Kimi ni Todoke, volume 30 (end)
30 volumes!!! Wow! This has gotta be one of the longest shoujo series I‘ve collected. And you know what? It‘s worth it. So much character growth. It‘s wonderful. Good stuff. ❤️
#kiminotodoke #manga #shoujo
Kimi ni Todoke, volume 30 (end)
30 volumes!!! Wow! This has gotta be one of the longest shoujo series I‘ve collected. And you know what? It‘s worth it. So much character growth. It‘s wonderful. Good stuff. ❤️
#kiminotodoke #manga #shoujo
Kimi ni Todoke volume 28
I felt good after reading this volume. Things are falling into place for the characters, and I can sorta tell how this series is gonna end (only 1 volume remaining 😆). We shall see ❤️
#kiminitodoke #manga #shoujo
I keep bringing my books downstairs to read. And now there‘s a mini TBR pile downstairs 😆 And yes, I have a pile in the bathroom too 😆😆😆 TMI, I know 😆
Kimi ni Todoke vol 27
About: slice of life; quiet girl meets popular guy and they develop feelings for each other ❤️ An adorable shoujo series.
Both Kazehaya and Sawako have decided on their futures after graduation. And Ayane‘s feelings for Pin has been discovered by her friends. And only a few more volumes left before this series concludes 😣😭 Sad 😢I like this series ❤️
#kiminitodoke #manga #shoujo #litsypartyofone
@Marmie7 your package is on the way! #bibliophilebookexchange
I just finished the most recent volumes of this #manga series. It's taken me over a year to catch up due to all my grad school classes. This is so bittersweet. All the characters are getting ready to graduate high school & move onto college or jobs. Likewise, I'll be moving soon to begin my own job. I'll definitely miss the friend who has lent me all her volumes so far. If not for her, I may have never picked up this series. How oddly fitting. 😢
I'm definitely enjoying this new set-up for my manga shelves. I've managed to clear up so much more space! Does that mean I can buy more manga to fill the gaps? 😹
#manga #shojo #kiminotodoke #legendofzelda #japanese #lamentofthelamb #shelfie #litsygram
Kimi ni Todoke vol 26
I can feel the ending coming soon...One by one, characters are either making peace with themselves or others - which is good, but I'm starting to feel nervous? Sad? Excited?
We shall see 😆😉
#manga #kiminitodoke
I have absolutely loved this romantic #manga series! The relationships are sweet and focused on navigating emotions rather than sex. At this point in the series, the cast is in their final year of high school and having to make tough decisions about their futures, a relatable topic no matter a reader's culture. Sadly, the series will end soon, and I'm just not ready to say goodbye! #2017Book25 #romance #valentinesday #teaandbooks