Final push on this tonight. Kinda sad that in an hour or so I'll be done. 😔
Definitely enjoyed this 2nd book. Will be giving it 5 stars. So glad that I fought through the difficult beginning bits of book 1 and discovered how great this series is. 👍
Final push on this tonight. Kinda sad that in an hour or so I'll be done. 😔
Definitely enjoyed this 2nd book. Will be giving it 5 stars. So glad that I fought through the difficult beginning bits of book 1 and discovered how great this series is. 👍
"It remains the most spectacular argument against marriage I've ever heard..."
This is why I'm single.
I love scrambled eggs too much. ???
Store bought brownies in bed...cuz I'm an adult God damn it and I do what I want! 🥳
Two-bite brownies. Tuuuh.
More like 1-bite nomnomnom hey where'd they all go... 😜🤷🏼♂️
People that don't read in bed before going to sleep are weird. 😜
Left the house early so I could pick up my copy of this today & spend some time in a coffee shop reading before I had to go in to work.
I reeeeeeeally liked A Plague of Giants and have been so excited for this 2nd book. I'm so friggen happy to finally be in its pages! 🥰