“Rant a bit, rail a bit, pray a lot- that‘s who you are.” Some great lines in this book!
“Rant a bit, rail a bit, pray a lot- that‘s who you are.” Some great lines in this book!
On Wings of Devotion by #RoseannaMWhite is a superb #HistoricalRomance that I highly recommend. Check out my thoughts and then purchase a copy of this beautiful novel for yourself! #ILoveThisBook #TheCodebreakers #WWI #thegreatwar
Everyone in England believes that Phillip Camden is a monster, a man who deliberately caused the death of his squadron. Nurse Arabelle Denter watches the man who was dubbed as “Black Heart” every day, she sees a far different side of him, a man who is hurting and desperate for Mercy. When their paths twist together and he declares himself her new protector, she realizes she has her own role to play in his healing.
The next in Roseanna M. White The Codebreakers series, “On Wings of Devotion” focuses on Major Camden‘s story answering all the questions in “The Number of Love”. Nurse Arabella finds her life colliding with Cam‘s and soon he decides he has to be her protector, whether she wants it or not. Seeing the struggle Cam is battling after the death of his squadron, Ara determines to show him God‘s love and help him through the pain...[read more]
Who else is looking forward to this release? And it's available for pre-order right now! So hop on over to your favorite bookstore, be it online or on the street, and get your copy sorted!
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