I snort-laughed... poor Miranda!
I don't usually read the more romantic novels, but this one had a 5/5 stars rating at my local library. I won't have book money for a while, so my library card will get some good use!
I needed a happy romance this week. #1 in a series and quite enjoyable. #christianfiction #romance
Hahaha this part is great! Oh and he deserved a punch in the nose. I promise. 😉
The temperature dropped about 30 degrees last night so this lunch has me sitting in front of a heater and starting a new book.
This was an adorable bit of fluff. I don't read historical romance often but maybe I should branch out more.
Very cute, innocent romance. Perfect fluff for in between more serious reads. Worth the read but I'm not sure I will continue the series - I like my romances considerably more 'trashy' than this ;)