Dancing dinosaurs and a brochure from one of my favorite places, the Cabazon #Dinosaur Park. #ItsASmallWorld
Dancing dinosaurs and a brochure from one of my favorite places, the Cabazon #Dinosaur Park. #ItsASmallWorld
The Pit Dragon trilogy by Jane Yolen is more sci-fi than I am used to as a fantasy reader but this is where my dragon love began years ago. Yolen creates amazing characters in an interesting other planet setting with fascinating dragon/magical systems and tackles social & political issues along the way. The story begins with a slave boy and his dragon and ends with a world at stake.
It's awesome stuff🐉
#herebedragons #photoadaynov16
Love this! This is certainly what happened to me 😁 #childhoodlove #kidslovereading #textuallytransmitteddisease