Day 10 - #Strength #SoulSeptember
#StrengthsBasedLeadership #TomRath
From the author of the long-running #1 bestseller StrengthsFinder 2.0 comes a landmark study of great leaders, teams and the reasons why people follow.
Day 10 - #Strength #SoulSeptember
#StrengthsBasedLeadership #TomRath
From the author of the long-running #1 bestseller StrengthsFinder 2.0 comes a landmark study of great leaders, teams and the reasons why people follow.
My boss gave me this book to read to help me improve in my leadership role. Great book for learning about yourself. The assessment portion was very interesting. It was based on decades of research, and after taking, it feels like it really got me. It will be so valuable to understand myself better and how I can succeed and help others around me do the same. Inspirational stories about great leaders across a variety of sectors.
Only thing own that is even close to being about #selfimprovement. I received this at a management training at work a couple of years ago and have never read it. #riotgrams
#funfridayphoto This is the closest book to hand. Maybe I can teach the aliens to play to their strengths?
Achiever - Analytical - Activator - Individualizer - Learner
Isn't it creepy when a book can pinpoint your personality traits after just a simple quiz? A little too spot on for comfort...
So excited to grow as a leader in my school!