Now reading...
This was really really good. Two thumbs up. Can‘t wait to read the next one!
This was...not amazing. The ending was extremely lazy and a huge let down. There were lots of long descriptions (2-3 pages each) of landscapes and stuff that didn‘t matter. 2.5 stars.
This was okay. Snow still sucks and I hate him deeply. Also, this book was unnecessarily long. Could have easily been 100 pages shorter.
Returning to Panem...
This was good. The big twist at the end...up to that point, I would have given this book 4 stars. The twist felt lazy to me. I‘d still recommend it this book because it was very engrossing.
I‘ve read all three books by this author duo and I think this is my favorite one. Really great pacing and a twist I didn‘t see coming. Recommend.
Now reading...
I read this entire book last night and finished the trilogy. Three stars for this book and I recommend the trilogy. These books read really quickly. Took me about 3 hours to read this one.
This was super effed up and really really good. Recommend.
Just started this and am on page 70. So far, it‘s pretty good. #NowReading
These books read so quickly. Really good read. Can‘t wait to finish the trilogy.
This read super quickly. Engaging little story. Started a bit tough but got better. I will definitely read the next book in this trilogy.
This was not good. First miss for me with Jewell. This was long and boring and the ending was super weak. Do not recommend.
This was more like a 3.5. Good but not as good as “The Broken Girls.”
Now what to read...🤔
This was mentioned in a podcast I was listening to so I decided to read it.
So...this could have been 4 stars but I struggled with Gwen. I didn‘t particularly like her and at times she bugged the crap outta me. It was a good story, though. I‘d recommend other things over this but there are also way less entertaining books out there.
This was so great! This is only my second Lisa Jewell book and I am really digging her storytelling!
Now reading...
P.S. Target ruins everything with these stickers!!!
This book was recommended over and over again. Everyone said it was amazing. I don‘t really get it. I found the main character to be annoying so maybe that was part of my issue. I don‘t know. But I can honestly say I wouldn‘t recommend this book.
In the mood for a page turner, so I‘m starting this.
This was quite the page turner! It was dark, and twisted, and kinda messed up. So naturally, I highly recommend it.
This book wasn‘t for me. I don‘t know if I read it too close to Starless Sea and that‘s why I didn‘t care for it (they‘re very similar in a few ways) or what. But I was bored for most of it and I am glad to be finished.
Up next...
How beautiful is this cover???
This was so so so so good! I read the entire book in less than 24 hours. I could not put it down. I‘m on my way to investigate other titles by this author. Recommend!
I got this beautiful book cozy/sleeve on Etsy and I just had to share. I carry the book I‘m currently reading back and forth to work. Sometimes the corners get bent or the cover gets damaged. This beautiful cover will help prevent that. The shop is called Fabric Bound, if anyone is interested!
Last book of 2019. Finished with a couple hours to spare (west coast time zone, for the win!).
This was an enjoyable read. Nothing earth shattering and I would probably recommend other things over it. But it was a quick read and I enjoyed it.
I don‘t know what this was. It kind of defies description. The best I can do is say that it‘s an adult version of Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed it and would have given it 4 stars but I am left with such an unsatisfied feeling and so many questions that I knocked it down to 3 stars. I am glad that I read it. Very very imaginative.
People keep saying this is better than The Night Circus. I find that hard to believe. The Night Circus is one of my most favorite books. We shall see. Starting this now.
This was really good. It doesn‘t deserve the Gone Girl comparison, but it was worth the read.
A re-imagined fairy tale or a well known story told from a different character viewpoint, are some@of my favorite things to read. I saw this immediately after seeing Frozen 2, so I snatched it up. Starting it now while I‘m sick in bed.
Truly an excellent sequel. I hugged this book when I was finished. Margaret Atwood is a legend. A+.
Possibly better than the first time I read it. Now, onto the sequel.
Putting a pin in the other book I‘m reading for now. The release of the sequel to “The Handmaid‘s Tale” snuck up on me. I wanted to do a re-read (I never re-read books but I read this when I was 14. I need a refresher) before I start “The Testaments.” About to get my Gilead on.
Side Note: this book had quite the reading and feminist impact on me. It made dystopian novels my favorite and it made me wanna fight like hell to not end up in a Gilead.