitor to the Throne | Alwyn Hamilton
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As w/ most series, Book1 was more favored in my opinion. The meat of this book took me a while to get thru &picked up towards the end. I loved Jin &Amani‘s relationship in Rebel of the Sands, but Traitor to the Throne left me wanting. I will say the ending was a shocker & left me💔! I think the last few chapters were the best of the entire book. Which leaves me hopeful that Book3 will be better. Who else has read this series? Thoughts? #bookreview

MarriedtoMrT I loved book one and own book two but I‘m waiting to read it until the third book is out. I‘m always worried about series where I had such strong feelings for the first book. I don‘t want to ruin them with crappy follow ups. 7y
Coco A few more thoughts I had... Hala is now a new favorite character of mine & absolutely loved how her and Amani are bonding & interested to see her take revenge for Imin, bc u know she will!! Also I kinda wish that Rahim & Amani would have bonded a bit more during her time in the harem to create a bit of a love triangle and friction. I just feel like her and Jins relationship is unfulfilling currently 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
Coco @MarriedtoMrT I think waiting for the 3rd installment would be a good idea bc now I‘m itching to know what happens next!! I feel like Book2s always struggle the most in every series, but I haven‘t lost hope in Book 3! (PS don‘t read my spoiler comment above lol) 7y
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The Smell of Other People's Houses | Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
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I listened to the audio version of this book and really enjoyed the full cast of narrators. I typically don't enjoy books with so many different perspectives and ones that lack a central climax, but this book surprised me! It takes place in 1970s Alaska, and tells the stories of local youth and their lives. Overall I found it to be a refreshing read. #historicalfiction #prettycovers #winterreads #audiobook

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The Young Queens | Kendare Blake
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Happy new year littens! My little family brought in 2018 at Disney world and I got to spend reading time while waiting in line woohoo! Here‘s to a new year of books and family time! Stay safe everyone!

Texreader Happy New Year! 🎆🎊🎈 7y
Coco Happy new year @Texreader !! 7y
Texreader @Coco Have a ton of fun!!! 7y
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Scurvygirl Happy New Year!! 7y
Coco Happy new year @Scurvygirl ! 7y
JessClark78 Happy New Year! 7y
Coco Happy new year @JessClark78 ! 7y
kspenmoll What fun! Happy New Year! 7y
Coco Happy new year @kspenmoll ! 7y
Jas16 Happy New Year 🎉🍾 7y
GripLitGrl Happy new year!!!🎊🎈🎆 7y
Bookzombie Happy New Years!!! 🎆🎉⭐️ 7y
AmyG Happy New Year 🎊🎈🎆 7y
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Playing Cupid | Jenny Meyerhoff
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So excited for this new Litsy Gift Exchange!!! Just signed up! I joined the #secretsantagoespostal & it was so much fun! Here‘s the link for anyone else who wants to join the fun! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwY4-r3pNzuCpAQ8luzQHPJQ02in0H3-TdV5e1... #cupidgoespostal #valentinesbookexchange

Avanders Thanks for reposting! 💖 7y
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Current #TBR pile!! Three I‘ve started and two I hope to start with the new year!! All Family visiting have left, house is clean, laundry done... now time for a #readathon #booksallday #bingeread

amvs1111 I want to read this this year! 7y
starlight97 You'll definitely love The Sun And Her Flowers, it's beautiful 😍 7y
bookcyns I‘ve been debating whether or not I should read The Girl Who Drank The Moon, is it any good? 7y
Coco @arcyn97 I‘m really enjoying it! I find the authors writing lovely & descriptive! My son and I read each night at bedtime and this is our current book so I‘m going slower than usual to finish it. I think the story has a bit too much depth for him so he hasn‘t quite gotten into it.. But I really like it so far!! About 1/2 way in! 7y
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Been MIA on here bc of the holidays and family festivities! Merry late Christmas to all you littens! Hope your day was awesome and everyone found time for reading!! Im looking forward to the weekend bc my last round of holiday obligations will be over and I can binge read!!!! 😍🙌 @Nitpickyabouttrains my kiddo took over my necklace to meet the big man!! ❤️ thanks again for the #secretsantagoespostal

Nitpickyabouttrains I‘m glad it got some good use! 7y
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A Little Book of Christmas | John Kendrick Bangs
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I read this through the #serialreader app for some holiday cheer. Loved the short stories and poems, but the story of the 7 Santas was my absolute favorite!!! 😍❤️ #winterreads #christmasbooks #holidaycheer

aprilpohren I had never heard of #serialreader before! Just checked it out and downloaded! 7y
Coco @aprilpohren Yay!!! It‘s an awesome way to read some classics and other fun stuff!!! Enjoy!!!!! 7y
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