I needed a little giggle this morning and this was just the ticket!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️📖I‘ve owned this book for years. It‘s super short but I‘m just getting around to actually reading it after doing a bit of weeding. One of my favorite wrong answers. ☝🏾
My exams are coming up!
*Starts crying*
Going to be inactive for a while. Will miss all the listy folks!
This book is hysterical! The answers that these kids come up with are spectacular. They should get A's just for creativity! 😂
Friends buy you books you know you want. Best friends buy you books you never new you needed, but that you can't live without! @Sbyars
As a teacher, you can't live without this book!!! It will keep you sane and remind you that it really isn't just your students!
Forget Family Board Game Night, just gather round and laugh your bums off to this —that's what we did and it was freaking hilarious! #FunFridayPhoto @Liberty