Kimi ni Todoke volume 28
I felt good after reading this volume. Things are falling into place for the characters, and I can sorta tell how this series is gonna end (only 1 volume remaining 😆). We shall see ❤️
#kiminitodoke #manga #shoujo
Kimi ni Todoke volume 28
I felt good after reading this volume. Things are falling into place for the characters, and I can sorta tell how this series is gonna end (only 1 volume remaining 😆). We shall see ❤️
#kiminitodoke #manga #shoujo
Kimi ni Todoke vol 27
About: slice of life; quiet girl meets popular guy and they develop feelings for each other ❤️ An adorable shoujo series.
Both Kazehaya and Sawako have decided on their futures after graduation. And Ayane‘s feelings for Pin has been discovered by her friends. And only a few more volumes left before this series concludes 😣😭 Sad 😢I like this series ❤️
#kiminitodoke #manga #shoujo #litsypartyofone
Kimi ni Todoke vol 26
I can feel the ending coming soon...One by one, characters are either making peace with themselves or others - which is good, but I'm starting to feel nervous? Sad? Excited?
We shall see 😆😉
#manga #kiminitodoke