A few favorites in the text only covers category. (Ok, ok, there's a microphone in the corner of the Wise book, but close enough.)
#booktober #textonlycovers
A few favorites in the text only covers category. (Ok, ok, there's a microphone in the corner of the Wise book, but close enough.)
#booktober #textonlycovers
"...the problem of racism is not to be found at the extremes....The problem is the everyday discrimination, inequity, and mainstream silence about these things by folks who pretend to care about racism..."
"indeed, there has been a history of such misconduct on the part of law enforcement and for black folks to think those bad old days have ended is, for many, to let down their guard to the possibility of real and persistent injury." These words were written in 2006. Still timely.
"The substantive fact of white racial power and privilege remains real enough to suggest that at many levels the nation's culture, politics, and many of its people are still committed to the maintenance of racial inequality. So, to speak against such forces is commit treason..." --written in 2008