It‘s a gorgeous day in Southern Ontario but I think my days of reading outside are numbered. 🍁
It‘s a gorgeous day in Southern Ontario but I think my days of reading outside are numbered. 🍁
There are no swamp things in this book, exactly, but it is a fictional account of Darwin‘s voyage to the Galápagos Islands. This made me think of all the “new” creatures that Darwin catalogued during his explorations.
I‘ve not yet read this book. This is Harry Thompson‘s first and only novel. It was published only a few months before his death at the age of 45.
This is a book I read a few years ago and really enjoyed. A fictional biography of Fitzroy, the captain of the Beagle during Darwin's famous voyage. The picture that Thompson paints is of a active, intelligent, active and moral officer, aware of his one weakness, a tendency towards depression.