Stopped at a second Dollar Tree and got these
Stopped at a second Dollar Tree and got these
⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 sweet and easy read. An essay and a bunch of quotes by Fred Rogers. A good book for parents, caregivers and anyone who needs reminders of who children really are!
Originally published in 1994 as You Are Special: Words of Wisdom for All Ages From A Beloved Neighbor, this book includes the 1998 essay by Tom Junod that inspired the recent film. But it still has all the wisdom!
« If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There‘s something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person. »
1. Yes it‘s all about the cover
2. Tagged
3. Local news
4. I abuse the snooze button lol
5. @ReadingMermaid @TheBookDream thank you @BookNAround for the tag
This book was so enjoyable to read. I grew up on the tale end of his show. I was about 6 years old when the show ended. Mister Rogers Neighbored meant everything to me as a child, and I attribute a lot of who I am from Fred Rogers in tangent with my mom, of course. Being able to go back as an adult and read some of what he said bring tears to my eyes. I can‘t begin how much his words mean to me. #RogersNeighborhood
There‘s an old Italian proverb; Chi andapiano, anda sano, ando lontano. That means: The person who goes quietly goes with health and goes far. Hurrying up and using a lot of shortcuts doesn‘t get us very far at all.
I wonder all the time; will my teaching make an impact? Will I make a difference? I try my best to think that I do, actually, make a difference. Besides that one child who says I “ride the bus” everyday. Besides the child who fights his dad as they‘re leaving so that he stays to hold the door open for me. Either way, I enjoy what I do in that day care more then anything. #RogersNeighborhood
As someone who works in a daycare, in the toddler classroom, I don‘t know where to begin with how true this is. I‘m with these children for the whole work day. You really get a new sense in how to notice subtle changes in behavior. This skill helps a bit with adults too. #RogersNeighborhood
“Trees aren‘t blue!” This strikes deep as someone who teaches really little children. Sometimes I worry about the school district telling children that exact thing. This chapter on creativity is really deep, for more then my teacher mind. But also my adult mind thinking back to all those times I stopped drawing because “it doesn‘t really look like that!” Children really do care and look up to adults opinions. #RogersNeighborhood
Being perfectly human means having imperfections. All the same, most of us strive mightily to be perfectly lovable in the eyes of those we love. What those eyes tell us while we are infants are the most important messages we get about the values of being who we are. #RogersNeighborhood
Little by little we human beings are confronted with situations to give us more and more clothes though we aren‘t perfect. #RogersNeighborhood
The way you would draw a tree is different from the way anyone else would draw a tree -and that‘s the way it‘s supposed to be. #RogersNeighborhood
“Isn‘t it amazing how much we bring of who we‘ve been to whatever we do today?”