Another picture book recommended for all early childhood classrooms.
Another picture book recommended for all early childhood classrooms.
What a perfect way to introduce names from other cultures! Using phonetics, with the meaning of the names listed at the back of the book, this narrative follows a young girl whose classmates and teacher cannot say her name. Her mother helps her learn to embrace her name, to think of her name (and other names) like a song. Absolutely beautiful! Letter Y for #PictureBook #BBRC This completes that section for me!
Nominated for the 2022 Washington Children's Choice Picture book award, I've been reading this to all my students this week. I pause to point out the mother's inspiration. Also at the paragraph about made up names. Our names are the first gift our parents give us. Some students are making personalized bookmarks for the youngest students who can't write yet. Some are working on name poems they will sing to our music teacher. #readoutloud #WCCPBA
#InspiredNewYear Day 20: Your name is a song and #Illustrious! I truly love how contemporary picturebooks as of recent are able to boldly and beautifully touch on these themes with a feather touch and such poetic grace – undergirding a fierceness that glow and burn. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-mVv
Easily one of the best picture books of 2020! The story is sweet and much needed, the style is great, and the illustrations are truly stunning. Highly recommended!
#DecemberSong Day 25: #HallelujahChorus reminded me of this picturebook brimming with positivity and yes a hallelujah too! Paired with husband‘s embutido and leche flan for Christmas!