This was NOT my #FirstTime finding some really great reads at my local thrift shop.
I cannot disclose the location. 😉
This was NOT my #FirstTime finding some really great reads at my local thrift shop.
I cannot disclose the location. 😉
#day10 #backtoreading My two little old men are the best #readingbuddies a girl could want.... at 11 and 12 yrs old they spend a lot of time snuggling and snoozing... (see Right) but a ball is never far from hand... (see Left) ..... which occasionally does get in the way of reading ... but who could resist those faces? 💕
'The Old Boys' was William Trevor's debut novel, published way back in 1964. Wow. Short, pungent, sad, hilarious. Trigger warning: cat lovers be warned. A cat meets a gruesome end in this book. You may be shocked. You may be delighted. I confess: I laughed. Superb one-sitting book!