May 2021 - rereading and skipping the porny bits - weird when the story changes when your story has changed too
May 2021 - rereading and skipping the porny bits - weird when the story changes when your story has changed too
As always I enjoyed another one of Anita Blake novels. It's not a masterpiece but for some reason this series has been a relaxing and go-to read whenever I was in a mood for something light. In this installment, Anita finally starts accepting who she is and grows as a character (in the previous books she could be pretty annoying sometimes).
“I‘m not the police, Van Anders, I‘m the executioner.” 🗡🗡🗡🗡 Plot wise this was a little on the weak side compared to earlier books but I enjoyed it. #urbanfantasy
I'm so comfortably attached to these characters, it's like coming home every time I read an Anita Blake novel.
Jean-Claude will forever be one of my greatest loves (I know he's a fictional character, shut up), but Asher has a fabulous yet tragic role here. And my dear Jason. I'm realizing we have much in common (you know, just not the werewolf part, or being a vampire's pomme de sang part).
I still love this series; I don't think I'll ever stop.