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We Need to Do Something
We Need to Do Something | Max Booth III
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A family on the verge of self-destruction finds themselves isolated in their bathroom during a tornado warning. "Don't look now but Max Booth III is one of the best in horror, and he's only getting started." --Josh Malerman, author of BIRD BOX and MALORIE
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We Need to Do Something | Max Booth III

This book is fine. It kind of immediately got picked up and made into an (also meh fine) movie so you can really do either and call it a day. The movie is slightly more entertaining because the acting is interesting and there are moments that come off more rightfully funny onscreen than on the page. But to be honest, you‘re only in this book (or the movie version) for this ONE knock out horror moment. Just one. You‘ll know it when you get there.

We Need to Do Something | Max Booth III
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This novella seems like it‘s just going to be an intense family drama. But then, it flips a switch and the horror starts.

I didn‘t find this to be traditionally scary, but it hits all those feelings that feed into fear - anxiety, anger, paranoia, dread, desperation. This story is claustrophobic and TENSE! One of my big phobias pops up and it made me squirm while listening. 😂

The narrator was fantastic and I‘m excited for the upcoming movie!

vivastory The movie is fantastic 👏 3y
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We Need to Do Something | Max Booth III
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This novella is about a family of 4 who take shelter in a restroom in their home during a tornado. The parents are always fighting. The dad‘s a bigot and an alcoholic. It is a pressure cooker of a novella that takes place the whole time in the restroom where a fallen tree has trapped them and as the days go on, they realize no one is coming for them. I think Max Booth IIII has developed some real nice horror writing chops. A very unsettling pick!!

vivastory I recently picked this up on Kindle. Sounds fantastic. Loved Nightly Disease, 4y
Reggie @vivastory me too. I liked his other book also, Lunar Carnivorous Activities. I‘m actually reading his new book right now, Touch the Night, and it‘s making me nervous because he‘s writing a novel with all the MC‘s being Black. Just do it right. 🤞🏼 4y
vivastory I wasn't aware of his new book, I just looked it up & it sounds unfortunately topical. I'll be curious to see what your thoughts are. 4y
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Centique This sounds HORRIFYING. I know, I know, that‘s the point. (Hope the kids eat him) 4y
Reggie (The father and mother and fight until you find out they were gonna get a divorce. The little brother dies of a rattlesnake bite as the mother tells him of his birth while she holds him in the bathtub. And the daughter ends up stabbing the dad with broken glass. What you don‘t know is that the daughter did some satanic ritual with her depressive girlfriend and put them all into a limbo. It was rough, but well written and paced.) 4y
Reggie @Centique also there‘s a sentence in here that stuck with me. She has a laugh that makes water boil. What do you think? It doesn‘t sit well with me. 4y
Centique @Reggie I know what you mean. It sounds too extreme for laughter? When a visual image doesn‘t work it kind of throws you out of the story. PS the twist sounds pretty cool though. I‘m already gutted about the kid dying! 4y
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