I couldn‘t resist my Rachel Reid Reread a moment longer. A spot of bedtime reading took me 40% into COMMON GOAL, and I‘m bummed I can‘t just gulp down the rest this very moment.
I couldn‘t resist my Rachel Reid Reread a moment longer. A spot of bedtime reading took me 40% into COMMON GOAL, and I‘m bummed I can‘t just gulp down the rest this very moment.
September stats! I got some of my comics-reading mojo back, thanks to a partial SKIP BEAT! reread and an exciting new-to-me series (Fumi Yoshinaga‘s ŌOKU). Yay!
I‘m happy I finally had some 5-star reads, too. COMMON GOAL by Rachel Reid and SPACE OPERA by Catherynne M. Valente were my first since June, and they were a mighty good way to break the drought.
I've been on a #romantsy kick the last few days, starting with Rachel Reid's latest M/M hockey romance featuring some old friends from earlier books. Enough 🔥, ❣ and 🏒 to keep me happy.
COMMON GOAL is one of those books you only put down under duress and think about constantly while you‘re away from it. Rachel Reid delivers a slow burn romance packed with humour, complex emotional responses, realistic obstacles, strong friendships, and sports. The whole thing sparkles. My soul turns into a great big gush of exclamation points whenever I think back on it, like so: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 stars
I finally got to binge-read COMMON GOAL—while I ate dumplings, no less—but I forgot to recharge my ereader after breakfast and ended up playing battery chicken. 😱 Luckily, the dire warnings didn‘t come into play until about a minute after I finished, right as I went to take a picture of the cover to go with my forthcoming review.
The book was so good, y‘all. I love Rachel Reid.
I started COMMON GOAL before bed last night and didn‘t put it down until I was just shy of halfway through. It‘s exactly what I needed, and it‘s killing me I can‘t wallow in it all day.
Soon. Soon.
This one‘s a lot funnier than TOUGH GUY (not surprising, given the other book‘s accurate anxiety rep), and it really showcases Reid‘s talent for chemistry. She‘s so good at writing lovers and friends who CLICK. Yay!
I don‘t have a July spending log to share because I didn‘t buy anything! Hurray!
I did acquire four books in other ways, though. I promptly read last month‘s two freebies—SILVER IN THE WOOD and NEW YORK 2140—but I didn‘t get to ORACLE by Michelle West, which I got for my birthday, or COMMON GOAL by Rachel Reid, which I jumped on the second I saw it on NetGalley even though I‘ll try to keep it for a little closer to its September release date.