This was another heart melting scene. Just everything between Moon and Shade is so weighty but they have this amazing understanding. I love every quiet moment we see between them.
This was another heart melting scene. Just everything between Moon and Shade is so weighty but they have this amazing understanding. I love every quiet moment we see between them.
Sorry I had to make the quote so small to fit it, but I really wanted to include this whole scene. Pearl's a cranky pain in the ass but she genuinely loves her court and her court loves her. Just the gentle understanding Heart shows of how Pearl reacts to things she doesn't like (which, admittedly, is practically everything) is so good, and displayed so well in this scene. It had me melting and laughing in equal measure.
I love these two taking time out of their confrontation with the random bruiser to bicker with each other.
I bought this book when it came out and then put off reading it for ages because I was sad it was the last book. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who does stuff like that...)
But it is so good. Loved this installment to the series. I'm still sad it's the last book, and still hopeful Wells will come back to this world. There's so many more stories I would love to see! Now I want to reread the series (starts with The Cloud Roads) ❤️
Sometimes, #fanfiction is my very favorite thing. (Fan continuation of above novel; spoilers for above novel.)
I started The Harbours of the Sun for my first read of 2019. Loving being back with Moon and the rest of the Raksura. I'm already feeling a reread of all the books sometime soon(ish).
And starting #Genji for the chapter a day buddy read. Still on the intro.
So my (accidentally colour coordinated) evening is getting the year off to a great start! Not thinking too hard about having to go back to work tomorrow, just enjoying this time now.
If you want to read a book dealing with current political events, do not read this book. If you need to escape in a fantastical world of filled with people of different races trying understand each other and fight together to prevent the destruction of all while wishing you had wings, read this book. Also, Stone is my current literary boyfriend.
Bookmail! 😍
Bittersweet though, on the one hand yay new Raksura book!! On the other hand, last Raksura book... I really hope Wells will write more in this world in the future.
He's dreaming of catching Raksura! (we won't tell him they're a lot bigger than the picture!)
Martha Wells is one of my absolute favorite authors. I reread this series frequently, and this latest is another treasure--loved seeing Pearl and Malachite relate to each other!