Another gem from Langston Hughes
Another gem from Langston Hughes
A celebration of mermaids, wildernesses of waves, and the creatures of the deep!
#sailsway #windsofmarch
This was a really fun example of poetry because the rhyming had great rhythm and flowed easily. Also, the images really extended the fantasy elements of these poems.
I would use this in my classroom because the images are bright and engaging, and children would really like the whimsical creatures and imagination the poems draw out.
I would use this in my classroom because the children would like the fantasy elements in it and the images are very engaging.
This poetry collection was very enjoyable to read. The collection will have the readers emotionally attached and engaged. The rhythm is good throughout the poems.
The art style in this book is much different from other poetry books which adds to its uniqueness.
Sail Away is full of inforrmative and fun poems. The poem i chose was Seascape. This poem was short and because of the length it was not able to gather a solid rhythm to it.
A specific poem I read from the book used a lot of reputation by starting each line with “I love..”. It also uses imageries such as sight and touch which enhance the poems for the children.
I would use this book in my classroom if we were talking about the ocean or about water since most of the poems involve water. Each poem will require the children to do some thinking. The illustrations are also nicely drawn and colorful.
“I love the rain drops falling in my roof-top in the night; I love the soft winds sighing, before the dawns gray light”
“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.”
This book was so interesting I really enjoyed this story. The illustrations were beautiful and it was a nice representation of culture.
Sail Away by Langston Hughes is a collection of poems. It was written in 1994. I feel like even though this was a collection of poems they all related to each other to make a coherent story. The word choice was beautiful and the rhythm was so nice everything flowed so well. I also really enjoyed the illustrations
I think children would love having access to this book in their classroom. The color schemes would draw their attention and the stanzas are easy to follow.
Sail Away published in 1994 by Langston Hughes tells a story through a collection of poems. It takes place mostly on the water and has beautiful illustrations to add to it.
(2015) This is a collection of poems surrounding sailing, rivers, water in general, and other outdoor objects/events. These poems would be especially popular in my current CDC classroom because they‘re super interested in everything outdoors/nature themed. One of the poems, called “F” about a fish rhymed the whole last paraphrase. In other poems, the author didn‘t use any rhyming like in “April Rain Song” but instead repeated the word rain often.
This book would be used i my classroom only if we were talking about the ocean since all of the poems are revolved around water. The poems are very deep and require some thinking, more than most other children poems. Nevertheless, the illustrations are really well drawn out and a good visual.
I read the poem “Moonlight Night: Caramel“. This poem did't have a set rhyme, but it did have rhythm. This was a free verse poem because it had rhythm, but didn't follow a set order. There is use of personification in this poem as the waves are described to be beating and kissing the earth around it.